New journey

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by IcyStorm_22, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. IcyStorm_22

    IcyStorm_22 New Fapstronaut

    Hello! I'm so glad to be on a place where things like this can be discussed. It's nice to know I don't have to feel alone.

    I've been watching porn for 4 years and counting, and for the most part, I thought had it under control. But little did I know I was slowly going into a spiral that I'm hoping to stop before it gets any worse than it needs to be. Very recently, I came to the realization that my happy pastime had started to become something worse, as it started to get into the way of my studies and sometimes I would plan the time I masturbated before I planned anything else. It gets even worse, as everytime I did so, I felt so guilty and dirty after it. My hands are no longer pure and no matter how much soap I use, they'll never be clean unless I stop. And of course, this only makes me more unhappy, and then I'll masturbate some more to get a rush again only to repeat the cycle.

    I live in a new town. I feel I have very little control on what goes on around me and this pressures me more into the cycle previously mentioned. I don't have a lot of people to talk to nor do I feel I fit in with the people I'm surrounded by. It's not the worst situation in the world but I just don't have to coping skills just yet.

    I'm hoping by having people with the same goals as I do, I can gain some better coping skills and be motivated to become a better person. I'm trying to wean myself off just so I have a better chance of not falling back into bad habits.

    I'm sorry if I sounded really broad, I don't want to share too much information, just the broad details.
    Toni7 likes this.
  2. Bridge@1102

    Bridge@1102 Fapstronaut

    let's do it together
    Toni7 likes this.
  3. muzunuxo

    muzunuxo New Fapstronaut

    Hello! Welcome here ;)
    Toni7 likes this.
  4. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I understand you. In book called little princ there is drunk man and when little princ asked him why does he drink he told him that he drink becaouse he want to forget that he drink. I often mastrubate when I feel bad or unfulfilled. Or if I do it once i do it again.
    So one thing I can tell you is if you find yourself in a hole first thing you have to do is stopp digging. And you have to move! Just move don't think.
    But I don't know how in long run this will help you.
  5. Ronaldeutsch

    Ronaldeutsch Fapstronaut


    i'm 18 years old and i've been watching porn since a long time, almost 5-6 years. and i've been trying to quit for a year now
    and the furthest i can go is 2 days. once when i got to found out about this nofap reboot stuff, i made my best streak of 43 days but it broke and since
    then, i haven't been able to reach even close to it.

    i dont know what happens but after 2-3 days, it starts to feel like i'm stopping something that needs to come out. like a gate of a dam, i'm holding so much of
    pressure and i have to release it. ofcourse i feel powerful and motivated for those two days but the pressure build up is too much and then its only a matter
    of time before i start doing that shit again. i really want this to end now. i've tried alot of stuff, but i haven't been successful, i'm still motivated
    to quit and i will one day. any help, any advice would be helpful, thank you