Will NoFap ever be fully acknowledged ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. What do I mean by that ?


    Many people pointed out the similarities between porn addiction and cigarettes a while back. Doctors said it's healthy. But of course it isn't.

    Same thing with NoFap.

    Do you think it's possible everyone will be aware in a few years ?

    For my part, I doubt it, because porn is the only thing that keeps most people alive. I don't mean porn-porn by that, rather over-stimulation. Checking desperately for new tweets because you have nothing else going on in your life and stuff like that.

    It would take a HUGE revolution in our society :

    "Our social media faking us intimacy. Or is that we voted for this? Not with our rigged elections, but with our things, our property, our money. I'm not saying anything new, we all know why we do this. Not because Hunger games books makes us happy, but because we want to be sedated. Because it's painful not to pretend, because we're cowards. Fuck Society."

    Quote from Mr. Robot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2016
    Sentinel and a_New_Beginning like this.
  2. stopthebuzz

    stopthebuzz Fapstronaut

    I guess it comes down to our ability to recognize true happiness. The world via all of its form of commercially sponsored communication tells us what we need to be happy. With a little introspection, exploration, companionship, and common sense we can discover a fulfilling life on our own. In the case of everyone here, we have experienced the destruction and pain of falling into many of the traps, but we have also finally acknowledged those missteps. Perhaps we are creating the blueprint for how to survive, one that can be passed on to our children, friends, and everyone looking for a real life.
    Hiro 304 likes this.
  3. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    Who knows.... We should consider ourselves lucky. We caught it early. Unlike many people who are still PMOing and suffer from PIED and low libido and just don't know whats wrong with them. They suffer in silence.

    We are like the people who realized smoking was bad 100 years before anyone else knew it was bad.

    We got a head start
  4. Rachorid

    Rachorid New Fapstronaut

    I don't think society will change - but you can.
    It's not only the billion dollar porn industry. Just watch some of the recent music videos, TV shows, or just really listen to the mainstream songs - sex is everywhere.
    This is not a revolution of our species, this is brainwashing. It makes everyone less of a man.
  5. Agreed. Let's just be grateful that while many we may even know are drifting further from their innate humanity, we are on the journey to take ours back.

    I'm glad I can come to this community where people are exploring what it means to be at their physical and mental best. Becoming aware of the trouble we were in.
    Rachorid likes this.
  6. To change you need to stop blaming society or "global we" for your problems.

    I think porn addiction, and more generic Internet addiction will be recognised in 15-20 years. One can hide the truth but not forever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2016
  7. I agree. I'm not blaming anyone. I'm just saying the world would be a much better place if everyone knew about it.
  8. And yet many people blame society for their unhappiness, instead of blaming their own habits of unhealthy food, no exercise, watching crap movies and listening to crap music and finally, excessive masturbation.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I wish, I have known about it earlier
  10. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    There is lot of discussion whether to add porn and internet addiction to ICD.
    In the moment, it is more or less classified in F63.8 - "other habit and impulse disorders"

    RoseTenthFan and Deleted Account like this.
  11. I'd bet the ones opposing the update are older scientists, who grew up before the digital age (also, with their minds still vibrating to the echo of sexual liberation slogans of the '60s and '70s) and some (many?) other experts bribed by the sex business.
    SnowWhite likes this.
  12. I try not to blame society for my problems, but there is some truth in it.
    If we all know and feel, what we are doing isn't just wrong, but total destruction of our nature and bodies, then why do we keep doing it?
    We are getting stronger, more determined but remember that there are factors on the outside, that not only affects our 'inside' but manipulates and enslaves us. A slave does not want to be a slave. The greatest of us, most brave and kindhearted have become slaves.

    My job is to stay vigilant 24/7 because society wants to enslave me with pornographic bodies in music videos, pills, propaganda fitness and fast-food ads and P, (our addiction, the thing we are most embarrassed about) If we all at once, everyone stopped using P, society wouldn't stand on it's feet as it does today. Kim K would be on social security benefits, not promoting incest videos, all PStars would be unemployed, the whole industry would collapse, starting a new financial crisis in our holy christian land and first thing we'd do was to think of what country we should bomb next. Mr.Robot is right.

    Addiction is almost overnight with with cable tv, 7Eleven and McDonald's in every corner and 4k P in one hand and ... in the other.

    Here's a quote that might explain what I'm trying to say:

    To be yourself in a world
    that is constantly trying
    to make you something else
    is the greatest accomplishment

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Deleted Account likes this.