Can we actually recover from PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. Cyberpunk3000

    Cyberpunk3000 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for such kind words. Means a lot. I really appreciate it. I try to make myself and others to be as aware as possible and given them all the motivation required to curb this addicition.
    Tonytone and Rents77 like this.
  2. Tonytone

    Tonytone Fapstronaut

  3. Branchman

    Branchman Fapstronaut

  4. Rents77

    Rents77 Fapstronaut

    Tonytone likes this.
  5. So in my own recovery, i recently did have sex with someone and it worked. Perfect? No. But she has been great and I am continuing with nofap and pursuing other medical help - my testosterone lvls are not great.
  6. adamexe

    adamexe Fapstronaut

    Speaking for myself at least, yes.

    However I think it may need more than just abstinence.

    I know many on this site disagree with me, but to me getting off porn doesn't have to come hand in hand with stopping masturbation altogether. In fact, I believe that eliminating masturbation is probably counterproductive for the following reasons:
    1- straight up abstinence is going to be much harder to sustain than just not watching porn.
    2- if you relapse in terms of masturbation, because you started the two together, chances are that you'll throw out everything at once and revert to using porn.
    3- serves nothing to create a separation between porn and sexual pleasure in your brain. In fact, if when you relapse on masturbation you simultaneously relapse on porn, you might as well be reinforcing that association every time.

    What you really need to do is to relearn that real sex and normal sex practices (whatever is normal to you, but presumably, stuff that you would actually do with someone you've only recently started sleeping with) are exciting.

    I've been able to improve by stopping porn but not masturbation, and instead using masturbation as an opportunity to reconnect with the things I want to perceive as exciting.

    Let's say you'd want to stop drinking soft drinks. The idea isn't just to resist drinking them. It's to force yourself to consume something healthy instead: when you feel like drinking a coke, instead, go and chug a glass of water. The water seems unappealing and when you think about it, it doesn't feel like that's going to quench anything. But actually, once you're done chugging it and your thirst is quenched, the can of coke doesn't seem nearly as appealing. Soon enough you'll lose the habit of reflexively thinking about soft drinks when you're thirsty and will instead go for water, as you build up the association between it and the relief from thirst.

    When I started cutting porn from my life a few months ago, I was at a point where I basically couldn't do anything without porn. I could barely get it up, and if I did, the mildest distraction would send me back down, even with my dick in my hand. Cumming was virtually impossible. So even when I tried to do it without porn, eventually I would revert to using porn midway because shit, I'm not gonna just stay like that and give up am I?

    Well, yes. So the first step for me was to accept that I might not be able to cum. So be it. If I can't do it without porn then I won't do it at all.
    Eventually, as time goes and you've been longer and longer without an orgasm, you'll just become more and more on edge anyway, and it'll become easier. And once it happens a few times, you'll start believing it's possible and it'll become progressively easier. And now you're in the process of relearning that your own thoughts are enough to get excited.

    Second very important thing is being disciplined with your thoughts while you're doing it: don't fantasize about the extreme stuff or hyper-idealized bodies you saw in porn. Force yourself to think about normal girls and softer sexual practices. Relearn that you actually like it. And take your time.
    If that's not enough to get you going, then just agree to stop and get to sleep, or get busy or whatever.

    For me at least, doing it this way has been helpful.
    Don80 likes this.
  7. metaisfun

    metaisfun New Fapstronaut

    You're close to ninety days. Nice job.
  8. Kt kt

    Kt kt Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I'm new to this and I've come here because I know I have pied, and I'm only 20. Ias there any chance to recover?
  9. adamexe

    adamexe Fapstronaut

    naww more like 40 days... I did relapse during a weekend after things fell apart with a girl I was dating (and who was the one with whom a couple of shitty performances had lead me to start this), which made me go "fuck all this" for a moment... But when I tried resetting my counter I couldn't find how XD.

    However when that happened I noticed that porn wasn't actually arousing me that much... So it was easy to pull myself together again and start over. I felt like it had affected my gains in the week that followed but it quickly went away.
    Selfdiscovery likes this.
  10. Kt kt

    Kt kt Fapstronaut

    It was some days ago that I noticed that I am not getting rock hard while watching porn (Instagram incest memes), to which I am addicted, the night I did realized it, I also realized I have not been getting Morning woods even. Tried No pmo but relapsed after day 2 two times (only masturbation, no porn one time). When on nofap, my dick will shrivelled up and there are always wrinkles on the shaft. I don't know whether I have ed or pied. I entered flatline on day one. My dick feels numb. What is wrong with me
  11. EightDalla

    EightDalla Fapstronaut

    seek sex therapy it helps.. and you gradually learn to enjoy.. I think if you're getting wood that's a great sign.. go for therapy
    Selfdiscovery likes this.
  12. Thanks @EightDalla .I'll try to explore it.
  13. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    Yes you can actually recover, it took my nearly 2 years to successfully have sex again and perform normally when the time came. For my case though its a constant battle, I'm like an alcoholic and I can't go back to what I was doing before.
    Selfdiscovery likes this.
  14. Congrats.That's wonderful.Needed to read this badly.Can you tell is how you achieved it?
    Means in these 2 years what one must not do to cross the line.
    I get normal erections,morning wood when it comes to sex ,things goes different way.And it's going on since a while which is creating a huge trouble in my married life.
  15. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    Well to be honest you'll be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't cross the line in recovery, in that time I went through relapses as well, but over that time it became less and less.
    Selfdiscovery likes this.
  16. starsandsuns

    starsandsuns Fapstronaut
