porn destroyed my life...hopelessly lost... need help!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fapAddict, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. fapAddict

    fapAddict Fapstronaut

    hello everyone,

    this is my first thread. firstly i would appreciate all the members and people of this community for creating something like this.

    i had no place to pour out my problems, no one to listen to me. thanks to this site its now possible.

    here i go,

    i am a 21 one year old guy and i feel that porn destroyed my life. my first source of porn was from my dads laptop 6 years ago,
    before that i had no idea what masturbation was. so anyway, every night i would sneak out my dads laptop and watch the huge
    collection he had. at first i used to get pleasure by just watching. later i learnt about masturbation.
    i was a late bloomer i know. the place i come from we hardly have sex education.
    so in school and highschool i never talked to girls because porn fullfilled all my needs, i became socially awkward , had no real
    friends and some how completed highschool.

    when i came into college i realised how socially awkward i was around girls. i mean for a guy who never had a female friend since
    6th grade what can u expect.
    still i continued with porn.
    i never masturbated more than once a day. but thats how it destroyed my life. because i never saw myself as an addict.
    in college i made a few friends. all guys. i am very awkward around girls so even my friends avoid me when they all are
    hanging out with their girlfriends.

    another habit i picked up was pot or marijuana, taking advantage of my freedom in college i would run away from my problems every
    night , lock my room , smoke up and fire up the porn. take note this was only at nights and i would masturbate only once.
    soon the porn became extreme , like transexual porn( i am not even 1% gay, not at all attracted to guys) , but other porn
    addicts will know about how the porn gets extreme.

    things were going on until last year, when i realized how pointless my life was. i was halfway through college, with no friends, (other than 2 stoners), not doing well in studies, running away from people and avoiding situations, feeling guilty and paranoid and smoking pot and jacking off every night to such kind porn that may be considered super unnatural.

    depression hit me. also i never had a girlfriend so never knew what it was like , the touch of a woman , the sense, the emotion
    love, i craved it all.

    in all my desperation i visited a shabby massage parlour. this is where my life got worse.
    a naked woman was giving me a handjob and could not get fully erect. i knew this was wrong.
    further the woman told me that my foreskin is tight , i.e. it does not retract at all even when fully erect.
    and also my penis was curved foreward like a banana and it would be difficult to have actual sex.

    i can home filled with guilt and shame, googled phimosis and learnt that was the condition i had,
    i never realised that my foreskin doesent retract at all and i have never seen or touched my actual penis. its
    retracts just to the size of a pen.

    apart from all this, i am going bald, at 20, like i have lost 35% of my hair. almost all males in my family are bald,
    but at 20??? how worse can it get. i am convinced that its due to the DHT produced due to masturbation and my unhealty lifestyle.

    so now,
    i am going bald, i have phimosis, a bent penis, the devilish porn addiction, depression, 0 confidence, no real friends,
    no self respect or no self esteem, porn induced erectile dysfuction and my world is my laptop and my room.

    i am sick and tired of feeling empty, weak, hating myself. i dont want this life. i just wish i was someone else.
    i avoid people and situations, i feel tired and have no energy.
    i hate looking into the mirror, i hate ME.

    its been a year since i have realised this, i try to be social, have 2-3 friends now but they just think i am wierd.
    i just want to be some one else and i wish no ones life has to be like this. i am barely 21 and i feel dead everyday.

    sorry for such a long post and i appreciate u read it. please tell me what to do. i tried to quit 3 times in the past year
    but never made it more than 5 days.

    help me,

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  2. Welcome here! You will find people who are in the same situation as yours, you will find some who are even worse. Our common point is that we all want to get out of this habit. We fight together with our own religious, moral or life convictions. But we are all here to be fully alive and master of our lives and of your penis which is part of our body. I can control my arm I shouls be able to control my dick.
    Look around, you will find some advice to help you.

    What I would tell you is, despite you feel very bad and veey low, you have the greatest gift ever: you are alive. When I feel bad, I think of all the kids in the hospitals dying from cancer and I say thank you for my life. I have been losing my hair since I am 18 and I got used to it. I had girlfriends and sex relationship and nobody never complained about it. It is the way you see it, how you look at yoursemf which is important.

    Quitting PMO will help you to get more confidence in youeself, just read through some posts.

    Add a counter to your profile and choose small objectives. You already did 5 days, choose 7 and then 10, 15... Think also of all the other persones here who are also fighting ans when I feel I am going to fail, I tell myself that I musr not relapse because of the mates here. I come here and help other people. It has been helping since 35 days, second attempt. If I could do it, you can do it. I trust you.

    Do not hesitate to post rzgularly and ask for an AP.

    I will pray fir you

  3. Fapmonaut

    Fapmonaut New Fapstronaut

    Hold Tight Bro, I'm just too fucking tired to tell my story, but I'll definitely be checking in on you :) Feel free to return the favor.

  4. fapAddict

    fapAddict Fapstronaut

    thanks for the replies guys! makes me feel i am not alone. coming here i found out that so many people
    suffer from the same problem.
    porn addiction is so real. its almost like a hard drug. other people should realize this.
    anyway after the post above i relapsed again.
    its almost like i am possessed and have no control and it all ends in a sticky mess.
    thanks for the support guys. only that will help me come out of this.

    and thanks to nico and fapmonaut.
  5. I suggest the following steps to start with:
    1). Get an accountability partner from here
    2). Read, especially the 4 part video series. Knowledge of exactly how addiction works will go a long way in eradicating it from your life.
    3). Update your journal regularly

    You can do this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
  6. Howard

    Howard Fapstronaut

    Just keep going bro!

    You've already made the choice to stop.
    Use the pain that PMO has caused you to motivate you.

    Keep going brother!
  7. Alexander_D

    Alexander_D Fapstronaut

    Wow, I can really relate fapAddict.

    At least youve taken the first step and recognised that the stuff that youre feeding your life with is all crap. Porn, weed, games, whatever - all escapes from reality fed to us by heartless corporations and idiot celebrities.

    The second step is giving it up - hacking it off you. Even though it might feel like killing yourself, it's the only thing that will release you from the slavery and it aint gonna feel good.

    I think a lot of us get stuck on this second step - which makes PMO all the more bitter, because at least before we were informed, we thought that it was a normal, fun thing to do!

    I tend to believe that you cant get out of this alone. If we had good parents, good friends and good role models to begin with, we probably wouldntve fallen into these pits, but here we are. The good news is that youre not alone anymore, you can talk about this here and get help from some of us and give help to others. Just being here means youre on the road to recovery.

    Find an accountability buddy and if possible, someone you can eventually meet up with. This can be tough for guys like us and it can take courage to really be real with someone in your life; you dont have a guarantee that theyll help you and take your trust seriously. People get hurt. But the only sure thing here is that if you stay silent and alone, then you lose, 60% of the time, every time.
  8. yy1204

    yy1204 Fapstronaut

    I'm quite similar to your condition, and my main motivation here is to fight ED. I'll need 4-6months nofap to recover according to youtube "The Great Porn Experiment"

    My suggestion is like this:
    1st, save money before starting nofap challenge. You'll rather get a paid handjob than to masturbate, it'll make a whole lot easier for you to survive nofap period.
    2nd, block all your access to porn, block all the sites, delete your porn and free up your hard disk, trow away all physically porn material.
    3rd, stop thinking about girls or porn in early stages, ie. you can really stop or distract yourself before the urges getting too strong by forcing yourself going outside, workout etc. Try notice this emotion, and stop any activities that links your brain to porn.

    My first experience at massage center sucks as well, the kind massage lady (a middle age women) told me to save my money because I couldn't erect at all during the handjob, (that's the 1st time discovered my ed).
    In the following occasions , I did react to a certain level to handjob, by younger and more attractive massage girl, but whenever I tried to have real intercourse, I failed miserably(I've tried 3 times, refusing to admit my ED).
    I graduated from all boys high school before going to college, never have a girlfriend and feels socially insecure, low self-esteem etc, I'm trying to reverse all the above , following my own words , committed to fix my PMO issues. Today is my Day 7, only masturbate one day out of twelve day ago. Let's fight this together.
  9. yy1204

    yy1204 Fapstronaut

    PMO no more than 1 time per day is not a very serious level of addiction, you'll be expected to cure from PIED by around 2 months of nofap
  10. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy.
    To be honest they are not big problems.
    The first thing you need to get comfortable with is the idea of not having a girlfriend or sex. They are not the most important things in the world. What is your purpose in life? You should think about how you can contribute to society.
    When you are focussed on achieving your goal and when you have taken your mind off sex, your body will transmute your sexual energy into achieving whatever it is you want to achieve, rather than wasting it on meaningless sex. Then girls around you will become attracted to your focusness and even approach you to try to get to know you.
    Good luck
  11. fapAddict

    fapAddict Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot to every one of you who has posted on this thread. no i feel i am not alone.
    i will keep sharing and make new threads discussing more concerns soon.
    i deeply appreciate all the advice .

    thank you brothers ,
    good luck too all
  12. Hey man, stay in there.
    I just searched for phimosis and ended up here. I have that as well and I'm 31 years old. I felt embarrased to go to the doctor all through my teenage years, then I was scared i couldn't 'O' if I had an operation or something in my 20's. I'm sure it's directly related to my PMO addiction though and my dick bends to one side - might be another consequence of too much j/o.
    My point is.. none of these things matter. No girl has ever told me that my dick is weird (though I've always thought it was) - they're all pretty weird if you ask me. I don't know, might start a phimosis group on here or something. Don't know if this is any help at all, just never talked to another guy about that before.

    I see you're 3 days in - keep going man. Are you still on the weed as well?
  13. fapAddict

    fapAddict Fapstronaut

    thanks diCcont for the reply. yes , i havent PMOd since 3 days. and i already feel like an asexual being with no sexual feelings at all . i do get small weak erections in the morning s but thats it. i just want to be cured of this. check your inbox, i written about the above issue, and yes its definitely a good idea to start a group for phimosis.

    anyway thanks buddy,
  14. Alright man, answered your message about the other stuff. I'm on my first day, so yeah, see how it goes.
  15. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    hey bro,

    how are you now?

    are u already heal from pmo addiction?