bbw and ssbbw

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by bondong96, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

    I have been trying to do nofap for the past year and I am still into ssbbw and bbw. I have had some good streaks, but nothing over 60 days and I usually relapse pretty badly thinking I will never conquer this. Will I eventually get more normal attractions through nofap and how can I commit myself better?
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  2. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

  3. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    When did your attradtion towards bbw/ssbbw women start? Did you have them as a child or through porn?
  4. I'm right there with you. I always watched bbw/ssbbw for some reason. When I was younger I dated a thin gf but never did M or O. Once that happened, I couldn't perform with her.

    I'm not sure if it's us rejecting what we are attracted to or what.
  5. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Bro my situation is even worse probably. I get a boner by anything fat. I started with curvy women and eventually found myself watching BBW and then SSBBW porn. Im talking 600lbs+. this shit is disgusting. I kept watching it and eventually found the gay version of it. Did that for a couple years and stopped. Im pornfree now and looking forward for a normal relationship with a normal sized woman. I dont even care if thats a fetish ill have to live with my entire life I just know that its dangerous and i will just ignore it. Cant believe what I have turned into.
    The G and Reborn66 like this.
  6. Just be gentle with yourself bro. None of us can change the past. Just keep going.
    Reborn66 and fumaruu like this.
  7. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Yeah man theres no other way. I been so hard on myself the past 3 months I was a walking zombie and even considered suicide at one point.
  8. Let me tell you something. I have a feederism fetish in addition to the bbw stuff - they often go hand in hand.

    For the longest time, I had a major break down - starting last year. Panic attacks, waking up in a cold sweat at night, heavy breathing. I put so much pressure on myself worrying about what was wrong with me. I still deal with this man. My therapist hast old me, all I can do is accept who I am. I don't think we can change bro.
  9. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    My man you think we came to this world liking this BBW stuff? You didnt have a feedersim fetish the moment you were born. I don't like therapists because they have no idea what we are going through. If you want, you can change.
  10. I discovered it at puberty and I am 33 now. How do we change? What happens as we continue to with nofap?

    Does my libido just disappear?
  11. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I dont know man. How long have you been doing nofap?
  12. Ive known about it since my 20s. Only now have I really gotten serious. Longest I have gone is 30 days.
  13. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    Not long enough. 30 days not enough to heal something that has been going on for over 10 years. Start it again, dont relapse, picture the better you and work your way to it. Dont just do nofap and expect magical results. Id advise you to start meditating, get your mind and thoughts under control because I am a firm believer of we are what we think and most of the time what we think has nothing to do with who we are but we just think its who we are, if that makes sense. It is like a demon inside of you thats controlling our everyday lives. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes.
  14. I try to meditate. So, how long are you clean in nofap? What results have you felt?
  15. fumaruu

    fumaruu Fapstronaut

    I dont know I dont count the days, I cut porn completely from my life. I used to be deep in porn watching all types of SSBBW/BBW and even the gay part of it (coupled with a squashing fetish).

    Been a couple weeks. Last week I came across an image of a plus size model on IG and popped a boner. That wouldnt have been the case back when i was deeply hooked into porn. But one thing that you have to realize is that we dont "love" those women, we fetishize them. Just because theyre fat we get attracted to them but Im looking forward to marry an understanding, loving and caring woman that completes me you know. Idk its hard to explain. One thing I know is that all my fetishes are not who I really am and that is what I am fighting.
    WestCoast likes this.
  16. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

    Shits fucked man lol, it is nice to know I'm not alone with this shit. I've tried countless times to just accept it, but it does not feel authentic. I've hit everything at this point shits fucking disgusting. Some time when I was a teenager I just came across some bbw porn skit and I've been fucked ever since then. I always say its impossible, but I just give up so easily that I never really give myself the chance to see what would happen if I did a full hard reset. Some things on the internet will say you should accept it and that everyone has weird shit, but I think its fuckin dangerous and as someone who values fitness so heavily in their life its just not something I can do. Let's keep trying nofap, its ridiculously hard and something so ingrained in our brains at this point would likely take a year or so to reset, the only way we can test the theory is to do it ourselves. Lemme know if u guys get any updates, any hope would help me at this point.
  17. Dreadpirat

    Dreadpirat Fapstronaut

    Just my opinion but I think that men get into bbw porn due to low self esteem. You cannot believe you are worthy of a traditionally attractive woman, you can’t imagine yourself with one so you move to bbw’s who traditionally have very low sexual value. You don’t think you deserve better so you fantasize about women most men wouldn’t want because that’s where you see yourself.

    once you start it’s self reinforcing. If you m’d enough looking at a carrot a salad would give you a boner. That’s how all fetishes start

    The answer then is to stop beating yourself up about the kind of porn you look at (keep working NoFap!!) and do small simple things to increase your self esteem. Once you truly believe you are worthy of relationship with a attractive woman and can see yourself with one, your tastes will change. Lots of things will change.
    bondong96 likes this.
  18. Nelson234

    Nelson234 Fapstronaut

    It depends if it was a fetish before your porn usage or not. If it was before you started watching porn or before you escalated to bbw content then you probably have a preference for larger women, take that how you will haha. If not it's probably a porn induced fetish which means it can be reversed somewhat by abstaining from PMO and resensitising your sexuality to normal sized women.
  19. Karlalfred

    Karlalfred Fapstronaut

    I used to watch porn and all that penetration stuff. But for maybe 5 years I have watched feederism porn, like only pictures. I think for me it's not that it's girls most men wouldn't want, but rather I think my fetish is more that I get turned on by the decadence of them ruining their bodies. You see I have always had problems myself avoiding unhealthy food to the extreme, and I had a mom who always wanted to loose weight. So having girls do the opposite is what makes it decadent. Also I remember the first porn-video I watched, it was a overweight women, and that is 13 years ago, so maybe it is a fetish for fat... But nothing I would want in real life. IRL I would want a girl who is fit and healthy. So it's pretty weird.

    I would really want to quit this fetish, mainly because I think it's sick and embarrassing. Because in reality I like fit girls. One problem though is that I have a much higher sex drive than my girlfriend and that's also what drives me to masturbate, because I often get a no when I have lust. Like twice a week... But we have sex once every two weeks.

    I will write myself a motivational cross. Feel free to comment or give me som tips.

    Positive of continue watching feederism porn: I feel relaxed from doing it. I don't feel sexually frustrated.
    Negative of continue watching feederism porn: I possibly feel more tired. I will waste time. There is a risk that someone would find out my fetish and that would be a huge discomfort/embarrassing moment.
    Positive if I quit: Maybe I could focus more on my girlfriend. Maybe I could get more energy (altough I don't do it more than once or twice a week). Maybe my body would feel better. I wouldn't feel so ashamed of myself and my sexual preferences. Maybe my self esteem would be better. Maybe I could focus more on exercise.
    Negative if I quit: I would be sexually frustrated.
  20. Believe2Achieve

    Believe2Achieve Fapstronaut

    This is such a good analysis.

    I also have gotten into bbw porn, I don’t understand why but they arouse me a lot, especially in porn. I still can get very aroused by thin woman or healthy sized woman, and i can’t watch super big women, but I like some bbw with some extra cushioning on it.

    I think for some it could have something to do with low self esteem, but for me, it’s something to do with those types of women are much easier to pull because most guys don’t want them, so having sex with them is much more realistic then having sex with one of these bombshell porn models, and it feels much more real when I fap to them, and I also get this sense of dirtiness.

    Thinking about it now, I’m getting aroused… and my first initial thought was, “yeah I wouldn’t mind having sex with a bigger woman.” But now that I’m thinking about it, I never thought that way before porn, growing up I wasn’t attracted to people who are overweight, but for some reason, now that body type arouses me, and specifically because the body type is overweight. Now you guys got me thinking too, this can’t be natural attraction, this came from porn… but it feels natural. So confusing!
    Karlalfred likes this.