Sexting and virtual sexuality is as innocent as video games with murder?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by WilliamTheChristian, Jun 10, 2022.

  1. I haven't sexted in a few months but sometimes I get thoughts of relapsing. I've been writing down the thoughts and sometimes countering them. Recently I had this thought:

    "Sexting and virtual sexuality is as innocent as observing or recreating destruction and murder in video games."

    Now destruction and murder in my video games are rated by the ESRB. My favorite video games are usually rated E and are not too violent. The destruction and murder is usually for righteous reasons, like a hero defeating bad guys. The destruction and violence is usually against monsters or fictional animals.

    Even when I sought to recreate or strengthen my engagement with the virtual murder and destruction, it was usually through trying to join the army, fight crime, or buy more video games.

    My sexting and virtual sexuality is not rated by any organization. If anything, it is modeled by groups that promote sex. Sex is not righteous. Sex can hurt both participants with STIs. It can't be used efficiently to bring about justice.

    Sex is not with monsters or fictional animals but with humans. Sex is a social activity. Virtual sex and groups promoting sex may create fictional scenes, but the particpants and actors of those scenes are usually modeled after humans. So when attempting to recreate sex or sexuality virtually, I tend to try to recreate it with online women. Virtual sex and sexuality usually can not be enjoyed in isolation, unlike video games of virtual destruction.

    Virtual sex is different and more dangerous than virtual destruction in video games.
  2. Throwawayaccount280

    Throwawayaccount280 Fapstronaut

    What is this comparison? This is just bizarre to read.
  3. Little Prince

    Little Prince Fapstronaut

    No. Virtual forms of porn hijack existing biological processes that should only be used in real life, not on a device, while video games with death and destruction don't have a similar process available to make use of. Artificial sexual things are basically porn, I advice against it.
    +Masculinity likes this.
  4. +Masculinity

    +Masculinity Fapstronaut

    I agree with @Little Prince, you want to engage in real life sex in a healthy way. When done so it can be one of the most beautiful experiences you have. You just need the proper emotional well-being and life structures to enjoy it at a higher level. As porn addicts our only experience with sex is in a very corrupted and damaging form.
    Little Prince likes this.
  5. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    This topic is of great interest for me right now.

    I’m reading books on virtual worlds by Richard Bartle, and how video games & virtual worlds cross over into psychology, ethics, law, government, and real life.

    For example, sexting with someone who turns out be a minor and being charged for child pornography, or turns out to be married and then getting sued for millions of dollars by their husband for alienation of affection (homewrecker law).

    Lots of grey areas.

    The books have been eye-openers for me.

    Hope that helps.
    Cheese & Onion and Little Prince like this.