DE Newbie Help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Reno2182, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Reno2182

    Reno2182 New Fapstronaut

    Hi NoFap,

    So its day 12 of my journey and I'm starting to get quite anxious.

    In short I am struggling with DE which I think is from death grip but maybe also over stimulation from P. In the past I have never been too bothered about it thinking that it is better than PE but now I am seeing someone and its starting to become a problem (note: I have never cum during sex.)

    12 days ago I stopped watching porn and masturbating but have had sex (didn't cum) I guess you could say I have edged once or twice, but I have made a point of not masturbating in a way that does not resemble sex.

    I guess what I am asking is
    1. Has anyone else had similar problems and overcome them?
    2. Do people feel that you should not be having sex during NoFap?
    3. How long do people find it takes for sensitivity to return

    I think it will be quite easy for me to not watch porn etc as I changed my perspective on that. But after having sex and not having a orgasm its pretty had not to want to knock one out. I also had quite a large dick and I don't think that is helping either of us atm as it can be quite tight.

    Onwards and upwards I guess, but it would be quite nice to know if there is light at the end of the tunnel.


    Edit: I'm 24 if your interested. I should also mention that I have no problems getting a hard on.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut


    I can't really speak to your questions, I'm sorry, because I haven't experienced the problems you mention. But if you look around, you'll see a lot of guys have. They may not find their way to you, so you may want to go find them, and shoot your questions at them.

    Along the way, I think you will find a lot of wisdom and experience to give you reason to hope, as well as tools to be successful.

    I'm glad you're here!
  3. Reno2182

    Reno2182 New Fapstronaut

    Cheers Bro,

    Yeah I have started to have a look around since posting this and begun to triangulate a few answers. I don't feel like I will have to much of a problem not PMOing etc. as I feel like I have a pretty good 'why'.

    It would be nice to know how long it will last but i guess that is the million dollar question. I will let you know once I find out...
  4. Mycharel1976

    Mycharel1976 Fapstronaut

    Hi Reno,

    I have had some challenges with DE in the past as well, although I always managed to "get there" in the end. That is one of the reasons I am on here.

    Thinking back to my last relationship, I would always stop MO a couple of days before I knew I would be together with my girlfriend for that exact give myself the best opportunity to O while we were together (probably should have realized then I should stop altogether! LOL). Even that short little break would add some sensitivity.

    At any rate, based on that and what I've read from a multitude of guys on here, I think giving yourself some time is going to be the best way to overcome. You are right though...."how long?" is the million dollar question and will be different for everyone.

    And I agree with Septimus....there is a ton of help available on here and you'll probably find some great advice when you start digging around. The beautiful thing is that everyone has their own unique perspective, and what is good for me may not be good for another, and so on. So you should have a ton of great ideas to work with!