Lonely and need help

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by FromAshes, May 9, 2016.

  1. FromAshes

    FromAshes Fapstronaut

    Hey NoFappers

    I'm kinda new to NoFap and I'm so glad and appreciative of this forum and thank you all.

    Some background

    I'm 29, have a job, I workout regularly, have my hobby and currently on day 18 and feel I got this under lockdown and have zero desire to watch porn. However I've haven't been with a woman in years and I feel like I'm back to ground zero (almost feel like a virgin again) when it comes to dating. I'm a different person now compared to what I was when I was in a relationship (and as a fapper)

    It's gotten so bad I don't even know where to start looking for a woman. I don't know the first step, and would like some guidance. I daydream constantly of being intimate with a woman, holding hands and sharing our energies and becoming one.

    The only time I'm around women I find attractive are in passing, for example the cute cashier, the hair stylist etc.

    Thanks again guys, I can't wait to reach 30 days, hopefully I start feeling the benefits.
  2. HipPete

    HipPete Fapstronaut

    I empathize with you. I've also been single for many years. I'm around your age and I'm going through a phase where I feel lonely most the time. I also dream alot about intimacy with a female. I think we're at the point where we would just have to go approach females we find attractive or someone in the workplace. There's also online dating but that's always a hit or miss with layers of mistrust.
    FromAshes likes this.
  3. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    18 is really good but keep going. There is more to discover. The feelings you are having are a big part of the growth and linked to the reboot. Even though you have all the essential ingredients in place there is more to unfold. :)
    FromAshes likes this.
  4. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm the wife of an addict, not an addict myself. I can look back on my years as a single girl looking for love and identify a lot with what you are saying. I felt really lonely too and I daydreamed a lot about finding that "perfect man" and being intimate with him. So I guess what I am saying is, what you are going through is very hard but also very normal! All the best to you.
    FromAshes likes this.
  5. SI fighter

    SI fighter Fapstronaut

    Well maybe you can try 7cups.There are many therapists can offer free supports.I am a newer there so this all I know about it then......
  6. FromAshes

    FromAshes Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the replies. Any suggestions where I should start talking to women and dating? I'm not into the online dating sites.
  7. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Don't underestimate the power of NoFap and what it can do for you. Take your time and find the real happiness within. A women can cloud your mind or free you depending and how you react to them.
    FromAshes likes this.
  8. Stay away from tinder and such I advise. It's novelty cruising, swiping pic to pic, much the same way cruising porn is.

    What are your interests? Try and meet women with common interests. Music? Meet people in local forums talking about your local music scene. Get to know them a bit, arrange to meet at a local show. You get the idea.
    FromAshes likes this.
  9. FromAshes

    FromAshes Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I'm into riding motorcycles. It's pretty much main hobby.

    I agree about tinder, I've read some horror stories. Same with OK cupid and POF.
  10. SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND don't stop.