1. Hello everyone… I am new to this site and I have some questions concerning semen retention. I have basically been no PMO for 33 days. I then came upon information on semen retention and,
    as I am seeking to live a celibate life, it really resonated with me. My question is this… What is one to do with the sensation of building sexual energy and tension within the body? Sometimes this can even cause a semi or complete erection. What is the best way to use that energy? Once, during the night, I actually found a discharge quite voluminous from my penis… And I considered that because of my state of excitement I had let myself orgasm… Although I did not feel that that was the case it was simply probably a pre-cum… I often suffer also from blue balls…I would ask that someone who has more knowledge please enter into a conversation with me on how best to do this and live this lifestyle
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2022
    monkish and Liminal like this.
  2. Liminal

    Liminal Fapstronaut

    Glad you're willing to improve yourself, but nofap only isn't going to do it, nofap is just going to be one aspect of your life.

    Start going to the gym regularly, you'll have a lot more energy when lifting if you don't waste it in a tissue. Build discipline, every time you feel lethargic and like you don't wanna do something, push through and do it, that's how discipline is built, use your lethargy to your advantage (I don't know if you have experienced it but a lot of people feel tired and sleepy after some time on nofap and often end up relapsing because of that). Also another small way to build discipline, when it comes to everyday things, start taking cold showers, it will be hard at first but then you'll come to enjoy it and actually get very resistant to cold (you actually start breathing in a different way, so that you don't really "shiver" anymore in the same way you used to and in the way most people do when in cold environments, you'll be calm and have somewhat of a strong warm feeling in your chest in cold weather, at least that was my experience). Discipline is key. You may have good intentions of improving your life, intentions coming from your intellect, but if they are not tempered by discipline and willpower they will go nowhere.

    Start monitoring your diet, no fast food unless on rare occasions if you really have to, no sugary foods, if you're working out make sure you intake 1.8-2 times grams of proteins in relation to your bodyweight (eg 70kg=140g of proteins on train days, 1.5 times body weight on rest days).

    Sleep is crucial, always go to bed so that you get 9 hours of bedtime, even more if you can (you don't sleep all the time you're in bed, rem sleep makes up just part of your bedtime, that's the sleep that's going to actually get you rested, so you wanna make sure it's as much as possible). Use your phone/computer the least possible, if at all, since blue lights from screens will keep you awake longer by tricking your body into thinking it's daytime. Monitor your sleep, a great app for that is Sleep Cycle, which also wakes you up in a friendly way by detecting by your breathing when you're most awake in a span of 30 minutes before your alarm's set to go off, then when you wake up it tells you how long you've actually slept, your overall sleep quality and a bunch of other stuff. I was actually skeptical at first, I'm a heavy sleeper so phone ringtones don't wake me up and I always had to use a mechanical alarm, but since I started using this app it pretty much always woke me up, which I was surprised about.

    Mind clarity is also a key aspect. Start meditating 5-10 minutes a day, before going to bed (which is personally what I do) or just after you woke up (you may be more groggy but see which one fits you best). For meditation I mean mindful breathing. The way you wanna do that is simple, consider your meditation session like a set of exercises at the gym. You sit down, legs crossed, hands either one on the other in the lotus position, or each palm up on each of your knees, open chest, breathe into your stomach from your nose silently (don't inhale loudly nor in a way that you can really hear it, make it so it's as quiet as possible, but force yourself to hear it, the harder it is to hear the better, since you have to focus more), so inhale until you're full, then exhale "loudly", don't do it in a silly or foolish way, just exhale like you wanted to get that air you got in out of yourself so that you can hear it, almost squeezing down on your diaphragm. A lot of people exhale with their mouth, I personally do it with my nose as I find it allows me to keep more focused, but you do you. I'm making this sound way harder than it is but it's very easy.
    Now, where the actual "reps" come in, remember, this is like a set of exercises, is when you're focusing on your breathing, then your mind wanders away, then you have a realization of un-mindfulness, and come back to focus on your breathing. This here is a rep. Don't get discouraged if you find that your mind is wandering away too often, it means you're making progress, as you realize it, you go back to focusing on your breathing, and that is a rep right there. Do this for 5-10 minutes everyday, don't slack, and you'll find you'll have way less chaos in your mind, it will be more quiet, your thoughts will be in order and you'll be able to focus a lot more, especially if you're a student or you struggle with reading or focusing in general. Mindful breathing will obviously also help with sexual thoughts or flashbacks, which are often a reason for relapse, in fact after some time you meditate, you'll start realizing when you're being unmindful in your everyday life, you'll realize when your mind is wandering off, and snap back to reality faster and faster until you are overall way more mindful and "in the moment". This, together with discipline, is a very powerful tool that will always be by your side if you wish it to be. I got some of this practical info about meditation by a youtuber named Hamza, he makes self improvement videos in a very "vis a vis" and down to earth way, if you don't know him check him out, great content.

    With all that said, invest in your culture as well as spirituality, doesn't have to be religious if you're not a religious person, it can be philosophical, whatever your interest is, but make sure you manage to give a sense to existence and plant your life on solid roots. Stop using social media if you do, stop being overly attached to material goods if you are, stop thinking about women like most people do, by that I mean they see a physically attractive woman and they just go all in with the sole objective to have sex with her. I know it will sound annoying to most people, but don't do that if you actually don't have anything in common with that person. This is the reason why most people get divorced and children grow up with a broken, loveless family model. If you get with someone only because you're sexually attracted to them, the moment you orgasmed with that person, you don't have anything in common with that individual anymore, you'll be laying next to a stranger realizing what you've done, feeling humiliated, until you get horny again, then you'll "magically" have something in common with that person again and the cycle repeats itself in a wheel of momentarily pleasure that only leads to unhappiness and pretty much wasting your life away chasing those 5 seconds of climax until the day you die. Sex itself isn't a bad thing, but it must not be the goal of a relationship, just a step of further intimacy you take with a person you love and that you're actually in contact with on more than just a physical level, that you feel like you can actually open up with and that you won't feel miserable after having had sex with them, you'll still love them as the person they are, as sex is not the purpose of the relationship, hence that purpose hasn't just vanished in an orgasm.
    I'm not saying this to be the moral man of the situation, but it's true. True happiness doesn't come from momentary pleasures, money, sex or validation from others, actively chasing these things is the result of inner weakness and insecurity. All you need is your mind, turn it into your temple and those momentary things won't even be in competition with your inner integrity, whether that'd come from faith or philosophy.

    Good luck and stay safe
    STACKEDbro and JeanMarc like this.
  3. SSS Vision

    SSS Vision Fapstronaut

    @Liminal gave you a very thorough list of ideas to try. I second most of them, and wondered if the information about sex was applicable to your situation. You mention seeking to live celibate; for you, does that mean no sexual partners at all, or just no PMO on your own, or what?

    Every guy will be unique, but nearly everyone who stops all PMO long term reports that things like blue balls and unwanted secretions usually go away as your brain rewires and your mindset changes. I have been reading what I can about semen retention and there isn't much scientific research on the subject. But the anecdotal reports are that you need to channel sexual energy into creative pursuits and physical exercise. If going to the gym does not appeal to you, I recommend trail running, biking, triathlons, or hiking--anything that gets you outdoors in nature where you can both exert yourself and experience the proven benefits of energy rebalancing that come from being outside. Create music, write something, make art, take a dance class, or learn a new skill or trade for creative outlets. Find things to do with your time that are meaningful, slightly challenging, and satisfying to do.

    Changing the way you view women will help with unwanted erections and unused sexual energy as well. Stop seeing them as objects of lust or sexual attraction, and shift your focus from procreative tension to supportive interest. The longer you stay PMO-free, the easier you will find platonic relationships with women. If you have or find someone you want to be intimate with, consider Karezza instead of ruining your retention with ejaculatory orgasmic sex. You can even treat Karezza as celibacy if that helps you to stay on track.

    Good luck and good job reaching out for help!
    JeanMarc likes this.
  4. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    If you want to go for a long time without ejaculating, you'll need resources and tools to transform that energy. Otherwise, it will bottle up inside you and it is likely to lead into frustration.

    Read this quote by Napoleon Hill:

    "The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot, and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet, trough transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels."

    And further:

    "A river may be dammed, and it's water controlled for a time, but eventually, it will force an outlet. The same is true of the emotion of sex. It may be submerged and controlled for a time, but it's very nature causes it to be ever seeking means of expression. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet."

    I think this sums it up. You need to transmute it, otherwise it will seek it's way out in another way.

    I found the easiest ways are meditation, sports, writing, playing an instrument ... or even having a stimulating conversation with a friend. Everything that helps to keep that energy moving.
    SSS Vision and JeanMarc like this.
  5. Would definitely agree with all the comments above. Lots of wisdom in this thread.

    I have a lot of heavy masculine and sexual energy and it’s taken a lifetime to master it and direct it to more productive forms. My primarily means of transmutation of sexual energy is the gym. Getting a heavy morning lift gets a lot of it out, but even that’s not nearly enough.

    I also practice regular meditation and goal-directed activities (eg. reading, self-improvement). Eventually, when you strike a natural balance, you can find the energy seeping out in your daily interactions, relationships, conversation. Not saying it’s all sexual - the point is that the energy changes and energizes you to pursue other things.
    vibemaker and JeanMarc like this.
  6. Thanks brother!