Do you know any case of a "ugly" man attracting very beautiful women trough SR?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by loneloan, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    I read in a book that even very old monks (buddhist) who do Brahmacharya can attract many young women even if these women generally have malevolent intentions. Many people believe SR makes a man beautiful but --what if it makes you remain ugly (?) but, at the same time, attract much more women nevertheless?
    I hope my idea makes sense.
  2. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    No, Ive never heard of it. Unless such ugly man has lots of money or fame, it’s unlikely. But there are levels to ugly. Semen retention only improves what you already are.
  3. Unless you're confident, well groomed, in good shape, and show other signs that you take pride in your appearance among other things, you are not going to attract women. Semen retention is not a trump card you can pull out when you're seeking attention from the opposite sex.
  4. ShutOffValve

    ShutOffValve Fapstronaut

    Ugly men attract beautiful women all the time. Women are not attracted to the same thing we men are.
    nomo and loneloan like this.
  5. Spirali

    Spirali Fapstronaut

    I’ve seen a lot of ugly men get with beautiful women. It usually depends on their energy, personality and confidence. Semen retention can make those qualities shine above others.
    nomo, ShutOffValve and loneloan like this.
  6. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    Yes they are lol
  7. Legacy of Lost Soul

    Legacy of Lost Soul Fapstronaut

  8. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    No. The ugly guy would have to be very tall, between 6' 4" and 6' 6", white, and making over 100k per year. The semen retention would contribute very little, and he would still need to be extremely lucky to get a 7, he would most likely get a 6, unless he was famous and very rich. "Looks, looks, looks." Race, height, face. The most important thing to women is race. An ugly white guy can get average Asian, black women, or some other ethnic, but they can't get Stacy's. Read up on the black pill. Watch rehab room on youtube. Very beautiful women have the freedom to pick whichever men they want. Do you think a 9/10 woman would pick an ugly guy who hasn't ejaculated for five years over Henry Cavill right after he PMO'd? Hell no. Beautiful women have options, just the way it is, deal with it.
    Calm Warrior likes this.
  9. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    I hope this is tongue in cheek lol
  10. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    Sorry but if you say this, the one who has a "race fetish" is you, not women. The only girls I knew who were obsessed with asians were considered weird by the rest of girls in the group. And when I (i dont do this anymore) talked about women with male friends, they always talked about body types, never race...
  11. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    This is very true or very untrue. Depends on you location! When I lived in Europe or New York, race didnt add you any value. However when I moved to SouthEast Asia, India or Africa white skin does miracles. If you are ugly white dude you can still easily get hot local girl (seen many times happening around me), if you are hot white dude you can literary cherry-pick all the gems in the country.
  12. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    You completely misinterpreted what I wrote. "The only girls I knew who were obsessed with asians were considered weird by the rest of girls" exactly, that's what I said. Almost no girls are obsessed with asians. Little girls, tweens and younger, may be obsessed with "white maxxed" kpop guys but almost no women are. Women choose their own race or white men, other combinations are rare(less than 1%), observation supports this as well as the data.
    Quote me where I said men are most interested in race. You can't. Men are most interested in body type, which includes age, men usually prefer the woman to be somewhere in her 20s, how could I not know that? Different races of women also have characteristic body types, black women tend to have way bigger asses than Asian women, in general, but a man can find a woman from any race with the body type that will appeal to him. Anyone who hasn't made these observations their own is an ignorant boy. There is no excuse for ignorance anymore in 2023.
    An INDIVIDUAL with a race preference isn't a problem, but it is a problem when an entire race of women, and country, has a racial fetish. Those are different things, one requires propaganda the other doesn't. I make my own choices, do you? Or do you refer to "your culture's" opinion, like a woman, when making choices?
  13. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    Are you sure you read it correctly because I just replied to another guy who got it totally wrong. And if you think an ugly guy who hasn't nutted in 5 years can attract more women than Henry Cavill after he just PMO'd you should laugh at yourself.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
  14. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    they werent weird because they liked asian per se, but because they liked A RACE ITSELF. which is a bit creepy.
    it is you who didnt understand...
    lets leave this here, tho. I just needed to disagree with racialization, but I dont want to make a scene.
    good day to you.
  15. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    I read correctly that you think women give a fuck about men who are 6’6” tall. I don’t know what incel shit you’ve been watching but being abnormally tall does not make up for an ugly face. This whole being tall shit needs to be erased from the black pill incel logic. Yes girls care about looks. Yes they want a guy who is probably a decent height or at the very least taller than them. But being tall is not attractive in itself. A short guy with a good looking face is going to do better than an ugly tall guy. The fact that you even said that tells me you have a very poor understanding of women and are just regurgitating nonsense you’ve heard before. As for race, sure to a degree. But a good looking face is universal. I’m sure you find many different races attractive if the woman is attractive. Its no different with women. But it’s kind of irrelevant anyways. Most people in general prefer to stick with their own race when it comes to serious relationships. So why would you even bother bringing it up? Do you think black guys in Africa give a shit about what you’re saying? They’re surrounded by their own race.
  16. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    why should henry cavill be praised and hailed? what are his rights to deserve another male's claudication in terms of being attractive? food for thought, really...!
  17. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    Honestly, your reply is better than I was expecting. I thought you were going to argue that an ugly guy who practiced semen retention could magically attract 9's. Ha ha ha, what a desperate fantasy. That being said, all men are better off never fapping ever.

    I didn't say a tall ugly guy could do better than a short handsome guy, try to quote me where I said the opposite. And hell no men don't prefer to stick to their own race, if a guy had a choice between a 5 from his own race vs a 9 from a different race he'd pick the 9 in a snap. That's why Prince Harry is married to Meghan Markle. And a guy would do the same if she was an 8, or a 7. A woman would have to think about it if the guy of a different race was a 7. An Asian woman would pick a tall white 5 over a short Asian 7. That's a fact.

    Height does matter though, a tall ugly guy, say 6'3", will have a significantly less difficult time with women than a 5'3" ugly guy. And a tall, white ugly guy will have far more options than a short, ugly ethnic guy; it's still not going to be easy, and the tall, white ugly guy won't be getting hot women, just 5/10 ethnic women or 4/10 white, and like I said before money matters, so does status. A 6/10 ethnic is possible but will be very difficult to pull off. That's just the way it is with women, I don't make the rules. Keep in mind there are degrees of ugly. If we are talking 4/10 ugliness, 3.96/10 ugliness, then yes what I say stands, but if we're talking about 1.5/10 ugliness then no, height won't be enough to overcome that. Would a 7 foot tall handsome man do better than a 5'7" handsome man? I think so.

    Race is less important to men, that's why it's very easy to find instances of white men with ethnic women but less common to find white women with ethnic men, or various male female ethnic combinations. Maybe you've seen black guys with ugly obese white women, or Asian guys with tall, beak nose, dorkette white women, and that skews your perception of the situation? It does depend on the demographics of where you live though. But what I say is true the vast majority of the time, especially in leftist cities. The data proves this. Black woman married to white men are the least likely to divorce.
  18. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    Racial preference isn't creepy, as long as it's not an all consuming obsession with a single race accompanied by feelings of disgust for other races, or being attracted to someone's race even if that person is ugly. What is creepy is ethnic women who want to have white, brown/blonde hair, blue eyed kids.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  19. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    You don’t make them and you sure don’t know them either.
  20. Mister Incognito

    Mister Incognito Fapstronaut

    What? You barely are even disagreeing with me, it's really just a matter of degree. Don't come at me with smug shit like that on the internet. How old are you? Perhaps you see me as some authority figure because you looked at my age or some petty shit like that?

    So you say height doesn't matter. So what? You still said that looks matter and I agree. No shit, yet part of men's traditional brainwashing training is that women mostly care about personality. Besides you also said that height does matter, just that excessive height doesn't matter. Height is part of looks, it's about proportion and ratio. Someone can be tall and well proportioned or tall and disproportionate, if I say women like tall men I obviously mean tall AND well proportioned with good ratios between the limbs, balanced masses, not caved in chest and head projecting forward like ET, gangly arms down to the floor. The body parts have beauty just like the face, for the same reason, geometry. It ain't rocket science. But it is a math problem where the general structure has only one solution, although the details can vary(racial features, individual variation), and there are infinite ways to be wrong(ugly). You also said that race matters - exactly. You say people pick a partner who is the same race, so then what happens to someone who is mixed race? They will have a harder time finding a partner... if they are a man. Then I also said the woman will have to deliberate about her choice about race when the man is a 7, however they won't deliberate for a 9 or 10. Don't try to act like understanding women is rocket science. And don't ever fuckin disrespect me on the internet. That's a dead give away of a coward.

    Did I mostly offend you about the height or about the race? I assume you are short and white, and most likely around a 5 in looks since the majority of people are somewhere around 5 - women have a hard time understanding this. It would not make sense to assume you are an 8 or 9, considering you are on a fappers forum. If that's the case I assume you have had several Asian girlfriends, and you believe that they were with you for your inherent quality and not your whiteness. Dumbass(if this is the case). You would have been rejected so fast if you weren't white. Also watch commercials and count the number of cases with white men with ethnic women, it's promoted all over the place. When ethnic men show up in commercials they are usually queers with HIV and proud of it. And they run these ads mostly on ESPN, of all places. Mainstream media is designed to appeal to women. Adidas put a transgendered person(nofap's words) in a bikini in an ad, surprise surprise, he was black. Mulvaney had to earn his fame.

    Women like looks(mostly face), race, height. Can you disprove any of that through observation, data, media representation? Hell no. So stop with the bs. You can argue, however, that height is the least important of the three. It varies by woman. But how many movie heartthrobs are represented as short? They are good looking AND tall. It's "tall, dark(mysterious, strong), and handsome", not "short, dark, and handsome". Even if they are kind of short in real life, on screen they are represented as tall.

    Go ahead and post information, not "studies" but observations, media examples, and population statistics, that contradicts what I said or shut the fuck up.

    I've made my point clearly enough here, for anyone who wants to seriously consider it. In general I don't like arguing with people, yet also feel obligated to prevent people from misrepresenting my statements. It's a lose lose situation.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2023
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.