How much to reboot?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TheBIGuy, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. TheBIGuy

    TheBIGuy Fapstronaut

    Hello, I am new here. I am on my 22 day I think.
    I decided I won't masturbate for about 100 days.

    How much time is needed to reboot and who did come up with that this time is needed to reboot?
    90 days? 100 days? 1 year?
    Obviously I think that younger people need less time, but it is more difficult for them to reboot because of their increased testerone levels and hormones.
    What do you think?
  2. d_gallows

    d_gallows Fapstronaut

    I've heard a full reboot can take anywhere from 120-180 days. I'm not sure where I heard it, but I think I saw it on the Fight the New Drug Facebook page or website. Obviously, one never truly recovers from an addiction like this, and the temptation will always be there, but we do get healing over time.

    I agree that younger people probably need less time, because their bodies heal faster. I don't know of any studies that have been done on the issue though. Addictions and recovery times are super subjective and everyone's body and mind functions differently.
  3. LegoT

    LegoT Fapstronaut

    It depends on the person. I think 90 days is pretty much the standard. A few may take longer than that. But really...isn't the goal to not go back to PMO? So in reality...the reboot would be indefinite in an ideal situation.

    For me, my PMO use was less frequent that some (every 2-3 days). I am around day 60 and would consider my mind rebooted. I have noticed a distinct difference in the way my brain worked while engaging in PMO.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  4. johnnnnni

    johnnnnni Fapstronaut

    it varies for everyone but ive learned the least is 90 days but you have to keep on going or you will fall back.
  5. JJnofap

    JJnofap Fapstronaut

    Depends on what your frequency of PMO was, when you started, etc.

    If a kid starts masturbating at age 12 and only does it to porn till he's say 18+, never without it and never to his own imagination or anything, it would probably actually be more difficult and longer to reboot than a guy that got into porn at a later age.
  6. Fallior

    Fallior Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry, i'm new to the terminology, what does reboot mean? At first I thought you meant, like to stop fapping enough to have maximum sperm count again. But after reading the comments do you mean reboot your brain? Like, to not be addicted anymore? Because if so, I too would love to know an estimate on that.
  7. johnnnnni

    johnnnnni Fapstronaut

    Yea not being addicted anymore.
  8. Soul Cage

    Soul Cage Fapstronaut


    Love this, so true, thank you
  9. iRichard

    iRichard New Fapstronaut

    I am gonna try the 90 day challenge but I might go longer.I can't believe I am doing this but I need to try to reboot my brain from watching porn.
  10. like a som bo d

    like a som bo d Fapstronaut

    You might find these links helpful.

    In short, it varies from person to person but it seems like 1) people who started their sexual development by jerking it to porn take longer to reboot than 2a)people who started with sexual contact with real life girls or 2b) people who started with jerking it while fantasizing about real life girls. I'm in group 1. I started watching porn early and would PMO daily through the course of my adolescence. I anticipate a long and painful reboot. I have had sex with girls, including regularly with three girlfriends I've had, so that's a plus compared to a people whose only sexual experiences have been with porn (such people exist).
  11. omarcoming

    omarcoming Fapstronaut

    I guess it's one of those things you have to stick with because you know it will be worth it in the end, rather than counting down and waiting for something to happen.

    The nature of the beast is that it is going to vary massively from person to person, far to many variables to categorize easily.