Whats your goals for 2022

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Upwards2020, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    I'm moving house in February and plan to get back into weight training and cardio and lose some weight . I've lots of plans for my new place . Which will come in the new year .

    porn be gone is up there top of the list
    So looking forward to the new year but taking it in my stride

    What are your plans when the new year hits if you believe In all that
  2. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Funny I was never one for new year resolutions, but the last few years on this journey it's made more sense, or been more possible maybe!

    I need to get a job, just finished a degree but need to get any work by Feb/March to get back into the 'real world'.

    Putting more effort into workouts to get healthier and gain mass.

    Surpass my best streak on NoFap and live a life with less digital distractions in general.

    If all that goes well, would also love to start dating again. Have put that off for a few years now.
  3. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I have surgery coming up in february so getting through that and the recovery process are my goals right now.

    Other than that, i have really been treading water this year regarding my self improvement goals. The one thing i have been doing is reading, a lot. So i am happy to continue with that as this year. But my health in general could really use some work. I need to lose a little weight, improve my attitude to food and diet, cut down the caffeine and sleep a little more. Id like to be a better father and a better husband, because we can always be kinder, more patient, more consistent, clearer communicators, etc.
  4. MeEqualsNF

    MeEqualsNF Fapstronaut

    I hope your surgery goes well! :)
  5. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    1. No P (Obviously)
    2. Keep improving strength and cardio
    3. Be more consistent with yoga and deep breathing
    4. Continue learning web development
    5. Get a real social life lol
    6. Pick up a new hobby. Currently considering swimming or possibly martial arts
  6. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    All the best for surgery:emoji_thumbsup:
  7. Well, I started on my goals in this December, cuz I thought I might as well get a head start. xD
    Truth is that I have wasted all of 2021 doing nothing but watching stuff on the internet and video games. So my goals for 2022 are the same as last year:

    1. Become smarter, read as much as possible. (I have decided to completely give up video games.)
    2. Get stronger. I am currently working on the classic strength lifts: Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press. (I don't like to Bench Press, except with Dumbbells.)
    3. Get healthier. Currently I am a bit overweight, and my cardiovascular fitness is also not optimal.
    4. Nofap Hardmode. I want to 100% give up PMO for the rest of my life. (I want to do it with real people and not with my own imagination.)
    5. Work on certain personal goals of mine. These are related to my family and career, so I won't be specifying them in detail.
    MeEqualsNF and Upwards2020 like this.
  8. WeigelP

    WeigelP New Fapstronaut

    My goal this year is to install solar panels in my home. I put it off for a very long time and for a very long time I chose a good company that sells quality solar panels. I'll do it in March I hope
  9. Montolivo

    Montolivo New Fapstronaut

    That is good, but remember to not buy chinese solar panels, they employ forced labor and, to worsen the scenario, China has been the main reason of why we are still on this pandemic, from their lack of transparency and threats to doctors at the early stages to their reluctance to cooperate with the world about investigations regarding the origin of the virus.
    Also a good goal for this year is to boycott chinese products, seems hard to do, especially for the electronic consumers sector, but it's meaningful and a way to show China that covering up something so serious as a virus that has costed millions of lives.
  10. - No porn and masturbation
    - Meditation twice a day
    - 4-5 hours of study
    - Staying away from smartphone ( 1 hr max )
    - Enjoy family time more
    - Getting a good scholarship
    This would be it
    May all of your goals come true
    God bless you . See you at the top
    Carlosuke72 likes this.