Struggling 21 year old Mormon

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Brigham, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. Brigham

    Brigham New Fapstronaut

    I would imagine that my history with Pornography is somewhat uncommon to most that visit this forum. I am a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) I have struggled with masturbation and pornographic content for the majority of my teenage years. I remember being in seventh grade the first time I ever viewed porn and jacked off. Growing up mormon, I have always been taught that porn and masturbation is wrong and considered a "sin" I went five years without telling anyone about my increasingly intense problem due to feeling of serious shame. I didnt want ANYONE to know what I was dealing with.

    However, I found an outlet, at the age of 18 I decided to serve a 2 year mission trip for the Mormon Church. About 3 months before I left I had become completely clean with my family and ended up not looking at porn or masturbating for roughly three years. Since this past March, my porn problem has slowly but surely returned and it makes me sick. What seemed to be harmless images have returned to habitual and more serious porn/masturbation usage.

    Given my history as a Mormon, it seems even more difficult now to open up to loved ones once again about by porn habits. I cannot deny that shame and guilt play a major role in my struggle with porn.

    In these recent weeks I have been trying to understand from a secular stand point the dangers of Porn. Likewise, I am eager to learn how non religious people are able to tackle their porn habits. With my recent slip ups, I have realized that I want to stop watching/using porn not because "God says so" but because it is truly damaging to the mind and addictive.
    Paolotrying likes this.
  2. Galacactus

    Galacactus Fapstronaut

    Welcome, Brigham. Today's a new day one (or zero) for me. Since I'm also new to the community, just wanted to give you some encouragement. Keep coming back.

    I too come from a relatively conservative religious background (though not Mormon), so I can relate to an extent. While I'm often not a very good follower of Jesus, I strive to place his teachings at my core. That said, I've found the Christianity-derived recovery resources to be some of the least insightful and palatable. Thank goodness as I've grown older I've learned it doesn't have to be one or the other.
  3. Paolotrying

    Paolotrying Fapstronaut

    Hi I’m a single Christian virgin guy trying to quit masturbation habit and need support and offer support fir others.