My brother talked to my dad about getting married soon.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by seagulls6878, Sep 25, 2022.

  1. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Like the title says I’m happy my brother is getting married . Still here I am alone dealing with porn addiction and Pied . I’ve had low sex drive and Pied since I was 20 and I’ll be 31 in November . Obviously marriage is always something I wanted for myself . I relapsed again today I had a 17 day streak . Idk what I’m going to do
  2. TheRisingShogun

    TheRisingShogun Fapstronaut

    You know what to do. Quit the Porn and the Masturbation. Stop loving porn. Stop running away from pain.
  3. Conqueror_J47

    Conqueror_J47 Fapstronaut

    Maybe...leave the house some time...?
    seagulls6878 likes this.
  4. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Well man I also have pied
    Savedpagan likes this.
  5. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    usually people who don't leave the house do not want to leave the house... otherwise they'd do it. Quitting porn will not fix your issues. There are plenty of porn addicts with women the answer is way deeper and you must see what the source of shame and insecurities is and overcome it. then you need practical advice - ask your brother and the people around you how they got a woman. the successful ones - both old and young
    Conqueror_J47 likes this.
  6. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    It’s a little stepper than that man . I have low libido and PIED. I can’t get it up and my emotions feel so numb
  7. Warrior_007

    Warrior_007 Fapstronaut

    Hello want to talk to you
  8. Savedpagan

    Savedpagan Fapstronaut

    Mate. Check in with a good counsellor. They are hard to find and expensive but it's time to address the underlying issues. It will be painful but the only way forward. I put off going to counselling til I was 31 and I wish I hadn't. The good news is that even if it seems it will take you all this time and effort to level you up to the place your brother is at already, it will actually lay the foundation for a good marriage, more so than many married people even have.
  9. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    Man I mean I know I need to cause I’m very bitter and angry all the time . From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed I’m pissed off. I woke up when I was 20 from a night of edging and realized I could no longer get an erection and my emotions , sexually especially felt dulled . Here I am , I’ll be 31 next month and I still can’t kick the habit . I think I’ll he stuck this way forever . I can’t do this forever . I’m not trying to be pity party or anything but I don’t see how someone can live their whole entire lives being this way . Who could go day in and day out being biter and angry ?
  10. First question I have is;

    What is your diet like?
    What do you do in your spare time?

    This could be part of the issue.
  11. seagulls6878

    seagulls6878 Fapstronaut

    I work out 6 days a week and I don’t drink . I eat home cooked except on the weekends. I’m worried the sexual dysfunction is from the ecstasy I took in high school ( I’m now 31)