Hello everyone!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. I'm new here and I hope to quit bad habits and improve my life.
    NfBigGlP, Hyperlord and Be Inspired like this.
  2. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    Welcome and Good luck
    netizen likes this.
  3. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    Welcome, but I don't like to wish "good luck" because I don't think it is a matter of luck (not being critical to anyone using that euphemism). I think it takes true action to defeat this; not just wishing, not hoping something will change, not locking oneself up in isolation, but real action to make changes in the outward behavior, the porn use, the masturbation or whatever the issue is, but also action to dig down deep and truly try to understand what is behind and beneath the PMO behavior, the "why" that we choose PMO or some sexual compulsion to ease pain, comfort hurt, self-medicate and self-soothe. It is understanding that where we can make real changes to make our lives better. That is hard work, but we are each capable of it. And a key to that is understanding that you cannot do this alone with sheer willpower, but through connection and honesty with at least one other human in your life. That can be a therapist, a best friend/close confidante, trusted family member, support group (such as the weekly NoFap groups thru here or organizations like SAA, etc.). You can do this and I leave you with my best wishes for a successful journey.
    again and netizen like this.
  4. That's right. It requires effort. Thanks for the advice. :) By the way, what is PMO?
  5. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    You're in the right place!

    Welcome to the gang!

    PMO means porn, masturbation and orgasm.
    netizen likes this.