Crew Up! Don't Screw Up!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by WoahBroNoFap, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut

    Hello Fellow Fapstronauts

    I'm serious here. I don't want any ponies on board this ship. I have my luggage, and you have yours. Great. We'll get to those details, but for now let us create a solid crew of Fapstronauts.

    1. HARD MODE

    So that seems easy to remember right? Good. Who's with me?
  2. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut

    Well, looks like I am thus far alone on my journey. It's technically day four of no PMO, but I started cold showers the next day. Regardless, this is a life-goal, intended for much higher purposes than a 30 day streak. Temptation is a whore around every corner and in ever dark space. I will not succumb.

  3. Tots

    Tots Fapstronaut

    HEY!!! I"LL JOIN YOU!!
    I want to stop frever! I see all of these limited goals, but thats not what I want! I want to end eveything now! i want to stop my addiction! I think this means im going hard mode right? I really dont know the terminology, but I want to stop looking at porn and even touching my penis. I have a problem and I want to end it. Also, I had my first coldish shower today, but 2 hours later, I fapped after going online on google and searching sex games,like meetnfuck. I want to stop and I want someone to monitor me and join me on this journey!
    My name is Tots, and I am not a pervert.
  4. Tots

    Tots Fapstronaut

    As it might seem, I have my goal to be 90 days, but I want to longer than that. Also, Im 16, and the thing is I'm really tempted to fap by just the females at my school, since, I do not want to brag, bu they really like me and they are pretty girls, but Im not like that! I want to see a women for who she is, not by how she looks! I want to stop this habit for good!
  5. Phoenician

    Phoenician Fapstronaut

    I would be down, but I don't fap in the shower and I freaking love boiling showers. Especially after exercise. I`m a newb so don't know much. Is the cold shower thing common?
  6. Cold showers are pretty beneficial for your overall health, they increase immunity to disease(oddly enough), blood circulation (good if you have PIED) and overall mental energy for the day. Warm showers tend to make me lethargic, but there's nothing like a cold shower to just kill stress.

    What do you mean for the crew? Like a text-message or whatsapp thing? I'm interested. I've been taking cold showers almost everyday for the past few months (some weeks off here or there, but pretty consistent since Jan.)

    Also I'm committed to hard mode until I find a partner. I love the idea of sexual energy transmutation and meditation as well if you're into that.
  7. Phoenician

    Phoenician Fapstronaut

    Next time I'm stressed ill try a cold shower. Maybe muscle soreness is why I like the hot shower I take my shower then just let the hot water run where I'm sore. Feels good.
  8. SamOfTheCape

    SamOfTheCape Fapstronaut

    Hey bro,

    I started hard mode and cold showers 3 days ago. (My third rule is that I'm also growing a beard lol).

    I'm with you. The cold showers thing is actually pretty sick... I've started to do a lot of thinking about discipline and self control. I'm starting to think that men don't have enough of that these days.
  9. sertobe

    sertobe Fapstronaut

  10. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut

    Tots, you are very welcome to this challenge. My basic regime is no PMO and cold showers without exceptions. We'll work on what is most effective for communication. We'll stick to the forum for now.

  11. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut


    Thanks for clarifying why I am doing cold showers. It's not because of fapping, it's to become the owner of my mind and body. Taking a cold shower is telling my mind and body that I don't need to have the satisfaction of a hot shower and therefore reinforces the self-control I desire for my sexual drive.

  12. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut


    That's a great plan friend. I have also considered growing a beard during this time. I have instead decided to read much more. I feel that I need to focus more inwardly, searching my heart and all the crannies of the soul. It seems that setting goals while accomplishing other goals makes it easier to achieve the more difficult ones.

  13. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut

    So, 14 days in. Cold showers aren't so bad now. I was dodging bullets at first... but dodging cold water like bullets has taught me well in self-control. When temptation comes to PMO (and it certainly attacks with much effort and vitality), I find that I am much more capable of saying no because I say no to a comfortable shower every day.

    Lesson Learned: To become better at self-control, practice self-control. Common sense has its way of sliding under the rug when struggling with an addiction.
  14. WoahBroNoFap

    WoahBroNoFap Fapstronaut

    I'm 19 days into cold showers and 20 days into Hard Mode. It's definitely not easy, and temptations are strong.
  15. B-Scott

    B-Scott New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I'm down to join the crew. I've been taking the cold showers for 2 days now and I'm starting to get used to them. I'll do hard mode to reach my goal of 90 days but I don't want to stop there. This is my first go at nofap longer than a couple weeks so let's do this!