How to stop getting off on being the sub

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Daryn, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    I like that, very well put
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  2. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    Talk to her,or to anyone like this when you meet her. If you 2 want to be a proper couple,figure out this stuff together.
    pegging is a fetishism, not even from the POV of the male,but from the POV of the female. why? she is relying on an external object to derive pleasure she cant otherwise achieve. she,herself,is attracted to the peg,not to the man she is...well, you know.
    this is my opinion, basing a sex act on an inert object is taking away all attention from the human partner.
  3. lonerdxddy

    lonerdxddy Fapstronaut

    Explain to me the exact parts of masculinity that is being degraded when a woman is dominant in the bedroom. The reason you can't, or will use fictitious sources from books written by people who don't have degrees or credentials of any kind, is because it's all made up propaganda.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
  4. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    If he was to wear knickers and take it would that be degrading his masculinity in your opinion? If she was to call him a Slt or Btch whilst him would that be? What if he was to start giving oral to the toy? It’s kind of getting pretty close to those senecios wouldn’t you say? I’d say they’re all pretty degrading! And I’d say cuckold stuff could be around the corner once that got old hat. If it was filmed and put on the bar tele I’d be pretty mortified but if I was preforming like a stud I’d be pretty proud. There is a lot of corny masculine bravado like you’re getting at and I think that’s what makes it more of a turn on. It’s the forbidden secret escape you get, just like finding your first p mag years ago and feeling naughty about it. But we push our boundaries into shameful acts to get that buzz and can be left feeling totally ashamed which obviously isn’t good for us and has a vicious cycle
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2023
    lonerdxddy likes this.
  5. lonerdxddy

    lonerdxddy Fapstronaut

    This is what you are saying.
    Degrading = feminine.
    Feminine = degrading.
    Blowjobs = very degrading act anyone can preform and simultaneously makes you more feminine.

    With this very simplistic outlook, it would seem you are actually recognizing something about society, you're so close to something....

    Society veiws women and femininity as degrading.

    Pure, good old fashioned propaganda at it's finest. These types of ideas hurt us all in the end, do you know the rates at which men are killing themselves?

    Tips for you :
    1. Women are human people with thoughts, feelings and dreams. They are not an object to fufill sexual gratification.
    2. Femininity is not degrading. Being a woman shouldn't have to be degrading, but is because of all the reasons you listed above.
    3. Women like secure men. No matter how feminine or "degrading" a man acts, if he's secure the ladies are down.
    "Shameful acts" aka, being submissive in a sexual setting.
    This is the exact mentality that has guys not wanting to be with a woman because she's had sex before. xD Seeing sexually submissive acts as shameful is a warped veiw of sexuality.
    I can't imagine being this uptight.
    But I do think you make some good points toward the end.
    The Passenger likes this.
  6. This is a weird one... but think about an older guy you admire (first idea) or maybe some of your guy friends. Obviously you would talk to these guys about a hot chick you liked, or be proud of yourself if they knew you were banging her...

    But what if guys you get along with or even look up to... what if they knew about your submissive bullshit? That would be so humiliating, right?

    Go down that path of thoughts and you won't want it anymore lol. I've tried the first way and it works pretty well unless I'm just already so far down that path I can't even access my prevention method.
  7. lonerdxddy

    lonerdxddy Fapstronaut

    The absolute amount of supression on this site is killing me.

    "Just think of everyone knowing how you like to have sex and how humiliating it is to be submissive."
    "Imagine your friends making fun of you!"
    "You're degrading yourself!"
  8. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Like my therapist said if it makes you feel bad about yourself or is harming/degrading your sexual partner or escort then to not participate in that style of sex. We all have different levels of submissive tendencies and have different views on what’s degrading. But we’ve got to ask ourselves what is our mood at the time we feel like expressing these sexual acts and then we have a clearer answer. So personally if I’ve done seaman retention or am in a healthy place ie no porn or escorts for a few weeks, I am moving forward with goals, I’m feeling balanced. I will start to get the urge for good healthy sex with an organic (free of charge) female partner. Im certainly not wanting vanilla sex, I want to express my strength and stamina, please this woman in an intense and passionate way and find a connection in orgasm. If I’m in a completely different mood say: warn out, lonely depressed, upset, stressed/angry, overwhelmed-I will then usually seek out a trans escort (by the way this is what happened to me after years of femdom chasing) I’d be more subject to femdom and trans porn and a while ago got caught up in the sissy hypno vile garbage. Now there are moods in between and this is when it’s challenging. Also having ADHD I can become pretty impulsive and enjoy engaging in risky adrenalin filled behaviour I guess it takes me badly or eh fun in my childhood. I’ve got a great imagination and do seem to be turned on by the darker or more naughty forbidden side of sex. There have been times when I’ve gone a smashed a hot trans escort and they’ve been really into it and it’s been pretty good quality. There’s been times with a partner when she experimented giving me a prostrate massage and it been cool because she’s been used to me preforming pretty well. I’ve had great kinky sex with escorts and then done a bit of pegging at the end and not felt too bad about it, they got off on the role reversal so just handled it like adults. There’s times when I’ve felt good but thought what if I was to act out some role play say seductive therapist or having a femdom seduce me and work me up to the point I want to take back control and pound her sort of like an intense battle between the sexes. then it just feels like fun. But when you’re doing it from a low place, you’re not actually physically needing sex, you want an escape, you’re Pissed off at yourself, you’re overwhelmed etc then for me it is very degrading and self trashing very damaging to yourself that actually wants comforting in an healthy way. Now and again in a relationships harmless and just a bit of spice. But if she’s wanting to do you regularly I imagine she’s got issues. Control over someone else is weakness disguised as greatness.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    Dr.J_76ers and lonerdxddy like this.