Face structure change and nofap

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by deannx, May 8, 2019.

  1. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    That guy is dead, and he only lived to 75 years old.
  2. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

  3. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Besides that man... I follow what Vallalar said, the immortal yogi who lived 200 years ago. He clearly said sex, food, and sleep are the primary reasons of our death. So take care to limit all of them as much.
  4. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah, I do like 12 hours a day easily, every freaking day (I work in IT). All good :)

    Although its nothing supernatural. The flesh doesn't decay easily but it is not stimulated either. I don't wear or ever need glasses but my vision is not too crisp in the far distance. It was a little better in my childhood and teenage years when I was out most of the day socialising. I should do some eye exercises to stimulate the muscles as well. But yeah there is no inflammation, the prana cool it off immediatly....
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
  5. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    Yeah, its not even confidence or being in the zone or whatever fancy terms people who finally achieve 7 days streak describe it has. Long term is like I have an energetic field all around my body grounding me in time space. I could be naked in times square and I would just feel the emptiness of the 3d space around me and my body. I would feel the wind, my posture......just defaulting to sensing, almost like a baby.

    Whereas if you study an anxious person, they shake their legs, move their limbs all over the place and don't keep still - they actually do the same with their facial expression but you probably haven't noticed much of that :) Elliot Hulse mentioned something like in his old videos I remember. Like if you talk to a girl/woman, can you feel your feet motherfucer? Can you? Like do you still have a body that you feel or are in that moment, probably for the whole minute, or longer, just a watcher of your mental screen with its images and putting them out verbally? Like, look you speak to someone. Be it someone you freaking hate, be it someone you absolutely melt for, you should still have spacial awareness.

    A car could loose control and come at you out of nowhere. Some guy or kid trips in a funny way in the distance, you should notice and cna even point it out to the other person haha Even if you concentrate on your conversation.

    There is this hippy/new agey WRONG idea that the senses are non spiritual or evil. Well, most peoples 5 senses are completly untrained. And so they day dream a lot.

    They day dream in one of 2 ways:
    1) FULLY

    No 1) is completly loosing onesself in the mental screen image and the 5 senses are shut, even if for a second.
    No 2) is partially loosing oneself in the mental screen image/conceptualisation/idealisation and at least one of the 5 senses is completly forgotten about.

    I think we ALL Agree that both full and partial day dreaming is DANGEROUS while freaking driving - a normal day to day activity. Why would you do it while talking to someone?

    So yeah anyway, long term after transforming yourself and your body the default in being grounded. The sense no longer loose their way out of your mind and you always experience them.
    Sort of like the more energy you cultivate the stronger your senses become over your thoughts.

    In the beginning when wasting all energy and health on fapping and inflammation creating lifestyle your thoughts are MUCH stronger than your senses. But the thoughts CANNOT be controlled for their contents. Whereas the senses are lost entirely while daydreaming or while you are gripping them ,they are fully under your control.
    The 5 senses are your mind. Your body. There is no body without the 5 senses.

    Powerful and healthy people have developed, POWERFUL 5 senses. Sharp sight, sharp feeling, sharp hearing, etc etc. This includes the internal perspectives, powerful visualisation ability, powerful auditory imagination ability (musciians, etc), powerful ability to imagine smells, etc.

    Yeah thought recall. As the 5 senses are gripped, they control the thoughts and they can be guided to your own will. Thoughts are like a sea of water. An ocean even. Your 5 senses are like telekinesis. The more health and prana energy obtained in nofap the more the 5 senses can do telekinesis on this ocean of thoughts. Moses split the sea in 2 in the old testament. Imagine something like that internally :)

    I know these allegories can be silly, but I am merely using them as a language to communicate my experiences in development.
    Yes, less or no inflammation. Brain and body is not burned. Hormones just flow.
  6. Willondon79

    Willondon79 New Fapstronaut

    You don't need to be a doctor nor a researcher to detect face changes. Take your finger. Put it under a live flame. Does it burn? How do you know? Are you a qualified dermatologist able to detect burns degree? Are you a fireman assessing the flame? Lol. I'm neither yet I can tell you that my face changes. I can see it myself and many of my friends comment when I'm on nofap.