Can a obstrusive earworm be part of an addicted brain?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by fortissimoBlues, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    I always catch earworms easily. But I am asking because sometimes I experience extreme restlessness and stress (more like Akathisia). And it is always acompinied with an obstrusive earworm. It is non-stop and fills the whole mind. In this restless state I can’t hardly sleep and when I wake up and open my eyes the first thing in my mind is having this melody again with sweaty hands and feet, being restless unable to have a clear thought. Suicidal even.

    Does this sound familiar to you? Could PMO change your brain chemistry that way that make you experience such things?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
  2. Sisyphus1

    Sisyphus1 Fapstronaut

    I also suffer from earworms all the time. I can songs or even TV show scenes that are vividly stuck in my head. That being said, I have never had it as bad as you. I would say whatever you're suffering from, earworms are most likely a symptom, not a cause.

    PMO can alter brain chemistry and can amplify negative effects but I don't think PMO is a direct cause of this illness. Stopping PMO may help relieve the symptoms but I suspect something else is going. Maybe consult your doctor about this?

    Regardless, I hope you feel better soon and congrats on your long streak.
    fortissimoBlues likes this.
  3. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    Yeah, thanks. I think I realized today that I actually do suffer from akathisia. First time I find myself in others with similar symptoms. Worst experience ever. Hopefully noFap will help my nervous system finally to find a balance after all those years.
    Sisyphus1 likes this.
  4. Sisyphus1

    Sisyphus1 Fapstronaut

    Do you take any medication? Akathisia can develop from certain medications, especially anti-psychotic medications.
  5. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Being prone to frequent earworms can be a symptom of being on the autism spectrum.
    fortissimoBlues likes this.
  6. I think I might be stupid. I read the title of this thread about twenty times until I registered that it said "earworm" and not "earwax."
    Sisyphus1 likes this.
  7. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    It started fifteen years ago when I was taking St. Johns Wort and 5-htp together. I had acute Akathisia for almost a year. Since then I get into Akathesia when I take certain supplements. This week I got hit hard because I tried Tudca (supplement for bile flow).
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2024
  8. fortissimoBlues

    fortissimoBlues Fapstronaut

    Na, I don't think so.
    How are you doing? I remember your posts from the IBS thread. Just looking at your counter, I thought you beat PMO for good.