Your favorite country other than the one you live in?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Resilience personified, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. I cannot confirm that, but i know that Canada want only asian immigrants. As a country of the Commonwealth, is pretty normal that it still part of the British Empire, that is just hidden. Watch what is happening in Australia, England and Canada, these are not free countries, they are just humans under the Kingdom.
    I dared to watch where do you live. For me Latin America had a great potential. But like 90% had american military coups, ecc.. Latin America is meant to be just territories owned by America for enrich themself, the pax americana is just an advantage to USA. Is what France do with his puppet states in Africa, these are not free countries, these are satrapies. Interesting how every time a country of Africa or Latin America try to free themself, they always get punished. When you ear about a military coup in Africa, is because they are doing something that irritant for France. Is the same shit in Latin America, watch Chile, the most famous, but is just one of a long list.
    Toni7 and Perseverance 16 like this.
  2. HitoriJanai

    HitoriJanai Fapstronaut

    I’m torn between Japan, France and Italy.
    Although my absolute favorite is probably Japan
  3. That's a pretty negative opinion about your own country. :( From my perspective, India has awesome food, a fascinating culture, a vibrant artistic and especially cinematic industry, beautiful places to visit and, most important of all, India through its spiritual traditions has done more than any other nation I feel to explore the fundamental human questions of who we are, how we relate to the universe, what our purpose is, what life is, and other similar questions.
  4. Well, I guess you misunderstood me.
    I was happy and astonished to know that someone from other country likes India cuz I have inferiority complex about my country's corruption, hygiene and indiscplined people.
    helloguyz, E31 and Stulcifer like this.
  5. Ah ok, thanks for clarifying. I think most conscientious people think similarly; they tend to focus more on the problems their country faces more than the things it does right. I think that's normal. Every country has issues; that shouldn't prevent us from celebrating the positives.
    Perseverance 16, helloguyz and E31 like this.
  6. There was a complete era when we were the world's richest. Whatever happened to India later, the world knows very well about it.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  7. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    You Otaku, :emoji_laughing:
    Try just to work in Japan, only japaneses people can survive there.
    For all the rest it is a great country to visit, I visited and loved it
  8. Absolutely true
    Toni7 and helloguyz like this.
  9. HitoriJanai

    HitoriJanai Fapstronaut

    Yeah I know haha, Japan is a very homogenous country but I really enjoy their language and culture, it’s great!

    Also, you’re really lucky to be able to speak Italian!
    Imo it’s the most beautiful Romance language there is, also Giorgio Vanni makes the coolest opening intros out there! Italian anime openings are a true masterpiece.

    Perseverance 16 and Toni7 like this.

  10. [​IMG]
  11. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    :) :D
    What did you visit?

    Iceland. It has beautiful nature.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  12. :emoji_hushed: Im from Croatia
    Perseverance 16 and Toni7 like this.
  13. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Haha yes I know.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  14. Everyone is still jealous of "our" death note final

    How is going to Israel anyway i still want to visit Gerico.
    Perseverance 16 and Toni7 like this.