Rejected by the world

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Itsuki, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. Itsuki

    Itsuki Temporarily Suspended

    I can't hold a job for more than 6 months the because everyone I work with ends up passionately disliking me.

    I have never had a real life friendship.

    People at work call me del loya which means "from the hole". I'm an untamed person who was raised by wolves basically, who bites the hand of his master.

    I have to quit the job I have now because there is an overwhelming sentiment of "no one likes you, get out, no one cares to try to fix you here or deal with your crap," being directed at me at all times.

    In times of weakness I lack prudence for those who mock me and in times of success I lack humility and inspire others to tear me down.

    My personality is such that most prefer to stay away with a five foot stick.

    I worry that I destined for homelessness.

    I'm used to it, so it's not such a big deal. I try to fix my personality but after failing so many times I wonder if I will ever be able to have a friend or a career.

    Its not like my troubles are unearned, I have been practicing sexual perversity for quite a long time.
    JimRacine and Syphax like this.
  2. Chaugiveupporn

    Chaugiveupporn Fapstronaut

    Hello Itsuki. I am sorry to know that you are in trouble. I hope that you will find a way to solve those problems
  3. FZL

    FZL Fapstronaut

    I think you need to understand some things in life. Life is hard on everyone it's how we react to it that defines us. If someone treats you poorly treat him with love. The thing is our mentality is visible on us. If you are unhappy and act like victim you will become one. But what if you tell yourself fuck it I was victim for a long time now let's be a fighter, than everyone will se you as a fighter.
    Friends can help a lot, but if you have none you can still fight and believe me if you are able to get up by yourself and get your life on track you will become a true warrior.

    Try to be better everyday, make peace with yourself. Do what's righteous and make yourself feel better. If you lack communication you can always write here. Communication is basic human instinct.

    You know in your mind that PMO is a break from reality, but only victims run from something. You are warrior you will fight the PMO.
    If you want a better body, start doing push ups. In this world it's you vs you. You can be better everyday and trust me it feels good.
    If you use Instagram, Tik Tok etc... stop. It will hurt, you may be losing your mind, but remember do you want to be shit forever or actually do something about it.

    Let this be the call you need to do something with your life. I started improving my life on a new year, because I fucked up so much. And now month later I'm finding myself and I'm happy. I know that I know shit :D but I feel good that I'm not a pussy and that I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself. Start to fight bro.

    Remember purpose of living is to experience life and to make peace with it. Only you know your peace so go find it.
  4. Itsuki

    Itsuki Temporarily Suspended

    I've realized with porn addiction there is a physical aspect and an emotional aspect. These days when I watch porn it isn't even that hot, I'm not even really turned on, it isn't quite pleasurable, but doing it allows me to feel ok with the fact that no one cares about about me and that I am completely isolated. I need someone to talk to me because they want to talk to me, someone to look at me without criticism, someone to care. In the absence of these things I turn to porn because it will dampen the disquiet of unrelenting loneliness. I am alone. How can I manage to quit when I am so unescapedly aware of the fact that I have no one, and no one has me?
    Jason7265 and fapequalsdeath like this.
  5. Mob Barley

    Mob Barley Fapstronaut

    Try to make more outward positive actions. Get on some dating apps, go to a museum, chat with random ppl who happen to be around you in your daily life. There isn't one solution to your loneliness but you can find many healthy coping mechanisms. Coming to the nofap forums can help slightly but wont do much in the long run. Maybe change jobs if your workplace is so toxic? Constantly watching porn to self-soothe will eventually lead you into depression bc its fake and your body knows that.
  6. FZL

    FZL Fapstronaut

    If you quit PMO and social media for 2 weeks you'll become more friendly and open towards people. This worked for me try it yourself, but quitting PMO was way easier than quitting social media for me even though I'm brutally addicted to porn.
  7. Itsuki

    Itsuki Temporarily Suspended

    Nice dude.
  8. DJS

    DJS Fapstronaut

    Powodzenia. Każdego dnia małymi krokami. Nie zniechęcam się. Do przodu. Jutro kolejna szansa na bycie lepszym niż dziś +
    Itsuki likes this.
  9. DJS

    DJS Fapstronaut

    Nie łam się. Jest wiele osób obok Ciebie. Rozejrzyj się. Ale szanuj się, wybieraj mądrze, wybaczaj sobie i innym, szukaj relacji, bądź łagodny
    Powodzenia. Jeszcze będzie pięknie. Nie poddawaj się.... Nie warto
    FZL and Itsuki like this.
  10. Itsuki

    Itsuki Temporarily Suspended

    True. Giving up is the same as believing there will be nothing but loneliness in the future. As long as I can manage the solitude while looking forward to a brighter day I can get by, especially if I allow myself a drink after a hard day.
    DJS likes this.