Yep I'm addicted

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Suchodolsky, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. Suchodolsky

    Suchodolsky Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    23y old male here
    I just realized that I have porn addiction. That's why I joined this forum.
    It started watching porn at 12 when i found TV channel with naked women :/
    It quickly became my daily routine. I grew up in strict religious family, where we didn't talk about anything connected with sexuality and I was taught that masturbation is a big sin, not to mention pre-marital sex. It only made me feel more ashamed.
    I strarted with some "vanilla porn" or softcore but later I was gradually watching more and more extreme porn. I'm 100% heterosexual male, and I have sometimes masturbated to gay, incest, trans, animal, scat porn - things that would never made me sexually aroused in real life, but when you jerk off few times a day, "normal" porn quickly become not enough.
    Sometimes I watch porn just to watch plot :/ its fucked up
    I'm also dealing with depression. I kept telling myself that there is no connection between my porn habit and depression but now I see how it's affecting my life.

    I'm happy that there is a supportive community here!
    If you have some tips that may be helpfull for quitting porn please tell me:)
    pmg, Toni7 and (deleted member) like this.
  2. fiaklu

    fiaklu Fapstronaut

    This may sound like too simple of an answer but: to succeed at anything that requires a commitment to a certain path, the very first thing you need to do is decide that you're going to do it. Really make a decision to succeed. Already have it set in your heart that you will accomplish this goal. Be ready for the temptations, and decide how you're going to deal with them before they happen.

    That way, if a new temptation pops up you have already decided in advance not to act on it, so you can just dismiss it. You don't have to sit there and wonder if you're going to give in. You've already decided that you're not.

    I hope that helps. I know it has worked for me in the past. Whenever I fail, it's usually because I didn't sit myself down beforehand, and make a decision on how I'm going to handle the urges.
    Suchodolsky and Toni7 like this.
  3. fiaklu, what the hell? I messaged you this exact post, and you copied and pasted it here as your own. I don't mind, but give me some credit, dude. Don't just pass it off as your own.
    Suchodolsky likes this.
  4. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    I read that the more aroused we get, the less disgust we feel (I read this here - see paragraph on "the gross-out theory"), which can drive us to seek arousal in places we normally wouldn't. I've not masturbated to those particular things, but in really heightened states of arousal I've crossed boundaries I'm not proud of. You are not alone.

    Accepting you have a problem is the first step, so well done. It's a long journey with ups and downs and you can feel discouraged from time to time but hang in there and keep checking in on this site. When you get knocked down keep getting up again, even if it happens multiple times a day. Good luck!
    Suchodolsky likes this.
  5. Welcome to the community. :)
    I don't have any specific tips. Just the usual.
    • Make better habits, like instead of watching endless Netflix or YouTube, pick up a positive hobby like painting, or coding or something else according to your tastes.
    • Eat healthier meal options everyday. You stomach and your mind have a relationship with one another. So if you eat happy stuff, you'll feel happier throughout the day. :)
    • Exercise everday, it could be a simple walk or a simple 10 minutes basic calisthenics routine or a proper weightlifting routine. Whatever you choose, stay consistent and enjoy your life. :)
    Good luck, and best of health and happiness to you.
  6. fiaklu

    fiaklu Fapstronaut

    u right I,guest I went wrong. Ur words helped me,so,i decided to pass it on.
  7. We're good. Think nothing of it, bud.:) Stay cool.

    ANewFocus and Revanthegrey like this.
  8. Suchodolsky

    Suchodolsky Fapstronaut

    So it's 4th day and well it's pretty tough considering just few days ago I was jerking off 5 times a day. It's tough but bearable. Main struggle is that I feel like I lost relaiton, like it was some connection between me and all these pornstars, I m curious what new material they put on all these porn sites, that's fucked up. Benefit is that I have more energy and time, a lot of time, which I spend on my hobbies. Hope Y'all have great day!
  9. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Good luck with your goals and welcome to Nofap. Depression sucks big time, but if it is PMO related at least you have great motivation to end PMOing. It can be a tough journey for some, but it's great to see you have already notched up 5 days.

    Great start!
    Suchodolsky likes this.
  10. Suchodolsky

    Suchodolsky Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I don't think I got depression just bcause of pmo, but its definitely making it worse, cuz i have less time, less energy, no interest in real life relations, and compulsive masturbation is fukin up my dopamine system
  11. NewBeginnings27

    NewBeginnings27 Fapstronaut

    You've realised you're addicted which is the first positive step! You've taken another positive step by joining the forum. Don't be too down on yourself about the past and focus on a porn free future. All the best on your journey my friend.
  12. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Good luck on your journey. Focus on trying to substitute porn and that time with healthy habits like exercise. Learn about meditation and do it. Get help for your depression with a doctor and meds. Take care of yourself and your needs in other ways. This is a hard journey but it is worth it.
    Suchodolsky likes this.
  13. JordanMiers

    JordanMiers New Fapstronaut

    I started doing this at the age of 11 and still do it more and more often.
    ANewFocus likes this.