Gooner/gooning Recovery

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, May 9, 2023.

  1. I've been where you are. Deep down, you know that you want to stop your gooning & porn addiction but you keep getting pulled back in. How much longer can you keep this up?

    You're not alone and you CAN beat this addiction! Join a community of recovering gooners and better your life.

    Note: this is a very locked down server for now. Members are manually screened and we're quick to ban.

    We have a private discord. DM for link.
  2. scotty_uk

    scotty_uk Fapstronaut

    This still active?
  3. Dlpjt

    Dlpjt Fapstronaut

    ????? lets make a telegram one please