Ready for a new beginning

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BloodySabbath, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. BloodySabbath

    BloodySabbath Fapstronaut

    I'm a 27 year old Colorado native . I am a Christian, I am committed to saving sex exclusively for marriage . I am single and for the last 13 years PMO has been a regular battle. I have a lot of great things going for me in life right now , and I am confident things will only get better after I get involved with the Rebooting concept.
    It's about noon right now, and today I believe I have lost to PMO twice today, so tomorrow will have to be "day one" for me. I've really never been able to have longer than a 2, maaayybbee 3 week long streak COMPLETELY free of PMO, so I hope this community can help me achieve a much longer duration of time.
    I really never have wet dreams at all...maybe one when I was young , so conditioning my body to not expect "the usual scheduled maintenance " will be a rough battle.
    JoshZissou likes this.
  2. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut

    Good luck on your journey, mate.
    Welcome to the brotherhood!

    There is a christian thread/sub-section somewhere, if I am not mistaken.
    Feel free to check it out.
  3. dcchristopher

    dcchristopher Fapstronaut

    Welcome my friend! May you be blessed and free of PMO.
    Your choice is powerful!
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    @BloodySabbath, I suggest that you click on someone's counter (green) and follow the prompts and instructions to set up your own. It is very motivating to see the days accumulate.
  5. BloodySabbath

    BloodySabbath Fapstronaut

    Thanks dude I will do that !
  6. BloodySabbath, We are started out on the same day bro. Hope all goes well for you, check in with god and go peacefully through your goal. I want to smash this and really move on with life, hopefully we hit meta soon. "When I'm sad, she comes to me with a thousand smiles." - Jimi Hendrix, Little Wing
  7. BloodySabbath

    BloodySabbath Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for that, man!