I"m back

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by LucysNotAMexican, May 10, 2016.

  1. LucysNotAMexican

    LucysNotAMexican New Fapstronaut

    Hey people,

    I came on this site a couple of years ago seeking help from what I knew was a pretty bad addiction. In 4 or 5 years I believe the longest I have gone without porn is one week. I started looking at porn before age 10.

    Well, I'm back and I'm committed to this. I'm dating a guy, he's nice, he likes me, he cooks me food, and I'm not willing to fuck this up because I can't keep my ass from porn binging.

    Furthermore, I've noticed my anxiety levels have increased significantly. I don't expect this to solve all my problems, but if i can make it one week at a time, I will at least have a triumph over an unhealthy sense of pleasure and overstimulation which has taken over parts of of my life.

    I want to hear your stories as well. I am gay, but I know porn addiction does not discriminate based on sexuality (for the record, I watch straight porn too, that shit has gotten insane)

    I went to a few AA meetings before, and I saw people that wanted nothing more than to drink. And they got through these cravings by talking about how much they wanted to drink and how much they used to drink. So that being said, message me. Let's talk, let's help each other.

    Love ya'll.
    Sojourner7777 and lfromcr like this.
  2. lfromcr

    lfromcr Fapstronaut

    Awww. love you too @LucysNotAMexican. Are "Y'all" from the south?
  3. LucysNotAMexican

    LucysNotAMexican New Fapstronaut

    North Carolina, baby!