Should I date after only 30 days of no "P"

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Danzo1234, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Danzo1234

    Danzo1234 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys so I have recently joined nofap in hopes of quiting my pornographic addiction. For 30 days now I haven't seen porn or have gone to porn sites and I am happy about that. The results from not watching porn have become evident in terms of my mind not being so lustful of sex. I remember walking outside and the first person I would see that I found attractive, I felt the need to have sex with or picture the person naked.
    Porn does that to me. The images never completely subside. I feel as though they cause me to become this overly sexual person. So after stopping for a month, I definitely feel like both my mind and body are more at ease from all that sex.

    However, I have been using an app where gays,bisexuals, and transsexuals can meet. There is also a feature where you can have private images (typically nudes) but they will appear locked to anyone that you do not grant access to. I personally didn't have any private images because I was against them. So I continued using the app just to see what was out there and I met someone on the app who I found attractive and wanted to talk to. After some time conversing with him on the app, he ended up showing me his private(nude) photos. And he asked me for mine. I ended up taking a nude and sending it to him. As a result I fapped to these pictures. Also the guy ended up wanting to meet with me and now I am at a crossroads. Because to be honest, it all kind of happened in a day with the guy. talking to each other, exchanging nudes, trying to see where things will lead. So my questions/concerns are is it bad to masturbate to nudes sent by people you are interested in? Do nudes and porn fall under the same category and if so.. Why? And although I have decided to stop watching porn I am still in debate on whether or not I should stop fapping altogether because part of me feels that it helps me relax and gives me pleasure. And as long as I don't do it at a consistent level and it doesn't interfere with my productivity I am kind of okay with doing it. But I am against fapping to porn. Also, before I joined nofap, I had been watching a good amount of porn. This habit had went on for 3 months. So my second concern is because I am just newly out of porn watching, should I take some time off from any kind of sexual encounters or any kind of activities that would lead to sexual encounters before I start dating people? This includes talking and meeting with someone I met in a dating app where people show nudes somewhat consistently and it is kind of a hooking-up app. I was planning to get to know this guy before taking it another step further but seeing as how we already exchanged nudes, I feel that my desires and lust won't be as in control as I think they will be.
  2. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    Hello there.

    I will try to answer as many of your questions as I can with my limited, completely biased knowledge about what you want to know :

    I would say it depends on how you feel afterwards (because there is a huge difference between having masturbation sessions using images of people you don't know, and just having a wet dreams you could not control). Do nudes and porn fall under the same category? I would dare say they do, because you are using images on a screen for sexual arousal, especially since you barely know the person (if I understood correctly).

    My personal opinion would be to stop masturbation along with porn, at least for a while. If after a good amount of time (lets say for example the infamous 90 days) you feel like you want to masturbate, then go ahead. I base this answer on the fact that the cravings some people have after experiencing sexual arousal are not so simple to handle (the "chaser's effect" if I am correct). About moving from sexual encounters, that would be for the best if you get used to a life without sex before getting out there.

    Hopefully, my opinion might help you or provide you with some ideas. Please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss any of my posts (or to complain about them. I feel some people want to complain as well). In any case, best of luck in your NoFap journey.
    Danzo1234 likes this.
  3. Danzo1234

    Danzo1234 Fapstronaut

    Hi thank you very much. Your message was very helpful. To be honest I am going through several internal struggles right now. A good amount of the struggles are based on what I should and should not do in terms of my sex life. Part of me says to have a sort of "sexual cleansing" before getting out there into the dating world. Another side of me says to get my sexual desires met through an intimate relationship with someone I trust and am attracted too. But part of me feels that it would better to wait but the thing is that I haven't had a sexual encounter with someone since 2012. And maybe now is the time I should get out there but not through porn but rather with another person.
    Also there are several mixed emotions that I feel due to being bisexual and that includes my challenging my sexual impulses. I feel that being attracted to men in our day and age may be something necessary for the world because it is essential. Homosexuality is essential for challenging the heterosexual activities that cause the world to become over populated. However, I don't think it matters what sexuality you are, when you are addicted to sex, porn, or masturbation. Sex, porn, and masturbation affect people of all genders and of all sexualities. They have the ability to cloud people's judgment and inspire unhealthy and unreasonable decisions. For this reason I have decided to join nofap because I can honestly say that being attracted to men, watching gay porn at a consistent level, and masturbating to gay porn at a consistent level has made me a very uncomfortable person. It has caused me to feel uncomfortable with myself. At times I feel my mind and body succumbing to sexual thoughts in public and at very inappropriate times. Being exposed to so much porn, makes you feel overwhelmed and invaded by thoughts of sexual lust, desire, animosity, and insanity. It is a battle indeed to fight against these things. But it is a fight worth having for the sake of your own humanity. I have stopped masturbating to porn for about 30 days however, I have not managed to get past day 11 in terms of MO and also in a span of 3 years. But that was before nofap. Now that I have joined this community I feel that I will have the support and motivation that I need to be able to go further in my goals. I am not going to lie though. Part of me fears that taking away porn from my life will have some side-effects on me. Side-effects that I cannot account for. But I guess in the end, I will make this next step for the sake of my own humanity and progressive development. Thank you for your advice. I am very grateful and happy that you responded. To be honest I kind of thought no one would respond due to the fact that I am bisexual and after reading some of the other stories, I felt that the nofap community was primarily heterosexual males. So again I say to you my fellow fapstronaut thank you. I also have another question about the K9 software. Is that something that I setup with someone else so that they can have a password rather than me? Because I am thinking of downloading it and I wasn't sure about this.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
    avatarivn likes this.
  4. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    I am glad to read that my responses help you. And you are absolutely right, it is not about being homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual or something else, its about porn (of all kinds) is poison for the body and the mind and it should be avoided at all costs. Pornography damages relationships but the one that damages the most is the relationship with oneself.

    About K9, it is only another tool on the arsenal against porn. In my opinion, its pretty good software but you must rely mostly on yourself instead of expecting K9 to block it all. What I mean is that you have to look after yourself (exercise, practice a sport, learn how to play an instrument, etc).