Really missing sex

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Hellomynameisrob, Dec 30, 2022.

  1. Hellomynameisrob

    Hellomynameisrob Fapstronaut

    I’ve really been missing sec lately. The last time I had sex was maybe a week or two ago with my ex-girlfriend. But, it was pretty lame and we didn’t have sex before that either consistently, so before that it was like two weeks also.

    I miss having sex really bad. Nobody im close to really can nor wants to help me out with dating. It makes me a little sad but it’s alright. I’m doing a 30 day no PMO challenge so I kind of want to accomplish that before I move on to dating. However, I really miss sex, like a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things ever to do. Porn made me take it for granted but I miss it a lot.

    I’m not on some incel shit, I’m not mad at anybody that I can’t have sex, I’m just kinda sad about it. I did not appreciate sex enough when I was having it frequently. Porn really was the culprit of that though, because it always made me wish I could be with porn girls rather than my girlfriend at the time. But, the no PMO streak will definitely make it more enjoyable to have sex. Whenever it happens I’ll be happy. After I finish my streak I’m gonna try and start putting myself out there again. It’s hard though, sometimes I feel like I can’t finish it. I know I can, I’ve gotten through twelve days before, that’s a shit-ton and there’s no way it’s impossible. It’s just my hypersexuality that makes me feel that way, I’ll be okay
  2. Semtex

    Semtex Fapstronaut

    Didn't you say in another thread you had sexorz with other feemails since getting dumped? You're full of shit Rob.
    Percy_Jackson+ likes this.
  3. Hellomynameisrob

    Hellomynameisrob Fapstronaut

    I have, but I don’t have sex regularly, I can miss having sex while still occasionally having sex. I literally stated in this thread that I have had sex. Two things can be true at once.

  4. Brother you’ve got to advert your mind from this thought form. When I was a teenager I always used to feel like this when I just needing a girlfriend and nobody every helped me or set me up really I was hopeless for four years unless every blue moon some girl would be attracted to me for some strange reason. So I understand that part completely.

    But this is going to hurt your chances by consistently thinking this way. Even if you have sex with your ex and it’s not as good, just think you’re not together anymore in a real relationship, it isn't going to be pretty. It goes sour man.

    What I can suggest is maybe trying facebook date if your that serious, avoid tinder.. Tinder is a toxic fake environment.. Any other apps really suck. If you can’t stop thinking trying doing cardio for an hour at least every day it will help gradually easing thoughts and bad ones.

    I understand where you’re coming from this was me in my teenage years and early 20’s.
    KevinesKay and jackcruiser800 like this.
  5. Hellomynameisrob

    Hellomynameisrob Fapstronaut

    I might try the cardio thing actually, I appreciate it. Thanks for the advice cause I really don’t want to be this focused on sex like I am
  6. En?gmatic

    En?gmatic Fapstronaut

    So you fill the void created by nofap by becoming a sex addict? This is a mistake that many people do. You are still cooming everyday.
    The worst is over likes this.
  7. I knew since the very beginning it was a lie put honestly it made me laugh
  8. FormerLeatherneck

    FormerLeatherneck Fapstronaut

    What’s that stat, 63 percent of young men are sexless or not in relationships compared with only about 30 percent of young women. This is Hoeflation.
  9. jackcruiser800

    jackcruiser800 Fapstronaut

    I am in that that 20s phase rn . No close friend of mine helps me with girls. They all know that i am desperate too still they do nothing. I install couple of dating apps, tinder but i was just getting fooled . I also have no females in my any of my environment. I am thinking of approaching girls outside on road or whatever. Just gathering courage for it.
    Mr. Monk likes this.

  10. I know how you feel I never had friends that would help me out. Then I see my friends helping others hook up and I literally just felt useless. But I realize I never really asked for it and just intended on it happening. But at the same time they’d just help out for no reason other people.

    I’d just start out with that and definitely go to the gym and just keep going, you’ll be buff, more attractive, and girls will eventually surround their selfs with you at the gym. I’ve had it happen..
    jackcruiser800 likes this.
  11. I have to admit that I am in the stat of 63% but on some days especially with how the woke mind virus is spreading, I actually feel happy about it.