My (long) 1st post & introduction.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by GentleSpirit, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    It's been 7 days now, PM free...but I think this coming week will be a real challenge for me. My usual "go-to" when it's that time of the month and my wife is "not available" has been PMO (to her website, and/or my stash, etc), and I don't have that to fall back on. During my lunchbreak I've been noticing P-subs all over the place (like one show I was watching was set in Hawaii and there were bikinis everywhere)...ugh! I will have to be really vigilant this week.
  2. Yep- this is where "the rubber hits the road", so to speak. Hang tough and have a game plan in mind when the strong urges start.
  3. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    Yup, it's time to dig deep. I recently took out some of my old Sierra classics from the closet. I have a copy of Conquests of Camelot I've never played before (a good old EGA text-parser adventure game) on my desk right now. Almost finished work, then my goal this weekend is replace the desire to "hunt" P with something similar: going on a "quest" to search for the grail :p
    Bob_the_Rebuilder likes this.
  4. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    I finally got around to starting my journal, here it is: Sonny's Quest
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  5. reboot001

    reboot001 Fapstronaut

  6. reboot001

    reboot001 Fapstronaut

    Sonny.....Very well written and thank you for sharing. I can identify with 95% of your post....especially the theme of PMO abstinence that brings great creativity and accomplishment, followed by a period of PMO binging to "make up for lost time". I'm in a very similar situation to you in terms if age/family etc. I think you used the term "functioning addict" in your post which is so spot on. I'll follow along. Good luck and let me know if I can help!
    SonnyBonds likes this.
  7. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    Hi reboot001, thanks for reading and commenting. I'll be following you as well. Good luck to you too, we can surely help each other out.
  8. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    @SonnyBonds leyendo tu primera publicación recordé cuantas veces escuché las peleas de mis padres . Y ponia la televisión mas alto o llamaba al teléfono de su habitación y luego cortaba solo para que dejaran de discutir..
    Quizás por todo eso también me refugié y sigo cayendo en PMO.
    Siento mucho lo que tuviste que pasar de niño, es impresionante como nuestros padres nos lastiman sin querer y sin darse cuenta..
    Alguien aqui me pregunto una vez si mis padres saben que hago terapia por culpa de ellos, y no, no tendría coraje de decirles pero siento que aun tengo heridas que no los perdono, mas a mi padre y también a mi hermana. Por eso soy mas feliz estando sola en casa..

    Muy bonito todo lo que escribes, creo que es exactamente eso, desperdiciamos dones y talentos que Dios nos dió para amar y servir a los demas, lo desperdiciamos en años de PMO de egoísmo y soledad...
    Solo me llamó la atención la semejanza de tantas tristes historias familiares a pesar de ser de distintos paises..
    Gracias por tu testimonio.. tambien lei tu post en tu diario que fue lo que me trajo aqui. Sobre como saliste de PMO..
    Y me preguntaba sobre uno de los puntos que dice que primero debemos realmente querer dejar esta adicción.. me preguntaba si yo realmente quiero.. porque en el fondo estoy como dices en tu texto aqui, no encuentro aun nada mas placentero o emocionante o lo que sea, no recuerdo que palabra usaste..

    Pero si quiero ser una nueva mujer, vivir en pureza y castidad hasta encontrar a mi futuro esposo si es eso lo que Dios quiere para mi..
    Y poder servir y ayudar a otros..

    En fin.. seguiré leyendo tus escritos.. muchas gracias y felicidades por este gran cambio y logro en tu vida..
    SonnyBonds likes this.
  9. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    Hi Keli, I had to use google translator to understand your message, hopefully it did a good job capturing everything you wanted to share.

    First I just wanted to say my heart goes out to you because I know the pain you have experienced. I've been listening to this song (that I've previously shared before in my journal) on a loop for the past half-hour now, getting lost in trying to let myself understand the heart of God, and I just wanted to share a part of the lyrics here with you:

    God of salvation
    You chased down my heart
    Through all of my failure and pride
    On a hill You created
    The Light of the world
    Abandoned in darkness to die
    And as You speak
    A hundred billion failures disappear
    Where You lost Your life so I could find it here
    If You left the grave behind You, so will I
    I can see Your heart in everything You've done
    Every part designed in a work of art called love
    If You gladly chose surrender, so will I
    I can see Your heart, a billion different ways
    Every precious one, a child You died to save
    And if You gave Your life to love them so will I
    Like You would again a hundred billion times
    But what measure could amount to Your desire?
    You're the One who never leaves the one behind

    In Him, a billion failures disappear...surrender, and you will find Life. I pray you may see the heart of God, experience how much He loves you, and when that happens you will never be the same. I pray that the bonds will be broken in your life, and that you will truly be set free. You must decide that you've had enough, and then never look back.

    There is SO MUCH more for you then PMO. It's a sneaky trap that the enemy has laid out for us. See it for what it truly is: peak behind the curtain, it's ugly. So many lives destroyed, so many people abused and used, so many victims. It's a dead end, it's a vile must distance yourself from PMO to be able to truly see this, though. As long as you "hang around" with hands in your pockets, unsure if you truly want to give it up, you'll always fall back in.

    Run! Run away. You won't regret it. You've got so much to LIVE for.
    Wilderness Wanderer and Keli like this.
  10. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Muchas gracias @SonnyBonds .

    Antes que nada te comento que si entras aqui por el Chrome arriba a la derecha en las opciones hay una que dice traducir, y traduce automático, ya no hace falta copiar en el traductor de Google..

    Muy bonita canción, me podrias pasar el enlace o el nombre por favor..y gracias por tu comprensión y apoyo..

    Mis ultimas caidas este año fueron a causa de conversaciones sobre S con un amigo y algo de sexting aunque corté de inmediato.. pero mi tentación ha sido buscar ese tipo de conversaciones que luego me llevan M o PMO claro..
    Creo que es un poco la soledad y querer buscar conexion con alguien y mas la curiosidad o morbo por querer saber ciertas cosas..
    Las tentaciones estan alli todos los dias.. y mas si tuve algun mal momento o estoy ansiosa o preocupada con algo..

    Si.. tienes razon, que bonitas palabras. Y gracias por ser un ejemplo para los demas de que se puede salir de esto..

    Siempre le pido a Dios que me sane de esto y me enseñe a amarme a mi y a los demas cómo él..y sobre todo saberme amada por él.

    Muchas gracias y muchas bendiciones.
    SonnyBonds likes this.
  11. GentleSpirit

    GentleSpirit Fapstronaut

    Hi Keli,
    Here is the link --> So Will I (Hillsong)

    I personally think a lot (most?) of us here use PMO for the same types of reasons, and mostly to self-medicate. Speaking for myself, I've used porn to simply sooth and comfort myself when I was feeling depressed, angry, frustrated, lonely...but also when I was feeling happy after receiving some good news (as a reward). I think a major part of breaking free is a willingness to confront everything that is bringing you grief (or other strong emotions you can't seem to process), and then to go and fix them (therapy can help, opening up to a trusted loved one, etc). Running away to get your "dopamine fix" is not going to do anything for you long-term. It's a crutch that holds you from moving forward and growing as a keeps you stuck, it prevents you from facing your fears, meeting challenges, and keeps you from making your dreams a reality.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  12. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Gracias por la canción. Veo que tambien hay en ingles... o sea en mi idioma (digo porque esto me traduce a ingles de nuevo lo que escribo..

    Si, es cierto que uso PMO especialmente en momentos de soledad tristeza frustración o enojo, antes no me daba cuenta de eso.. hasta que lo relacioné con que caia cada vez q tenia alguna decepción amorosa, después ya vi q pasaba por temas relacionados a familia y trabajo.. en momentos de alegría creo que no lo uso, al menos no me di cuenta de eso aun.

    Y si.. hago terapia jace 2 años y medio, aunque ahora cambiaré de terapeuta, mañana empiezo con una nueva, espero me vaya mejor..

    Esto es lo que mas me preocupa y me motiva a luchar.. y claro también el no ofender a Dios.
    Antes no me daba cuenta de todo eso
    pero ahora cada vez que caigo siento que me alejo de mis sueños y de todo lo que Dios quiere para mi.
    Muchas gracias por responder.
    SonnyBonds likes this.