If you don't give in to this urge are you going to die?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by nitsuj0786, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    There are a lot of people on this forum that ask for porn blockers, how to stop themselves from finding porn, how do I stop the urges from coming. And there are a lot of suggestions. But you need to ask yourselves about the men and women that completely beat it did it. How did they overcome their addiction? I can promise they didn't try to hide behind a porn blocker or hide from their addiction hoping that it wouldn't find them so they could add another day without porn or masturbating or both. They did it because they realized that they had a bigger future and didn't let a little bit of discomfort bother them anymore. It was still hard and there was probably still relapses but they never gave up. You have to learn to deal with your urges and not run from them, to acknowledge them and be able to say no. Not that I am not going to watch porn but that I am completely done with porn. That you are committed to becoming a better person that no one can stop. Porn is not an opponent, opponents have the chance to win. Life is you opponent and it is time to take the reigns of your own life and whatever cards you have been delt and make your life the way you want it to be. Learn that discomfort is part of life and you are not made to only live in your comfort zone. Don't let you own feelings of discomfort own you.
  2. Desperation

    Desperation New Fapstronaut

    Very inspirational and encouraging. I'll try this when the desire comes, to recognize it and then fight it off. Thank you!
    nitsuj0786 likes this.
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i like this. thanks. porn is not an opponent, as opponents have chance to win.

    that's what videos on how to accept terrible thoughts say. dont fight the thought or ocd monster. let the thought come and go.
    nitsuj0786 likes this.
  4. JGR

    JGR Fapstronaut

    I really like this whole post but this especially, great to see a sentence that said mentally, you're over porn, but that doesn't necessarily mean relapses won't happen and are normal.