what am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by seuqsiaw, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. seuqsiaw

    seuqsiaw Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I've been able to go without porn for almost 2 years. Nowadays I can't even go 2 days. What is happening to me? What am I doing wrong? Is it because the people I hang out with? Is it because I talk about sex with my friends? Is it because I need to respect women more? What am I doing wrong? It is impossible for me to quit. Every time I pmo bad things happen yet I still can't quit.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    It's none of those things. It's all mental and/or psychological. You might have turned to it out of boredom or loneliness but you keep coming back because of addiction.

    Watch this Ted talk if you don't know what in talking about. m.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU
  3. Raynethemagi

    Raynethemagi Fapstronaut

    I don't think you're doing anything wrong necessarily. See, this is why I always give the advice of: You have to have something that works for you. I can tell you what I think the problem is, but only you know you better than me. So, I'm just letting you know beforehand, that, you have to find something that'll work, something that'll click.

    Now that I've said that, I have some questions: Do you talk about sex with your friends? What is your friends attitude towards sex? Do you listen to music that includes sex or indirectly includes sex? What do you watch on t.v.? The reason why I ask you all of these questions, is because, maybe that is the reason. Now am I saying your friends are bad people, or that you should ignore them? No...and I'm not saying to not be their friend, but a wise person once said to me "Don't base your happiness on other people. Happiness comes from you, not other people. Work on yourself first, then everything will work itself out." In other words, be your own person. If you find that PMOing gets you upset, then do everything in your power to not do it. If your friends enjoy it, but you don't, then maybe it's better if you don't hang out all that much, and when you do, to avoid the sex chat as much as possible. If your friends start it up, get up and get out of that place immediately. What I'm essentially trying to say is, avoid that subject matter in ANYTHING that you do. Who cares if people think you're odd or weird, this is your life you're talking about. This isn't a game...this is real, and this bothers you, because you wouldn't be here if you didn't care about this. Love yourself, because when you start loving yourself, the people who think you're an oddball don't matter, because you're happy, and the people that do matter, will support you BECAUSE you are happy.

    One thing I forgot to add is, it depends on what the subject regarding sex is. There is the healthy sex subjects and then there's the gross sex subjects. It just really depends on what you're talking about too.

    But, again, the best advice I can give is trial and error. Keep doing different things, till something works!
  4. seuqsiaw

    seuqsiaw Fapstronaut

    Raynethemagi, you are right.I try not to talk about sex with my friends but sometimes to fit in if you will I slip. My friends thing sex is all about penetration and no intimacy. I don't typically listen to music when I do it's like love songs and classic instrumental music. I mainly watch sports and I barely watch any TV shows because I'm busy with college work but for some reason my mind makes time for porn.
  5. Exileprst1

    Exileprst1 New Fapstronaut

    Wow, do I identify with that. I went without porn, masturbation, or any kind of sex for 3 and 1/2 years, then watched a soft core porn video. Within a month I was looking at porn and masturbating. Since then I've been able to go 11 months, but now can maybe go three weeks. I am trying NoFap, online and conference SAA calls, attending 12 step, using literature, and talking to my partner and 12 step members about it. And I put in an email requesting a sponsor. These are all tried and true methods recommended to me, along with morning meditation, prayer, reading, and exercise. I'm hoping you can find some detachment from this stuff.
    Thanks for your honesty.
  6. seuqsiaw

    seuqsiaw Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your advise man.I think prayer and talking to someone is crucial I need to do it more because I am shy. And dont be too hard on yourself. You went three and half years without that is impressive my dude. And I'm pretty sure you can get back to that stage again
  7. uchicha15

    uchicha15 Fapstronaut

    you must think about the time where you did not watch porn. what were the things that kept you away from it. think about them, reflect and implement.
    all the best and stay clean!
  8. seuqsiaw

    seuqsiaw Fapstronaut

    For some reason I forgot about all the things I did to stopped me from watching it. It's like in my subconscious