Why You Should Stop Ejaculating!

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Hammond Egger, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    When you ejaculate, prolactin surges and continues to surge for approximately 2 weeks after your last baby killing session. When prolactin surges, dopamine decreases.

    Here are the symptoms of low dopamine: trouble sleeping or disturbed sleep, low energy, an inability to focus, moving or speaking more slowly than usual, feeling fatigued, feeling demotivated, feeling inexplicably sad or tearful, mood swings, feeling hopeless, having low self-esteem, feeling guilt-ridden, feeling anxious, suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm, low s*x drive, hallucinations, delusions, lack of insight or self-awareness

    Sound familiar???

    Now let's look at the symptoms of elevated prolactin levels in men: nipple discharge, breast enlargement, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decrease in body hair

    What do these symptoms sound like to you??? You guessed it. LOW TESTOSTERONE LEVELS! Ejaculating reduces your testosterone by increasing prolactin and reducing dopamine. Face it fellas, we need semen retention to be REAL MEN.



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    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
  2. HardToQuitSexAddict

    HardToQuitSexAddict Fapstronaut

    Woah, Everything you listed I feel cause of Masturbation Ejaculation.

    Glad that I don't feel it anymore since I quitted.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
  3. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    If you ejaculate = you are decreasing your life force! Lot of masturbation leads to lack of motivation!
  4. Aquablue

    Aquablue Fapstronaut

    Agree. Direct the life force energy upwards... to higher goals. Use it in activities you're doing to achieve miraculous results. It is an unlimited force of energy.
  5. Romeo.blanco

    Romeo.blanco New Fapstronaut

    Yo fui un adicto a la masturbacion hazta 5 eyaculaciones en un lapso de 2 horas viendo pornografia. Y todo comenzó a la edad de 12 años hoy en día tengo 33 y me acarreo muchísimas consecuencias a mi salud. Problemas de próstata, disfunción eréctil, eyaculacion precoz. Dolores de huesos... Por eso estoy aquí para compartir mi experiencia... Saludos tengan excelente día!
  6. GermanGladiator

    GermanGladiator Fapstronaut

    Semen retenition is so important these days. Im on 2 month retenition now and feel full of power and energie. But i still have a long way to go.
  7. Flyman66666

    Flyman66666 Fapstronaut

    Doing retention is a great thing. We men are destroying ourselves by ejaculating for 10 seconds pleasure.
    There is 101 reasons for not ejaculating. and only one reason for ejaculating ( baby making)

    we are not supposed to release unless we are making babies. Thing fact need to build in our mind.
    Do retention for success, you will meet your partner, worthy of ejaculation.
  8. Sakhi

    Sakhi Fapstronaut

    Tnx for useful information. How many days should we not masurbate in order not to harm us? Besides why do doctors say masturbation is helathy?
  9. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    Well, according to the study I linked, it takes around 2 weeks for your dopamine and prolactin levels to return to normal.

    Doctors and specialists that say masturbation is healthy are completely brainwashed by the sexualized society we live in. Take a look around you. There is sex everywhere. Look at all the music videos, televisions, billboards, radio stations, magazines, ads etc. They all shout one message to all of us: SEX! Don't be brainwashed like them. Society uses sex in order to control us.
    SSS Vision, rj6457, Jack55 and 3 others like this.
  10. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

    I feel this ever since I stopped PMO. Before that, I could have 4 orgasms a day. Release few drops of semen and feel ok.
    Beekind likes this.
  11. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Bronchitis and lung cancer are sharing symptomes too but that doesn't mean there is a causal relationship between them, you're not having lung cancer as soon as you start to cough.
    Where is your source on the testosterone levels?
    Don't get me wrong, I appreciated the article you've linked, but I've not yet come across evidence for long-term decrease in testo due to ejaculation.
  12. Addictus

    Addictus Fapstronaut

    Makes perfect sense to me! Why is society so bent on taking that away from us?
  13. The same reason society encourages us to get into debt

    Controlled brains doing-thinking the same as everyone else
  14. Luisinhop

    Luisinhop Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "Romeo.blanco, post: 3159091, member: 456135"] Yo fui un adicto a la masturbacion hazta 5 eyaculaciones en un lapso de 2 horas viendo pornografia. Y todo comenzó a la edad de 12 años hoy en día tengo 33 y me acarreo muchísimas consecuencias a mi salud. Problemas de próstata, disfunción eréctil, eyaculacion precoz. Dolores de huesos ... Por eso estoy aquí para compartir mi experiencia ... Saludos tengan excelente día! [/ QUOTE]

    did you cure your premature ejaculation?
  15. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    This is another great thread. Solid gold. Since I have quit PMO I have gone into a different level of freedom that I never realized was out there. This society just lies to us about masturbation. If you think about it all masturbation is is a selfish act. I would like to give another tip. It’s one thing to quit masturbation and ejaculation but if you really want to get yourself in check quit fantasizing about sex. Immediately dismiss any of these thoughts that enter your head because they mess with your dopamine levels as well. Sure you may not be masturbating but just fantasizing about it releases dopamine. It’s mind as well as body.
  16. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    And if you want to get yourself even more in check try making love without fantasizing or ejaculating !
  17. Ever notice how people who defend ejaculation and perhaps even masturbation get all huffy and puffy when they’re faced with information like this? That’s cause they’re feeling so weak inside, so little confidence… they get defensive and angry cause they want to believe that this is the best they’re capable of, and they hate when they read the confident words of those who have achieved a higher plane of existence! Ever notice how confident are the words of a retainer, how carefree, how mocking? That’s cause we laugh in the face of weakness. Men who regularly release are slaves to their animal instinct and we know subconsciously that we’re reaching towards a higher existence
  18. rj6457

    rj6457 Fapstronaut

    Well said Pennsylvanian. This isn’t for everybody but if you’re not married then you should live your state in life. Sex is for procreation period. People who mock this lifestyle don’t understand that. This society has brainwashed men into thinking that masturbation is OK. If you look at our culture it is set up to trigger men constantly. I just want to achieve a state in my life where I am not a slave to masturbation, lust and fantasizing all the time. In the short time I have been doing this it is awesome to not be a slave anymore.
  19. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    This is beautiful! Couldn't have said it any better.
    The Pennsylvanian likes this.