Second try

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by sethj11, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. sethj11

    sethj11 Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone!

    This is my second attempt at NoFap. I started forever ago, gave up, and started again at the beginning of February. As you can see on my counter below, I'm one week into a month-long hard mode challenge!

    Some things about me: I'm 26, single, male, software engineer, pianist, cooking enthusiast, gamer nerd, and Mormon. I started PMO when I was 11 years old, and have fapped about three times daily since. I love watching porn (that will soon be a past tense), and masturbating felt great for a while. I've never really been in a significant relationship, so I haven't really seen the negative effects of pornography there, but I have seen them from the amount of masturbating I've done. I'm tired all time, it's difficult to lose weight, and growing up in a religious home with habits like these didn't skimp on the guilt.

    But no more!
  2. Arad

    Arad Fapstronaut

    Seth though I'm not a Mormon I'm from a very religious family so I get where you're coming from on the guilt. I also have a porn issue (mostly gay, though I haven't been too choosey as I'm kind of addicted). Hope this goes well for you, I'm new too and it's good to have support so hit me up if I can ever help.
  3. sethj11

    sethj11 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Arad. Though I don't consider myself gay (I'm not opposed to having a homosexual experience at this point in my life, though I do find the lifestyle deterring), but have dabbled more often than not in gay porn as well. It can be tough, especially when religious standards are thrown into the mix. The guilt can be quite heavy at times. I wish you success on your NoFap journey! What kind of goals are looking at setting?

    By the way, I would KILL to travel to the UK! I read fantasy and Arthurian legends as a teenager, and fell in love with the mysticism and romanticism of the country. London will be a stop on my future backpack-through-Europe-for-a-couple-of-months trip :D
  4. Arad

    Arad Fapstronaut

    I am with you re the gay lifestyle. That has always been an issue for me id'ing as "gay". But glad to know there are others on a similar journey to me, it gives me some optimism. I'm setting myself 30 days to start with, and I'm hoping that I've not been over ambitious. Hopefully being on the forums and maybe being accountable to someone if that ever becomes possible will help!

    If you do visit the UK don't just stop at London - come to Wales! This is the country of Arthur (and lots of other legends - Tolkien was inspired by the borders too!). Sorry a bit off topic!!