please someone help me with advice.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by newlifeeeee, Sep 10, 2021.

  1. newlifeeeee

    newlifeeeee Fapstronaut

    i rlly wanna cry. if i could. im fckin ashamed of myself. heavy suicidsl ideation but dont have the courage to do it.
    i want a new life. dont wanna be this piece of shit no more
    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  2. You have to act. Your life won't change magically.
    There's one thing that NoFap has taught me, that i value even more than my streak:
    Only you have control over your acts.
    No matter how bad you are, no matter the pain, the suffering, you are the only master of your acts. Your will isn't weak, it doesn't fail against the devil and temptations, it just changes its direction.
    You have to choose to improve. Choosing is more than making a decision, is doing anything needed to actually making your choice a reality. Choosing to improve is not saying it, is waking early, having cold showers, is studying more and more intensively, is going out even when you don't feel like socialising, even when you know you will feel embarrased, is staying at a party even when anxiety tells you to go home, is learning social skills in books or on the internet, as embarrassing as it may seem, is playing an instrument an hour everyday...
    No one can change your life, no one but you.
    Ask yourself what you want, and after you have an answer, set a path to achieve it.
    Social skills? Go to parties, expose yourself to fear, anxiety, stress, embarrassment, observe and learn from others, read books...
    Studying? Go to library, set times, choose not to get distracted, not even for a minute, learn effective ways to improve your habilities...
    Pretty body? Exercise, eat healthy...
    PMO? Exercise, have cold showers, go out, stay occupied.

    You have to choose. And act. Everyday. Everytime you face fear, laziness or lewd. And not allow yourself to give up.
    Empty Red Cloud and DohnJoe like this.
  3. DohnJoe

    DohnJoe Fapstronaut

    If you want to stop PMO so bad then what is stopping you? The answer is YOU. You're only 20 years old, bro. You have so much time ahead of you to grow into whatever you want to be. Try listening to some motivational/inspirational podcasts or audiobooks. They will help you. Pray to God, even if you don't believe in one. Try going to a local church, even if you don't believe. You obviously are sick of what you are doing to yourself, but, brother, you have to make a change in order to change. You can't just sit around and expect something to happen if you don't put in any effort. We all have bad days and wish we could have done things differently, but do not dwell on those things. Instead, focus on something good you can do. Get outside. go for a walk and enjoy nature. Read a book. Hang out with friends. Put yourself out into the world, and rid the negativity from your life. Maybe you could have a session with a counselor or therapist? I'm not typically one for letting my feelings out, but sometimes that's what we need even if us men don't want to admit it. Holding in your feelings doesn't make you more of a man, but it surely will drive you insane. Good luck to you, man. We're rooting for you!!
    Empty Red Cloud and zero0 like this.
  4. D'AverageJoe

    D'AverageJoe Fapstronaut

    I admire your courage to admit that you need and want help. You are in the right place.
    I am an old man who wishes I had asked for help when I was your age.
    Don't give up, keep coming back here. We've all been where you are now.
    E31 and Empty Red Cloud like this.
  5. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Let yourself cry, then. Feel better. Then pick yourself up again, and try try again. It's the very reason you have another breath in life. Work toward the goals that will lead to happiness and put behind those things that rob your soul of any joy.
    Geoor and Empty Red Cloud like this.
  6. This thing stays with us until we fight it off. PMO drains our brain and energy so much. Read your brain on porn by Gary Wilson.

    It's not your fault we got trapped into this PMO madness but we can't give up.

    Don't give up on life bro. Let your brain heal in nature.
  7. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    I've been there, countless times.
    And what I've learned is that I wont get a new life, I wont be able to completely change my life and I will never be someone else.

    And that sucks but is also a huge relieve when you realize that you have a life, you are someone and you can always influence what your next step is gonna be. Feeling this low and shitty means you have a lot of energy and that needs to be channeled the right way, you have to find out how you can do that. Martial arts, music, helping others on a voluntary basis.. just to give a few examples.

    And don't worry you don't need to go out and do a thousand things now and when you naturally fail at them it means your worthless. NO!
    No one is worthless, that is just an impression we get when we compare ourselves to what is considered "living the good life" or being productive or being rich and beautiful or whatever bullshit. It's nice to have stuff and be liked and what not but it doesn't define you. Only you can define you!

    And you are most definitely not a piece of shit!!! what I put in the toilet an hour ago is a piece of shit, Hitler and George w. bush maybe are...
    But you are a human, as clueless about what life really is, what this universe is all about and how to actually live your live as everyone else and you decide what to make out of this! have fun ;)

    All the love, all the power