14 years old newbie

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. Hi everyone is i am 14 year old , i started watching porn when i was 12 years old , i was not aware whether it was wrong or right, I used to have some friends who were elder than me and I got pushed into that direction or was misguided, but as the time passed and I learnt more about this I started becoming aware of the right information and got to know that this thing has demerits in a large way, but till that time I got addicted and I was knowing this is not good for me but was unable to get out of it as it was too difficult and became a part of my daily routine, So I started searching researching on this topic because I wanted to talk about it but there was no one with whom I can share my thing, my story and then I found nofap community where people with same problem join and help each other to get out of it and here I am posting my first post

    I want to get out of this addiction,I'm planning my first goal to be kept is 21 days and as I start improving I'II be increasing the days may be 90 days.
  2. Good luck friend! If a lot of people in the world can do this then YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!
  3. applework

    applework Fapstronaut

    My best wishes to you. I hope you’ll quit it forever.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  4. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Welcome youngblood

    Best of luck
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  5. Glad you found this place early on in your life. High school and then college were rough for me due to this addiction.

    Be strong and enjoy the good times.

    Best advice: dont put to much pressure on yourself to lose virginity. Let it happen naturally. Mine was at 22 worst moment ever.