Leaving Porn and Masturbation Day 6, Withdrawal Symptomps

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Differentlife779, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut


    I've started nofap 6 days ago and I've experienced really weird things I want you to share with. Everything were going fine until Day 6. Today I woke up and I think withdrawal symptoms started to bother me. So first once I woke up I had a very huge desire of watching Porn and masturbate but I tried to not do it at all cost. Once urge went away I started to have headache, mood swings etc. Now I feel like shit. I have weird feeling in my head like it's burning inside or something, I can't explain but just feeling that something is happening in my head. Since last 2 years I haven't made it to day 6. Last time I haven't watched Porn that long was 2 years ago on vacations but back then I didn't have these symptoms. So first thing I want to ask you is it normal or not? I can't even explain you feeling that came to my head (it's gone for now). I had mood swings, anxiety feeling, weird feeling in head for about 1-2 hours and it's gone for now. I also started too see things that I haven't seen before. I literally look like drug addict. Like somebody who uses crack or heroin. I'm pale I also have dark circles under the eyes. I don't know if porn is connected to this but I didn't look like this back in few years ago when I wasn't watching Porn. It's only day 6 and looks like it will be so hard to not relapse. I was hard user of porn sites. I was watching more stronger and stronger porn. For example I didn't even notice that watching necrophilia porn, rape porn, BDSM etc. isn't normal. And yea I'm not ashamed of sharing this information with you. I was watching literally everything you can imagine (except child porn). Zombie porn,aliens,cosplays,everything. And now I know how deep I'm in this shit. That deep, I experienced relapse symptomps on day 6 not sooner!

    Sorry if my English isn't good
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  2. Kung_fu_panda_

    Kung_fu_panda_ Fapstronaut

  3. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut

    I choose to be healthy without any addicts but it's easier to tell than do.
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  4. McCollins

    McCollins New Fapstronaut

    I understand you perfectly, I also look like a crack user, I asked for help in a thread but no one has helped me. Now that I read this I feel reflected, I have been reading on the internet and I think that this is all a dopamine disorder. Have you had digestive problems?
  5. ure0in

    ure0in Fapstronaut

  6. John Galt

    John Galt Fapstronaut

    Damn bro. Sounds heavy. Maybe take a minute and realize what PMO addiction had done to you. When you start feeling the desire, get angry! Fuck that urge, its tearing you apart. You're better than that. You're going to beat it. Praying for you.
  7. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut

    Damn I forgot about this forum because I relapsed. No I don't have any problems like that. Maybe I had but in past when I have digestive problems I drink camomile and it gets back to normal. But I haven't experienced digestive problems longer than one day.
  8. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed day later because I had high heartrate like over 100 bpm when I relapsed it came back to normal. I'm trying again
  9. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut

    and if I didn't mention I have tinnitus my hypothesis is that it's because of brain damage but who knows. I got it in my left ear.
  10. Differentlife779

    Differentlife779 Fapstronaut

    Dude I was that addicted even I wanted more porn than my gf.