i just made it to 90 days today after repeated failed attempts

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by TheCarver, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    "No amazing benefits" , sure dude whats the point of nofap, seriously the lack of knowledge is insane
  2. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    i workout just not everyday and i dont know, might be what im eating or its caused by fapping
  3. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    I guess what he meant was to not put your expectations too high on practicing nofap. In my opinion it has amazing benefits but your issues won't magically disappear just because you have stopped PMO, nor will it grant you superpowers by itself. Putting too high expectations on nofap may damage your motivation to continue in the long run.
  4. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Bro out of those people their tips are bs.

    First of all 90 days is not enough a full year is needed for more improvement, brains equilibrium doesnt come i
    Ah Yeah makes sense sitting in your bed staring at the ceiling 300 days will not let you feel the benefits
  5. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    well i know that the rewiring is a process but i was speaking more on the benefits.
  6. Dude live your life and the rest takes care of itself
  7. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    which is kinda impossible for me since i cant get no girlfriend or have sex as its close to impossible for me. not a single dating app works for me which makes me feel like a worthless human being so the only thing i have to rely on is cold approaching, which i cant do with my crippling social anxiety.

    i thought nofap was going to make me not care and just go with the flow, atleast not yet anyways.
  8. You’ve said nothing of value. You’re still fixated on lusting over women. Live a life that you can share with a woman. Besides Nofap isn’t a silver bullet; there are no superpowers here. Nofap on a serious note is DIY rehab. We’re effectively drug addicts
  9. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    im well aware that its not some magical cure, i just thought i would atleast get something out of it with how hard it is. and not even getting any easier. what im wondering if theres anything that i am doing wrong such as not fixing my diet or exercising everyday, which is also a problem for me.
  10. Junk food overstimulates our brains just as hard as pmo. If you’re bingeing on junk food you won’t get much healing. Exercise soothes the nervous system in a healthy manner; this can lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms
  11. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    hmm i see. well, i consume stuff like chips, soda, ect. do i have to completely get rid of it then? although im probably going to feel worse because if i am indeed going through dopamine withdrawal, i imagine my brain will basically go into starvation mode if it doesn’t have any other feel good chemicals.
  12. Yeah if I do not pursue or even investigate interests my my regresses back into M. Way to go on 90 days!
  13. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    yeah. i only had 2 wet dreams so far in a span of 3 months, im guessing you get that every other month with the amount of buildup of semen you get?
  14. Actually yeah, I feel it may change a little on women I may see during the day, or maybe I'm crazy for thinking that.
  15. My recent record is 60 days, I really must focus.
  16. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    think the other guy is right i was reading junk food will basically not give you any benefits because it slows down your rewiring process and you are not getting any of the benefits and my normal day on the weekend usually looks like 4 to 5 sodas, chips, burgers, pizza, ect. im going to give this a go. anyways i can safely reduce it? leaves me with bad withdrawals.
  17. We all have to walk through the pain barrier of withdrawal
  18. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    It's not the junk food. You are in withdrawal/paws. Happens when you've abstained long enough. Now you should focus on improving your self and changing into a better person. Paws doesn't leave and it only gets slightly better if you live the best life possible. You also won't see any benefits, don't relapse because of it. There are nofap benefits but pmo is like a drug and you get withdrawals (like hard drugs).
  19. TheCarver

    TheCarver Fapstronaut

    wtf, seriously? i mean i dont feel extremely bad but i feel like my social anxiety had gotten worse i seriously hope i get out of it. i was reading about paws and in some rare cases it takes people 2 years. only thing i never got was a dead dick, libido stayed the same.

    what should i also do about getting a girlfriend? i mainly did nofap to better my chances of getting a girl cause i was tired of going on dating apps never getting anywhere and getting rejected by every single woman out there and thought that maybe fapping was the main culprit for all of it but i guess not.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2024
  20. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    Yeah whatever you do, don't go back to relapse. Also see a doctor he maybe able to help you live well in withdrawal. If you are in paws, welcome. It will take a while but your life will completely change.

    In my opinion I believe you are in paws. Keep fighting and abstaining you got this. It's going to be very difficult and very long but will completely change your personality and your life. You'll become wiser, stronger, more hardworking, and overall a different person. The pain in paws is on another level but if you push yourself and work on yourself you'll see results in paws. And getting out of it is another life changing and very awesome experience. It's like being reborn.