Addicted to everything.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Anewnick, May 4, 2015.

  1. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I'm addicted to porn. To this phone. To texts. To Facebook. To people in my life. Starting to get addicted to this site..

    I'm struggling with withdrawal from my girlfriend. She dumped me about 6 weeks ago. I can't stop thinking about her. I can't stop blaming myself for changing into a person she couldn't stand to be around.

    I keep trying to fix myself. I read a ton of self help books and watch videos. I've been trying to meditate. They keep me in a decent state of mind. At the time. But when I get back to reality I forget everything. Faced with reality I'm still a scared little boy who doesn't know what to do.

    I know it won't happen instantly but I want to become a person who is self sufficient. Who needs no one or nothing else to make me feel like I have worth.

    I'm struggling so bad right now with all of this. I think I need professional help.

    Does anyone here see a therapist or belong to a support group? Or is on antidepressants?
  2. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Read the book "codependant no more" by melody beattie. I think it might help you :)
    Moxie likes this.
  3. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I'll look into it. Thanks.
  4. Kurapika

    Kurapika Guest

    I suffered from food addiction , sugar addiction , Facebook addiction , Quora addiction and PMO addiction.Now I have quit all of them except PMO but I am on my way to quit.It's a matter of a real decision with strong willpower and continuous motivation.Fill your life with productive activities : practice sports , study , read , meditate , socialize with your friends , spend time with your family ... etc. And you won't lose anything if you see a therapist.
    I wish you all the best.
    Moxie and A new me ! like this.
  5. next1

    next1 Guest

    That's one of my fears... replacing Porn/fap with just another addiction. Spending 3 hours a day watchin sitcoms would be a waste of time just as bad..
  6. A new me !

    A new me ! Fapstronaut

    Hi there

    I too am a massive addict of everything, I'm 37 and battled with food, weight, bulimia, drugs, SX, and P all throughout my life. I obsesse to the point of it breaking me at times sometimes over stupid things then others that are more serious. I'm not on meds but am seriously thinking I should be !
  7. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I still haven't started taking meds. But today I considered starting. I have been doing better about not thinking about my ex gf. But today I just want to talk to her again so bad!!. And I got so depressed and panic stricken. I almost tried to text her. I doubt she would answer. She didn't last time I tried to talk to her.

    I did quit Facebook. And I don't miss it much... Well maybe I do. :/

    I have been texting What handful of friends I have a lot more to make up for it... They're probably getting annoyed with me. Haha. But Maybe not.

    I'm still doin well with pmo. Day 11 now... Urges come and go but I've stayed strong..

    Started exercising a little bit and it's made me freaking hungry. I had stopped eating after she left me. Lost 25lbs. Now with exercise and starting feel better about myself I just want to eat everything in sight. That is my current struggle.
  8. akiale13

    akiale13 Fapstronaut

    I think you just have to get your thoughts on other things! Do something physically and in nature if possible. The worst thing you can do is being at home all day long and thinking. I think you don´t need medication. You just have to find out why you are getting addictive. Do you have a job? A full time working job makes you forget a lot of things and draws your attention off from negative thoughts.
  9. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I work full time. Bad thing is I work on the computer all day. And in my office they don't look over my shoulder constantly so I get easily distracted at work. Haha. I really think I need a more active job. But the one I have I good. And quitting is a scary thought!!!
  10. akiale13

    akiale13 Fapstronaut

    That's the point. You have to get active. Really the solutions are often times very simple but effective. I once worked at an insurence form and I didn't like the job because It was really boring. Another thing I would recommend you is to stay away from coffee.
  11. Jadis

    Jadis Fapstronaut

    Don't agree, all addictions are not equally bad, watching 3 hours of sitcoms a day probably wouldn't have a hugely negative effect on your life compared to alcohol or drug addiction or PMO addiction. When I was trying to get off the booze in my early 20's, I joined AA and started going to 2 meetings a day every day, reading everything about the program and hanging out talking about it, at every opportunity . I became addicted to AA and it got me off the alcohol and my life improved. The addiction to AA, wasn't entirely positive but was much less a destructive a behaviour than drinking to me. It didn't lead to police cells, fights, pissing myself, theft to pay for alcohol, lost jobs or relationships.
    Kurapika likes this.
  12. next1

    next1 Guest

    You got that right. Doing drugs for 3 hours is worse than PMO for 3 hours. But I was referring to the time loss aspect. In 3 hours one could do alot of productie things.
    Kurapika likes this.
  13. Moxie

    Moxie Fapstronaut

    I also have issues with codependency, and I notice if it is not PMO, I use TV, internet, food, or perverted fantasies. One thing I have been putting off too long is educating my self about codependency and learning the best ways to treat it. I would like to see a thread about dealing with codependency.
  14. A new me !

    A new me ! Fapstronaut

    How do u mean codependency ??
  15. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    Codependency is probably best described by googling it. Basically it's an addiction to a relationship. Like for me looking back now I know my relationship wasn't good. But I was afraid for it to end because I was afraid of being alone.

    There are other aspects of it though. Look it up. :)
  16. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    Hi Anewnick,
    here just some ideas from a good-tempered wanker ;)

    1) quitting your job won't be so scary when you've found a new one. Before quitting you need a new job / plan first.

    2) before taking meds consult a good psychiatrist / psychologist who talks with you about your problem and then can decide which medicine might be helpful.

    3) everyone is addicted. And if you aren't on the road to let go everything (like a buddhist monk) that's ok. But of course we want to change. I think generally speaking there are two things that are important to focus on (unlike all the little things). Dunno if one of them is more important or beats the other one, but they are:

    a) major issues / emotional wounds
    b) positive things (positive thinking / new hobby / enjoying / giving / motivation / goals ...)
  17. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    You don't need "professional" help, you need thing which saved me, and it's Jesus.
    nintendonana likes this.
  18. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    He just asked for help and AS a christian my duty is to show him way, hes choice will be to accept it or decline.
    nintendonana likes this.
  19. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    Until? I only offered it once, you are the one stressing about it.
    nintendonana likes this.
  20. Anewnick

    Anewnick Fapstronaut

    I don't discuss religion. Or politics. But I do appreciate and respect everyone's opinion and advice. Thanks :)