30 days, Reality Check

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by iHappy, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    Day 30
    This is where most people feel like they did something amazing and they are writing a wonderful success story's in this section of the forum. I do enjoy reading these and I am glad that most of the people manage to improve their lives greatly after only a month of NoFap. But that didn't happen in my case and to be perfectly honest I am not feeling down, I am perfectly fine with that.
    What you won't see on the success section but you'll find in Resets and Relapses section of the forum is that a very huge percentage of people who made it to 30+ days eventually relapse. I won't go into details here and act like I KNOW why they relapse, but I believe that majority of relapses happens when people lose hope, they were "promised" some big and massive changes but their lives are still the same.
    But let's be real here, for most of us 30 days is not enough time to see some noticeable changes and you should lower your expectations. I still have panic disorder with agoraphobia, and my life is not any better than it was before I started this challenge. In fact, it is actually a lot worse because I am dealing with porn withdrawal symptoms. Flatline is here. From time to time I am experiencing lack of energy, lack of motivation, increased anxiety, insomnia.... the list goes on. But like I wrote earlier I am not disappointed because I was expecting this stuff. And I know that I am so far away from my recovery. Porn did so much damage to me and I would been stupid if I have expected all my problems to be gone in 30 days. But I did... I have expected to see some massive changes after only 30 days. Luckily, thanks to joining this forum and starting a journal I have realized how stupid I was.
    I know that I have started something big because I am no longer running away from my problems and from difficult emotions. And I firmly believe that there are many great things that awaits me in the future. But I have to work on and put some effort on developing and maintaining positive habits. So this is in some way a success story because this community has awaken me :)

    Sorry for the the negative thread in this section of the forum, but I can't stress enough the importance of "Knowing what to expect" and "Preparing for bad days" because that is when our inner addict shines. It waits until we feel weak and vulnerable so it can attack us with everything it has and force us to relapse. I wrote about this stuff before in my guide, if you are interested check it out it is right there in my signature.

    Have a nice day everyone :)
  2. Oneness

    Oneness Fapstronaut

    Excellent post. Dealing with all of the things that you put off and the life you put on hold because you'd rather chase momentary pleasure. It's a lot of emotional backlog to go through and it all comes at once and because you now don't any longer have a crutch to reality or some form of escape. Life loses it colour on those flatline periods but even there you have to keep reminding yourself that nothing worthwhile was achieved without some toil and struggle.

    Thank you for making me feel that i'm not alone struggling through the the tough lessons i've been putting off learning.
  3. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @Oneness Porn did some serious damage to our lives, it has stopped our developing and growing. I feel like I have never managed to moved out of the "Boy" stage, and yet, I am 29 years old.
    I am done with running and hiding in porn, internet or gaming.
  4. GeoffUK

    GeoffUK Guest

    Brilliant post and much needed reading for me. A great reminder that this whole thing isn't just about quitting PMO, and if you merely abstain, you'll lapse because you haven't made the changes in your life that will fulfil your emotional needs.

    That's exactly what I'm working on at the moment. The question I'm asking myself: what emotional needs do I have that aren't being satisfied and what can I do about it?


    Very informative post:
    I like that point you have to prepare your self for worst.
    FURPY and iHappy like this.
  6. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @GeoffUK Exactly! Ending this addiction is great and it sure gives you a great push in life. But in order to make some lasting change you have to put a lot of work.

    @INSANE SMART WARRIOR You know it already, if i remember right you have relapse recently on 40+ days streak. It just shows that we are never safe, we can always relapse if we are not ready to deal with the worst. Sure, sometimes we can distract ourseleves by watching movies, going out, playing games.... but sooner or later we will be faced with what we are running from and there won't be a place to run. And that is when a lot of people relapse, it is really really really hard to stay strong in those moments. But it is possible.
  7. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut

    A very important post.

    All this "superpowers" talk, although encouraging and meaningful, can sometimes be dangerous.
    I agree with you completely. Some people need a serious reality check. Some think that they will be "cured" in a month or two. And hey, in some cases that may be true. But, like you said, the majority of people will need a lot longer to experience actual long-lasting changes.
  8. Oneness

    Oneness Fapstronaut

    FURPY likes this.
  9. I really appreciate this post, and I don't think it's negative to have the proper expectations. I've hit 30 days today, and I don't have any new superpowers, and I sure as hell haven't noticed increased attention from women. I suppose the difference for me is I really wasn't expecting those things to happen for me. I started my current reboot expecting to fail, and with every passing day I slowly started realizing I wasn't failing. I hit my first serious craving within the first week, and I had my smartphone in hand ready to relapse, but I overcame. It was then that I realized it was possible, and that was the fuel that has kept me going.

    I believe one of the biggest dangers all addicts face is complacency. I'm not surprised when I read about relapses after 70 days or 90 days or even 360+ days because I appreciate how this is a life long journey. I know of alcoholics that have fallen off the wagon after over a decade of sobriety. Nobody ever cures addiction, but we can overcome it and take control of our lives.

    Congratulations on your 30 days. I truly appreciate how significant of an accomplishment that is because I'm right there with you in my reboot. Here's to another 30!
  10. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @MadHatter Of course, I can see some improvements but they are barely noticeable. Only now I can see how unrealistic my expectations were when I first joined here.

    @zathura Thank you. I am really glad to see someone else posting the success story on the same day I did. Lets make it to 60 days and post another reports! :)
    THIS! That is what separates people who are going to make from those who won't. Sooner or later you will be faced with serious craving or you will have a really terrible day. It is absolutely crucial to stay strong and not to relapse. Giving in to your temptation is something what we all have been doing for years, that is why are here. But if you stay strong and say NO, than you unlock some power within you and you are motivated to go forward.
    FURPY and Liverpoolfan1995 like this.
  11. droolpillow

    droolpillow Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the thread, and congrats on 30. I'm a newbie (still don't know all the terms) and on day 16, and haven't felt any of the "superpowers" yet. Thanks for curbing my expectations, but at the same time keeping a positive outlook.
    RonTheBear, FURPY and iHappy like this.
  12. RandyN

    RandyN New Fapstronaut

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  13. RandyN

    RandyN New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for you Day 30 post. I just reached this plateau today, too! I am experiencing a sort of flatline and was feeling pretty triggered throughout the morning. Also no major changes in my life, but I didn't expect any and do appreciate the strength of this lifelong bad habit and addiction. There have been 3-4 close calls in the last 30 days when I felt strong cravings and started looking at titillating but non-porn images, without masturbating. This was dangerous behavior, though, and I was on the edge of losing this battle. I agree with the statements about how staying off the PMO is helping me to address emotional and spiritual issues more directly, with less panic, and that is surely a good thing. If I didn't already know that I am addicted to sex and that porn has been a huge element of that, I probably wouldn't be so serious about the NoFap program. It helps to read so many posts from others suffering and working on recovery from this same issue. Cheers to us all!
    FURPY, iHappy and Deleted Account like this.
  14. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @droolpillow Changes will happen, I strongly believe that I will experience all the benefits ( so will you ) but not just yet. I remember my first attempt at NoFap, I made it to 31 days and I felt like a beast, but not this time. I guess i did some more damage to myself in the previous year.

    @RandyN Congratulations! I am glad to see there are more of us who has reached 30 days today. Stick to this community, create your own journal in appropriate age group and write in it daily. I believe this community will have a positive impact on you, it certainly had on me.
    Good luck!
    FURPY and Liverpoolfan1995 like this.
  15. Flossy Carter

    Flossy Carter Fapstronaut

    To another 30......
    iHappy likes this.
  16. Bobs-got-it

    Bobs-got-it Fapstronaut

    I like that "boy Stage" 28 and I feel the same way.
    iHappy likes this.
  17. Diomedes

    Diomedes Fapstronaut

    It isn't a negative post, I think. More like a sort of reminder that the work's still not done, and expressed in a constructive way.

    iHappy likes this.
  18. Man,
    I was just thinking the same. When I started nofap I thought I would be the best of myself in a few months.
    It's not true. It takes much more time and hard work. Patience is key.

    Just like you, porn/fapping for years cannot be healed in a few months.

    You're expierence is so advacing and helpfull.
    FURPY and iHappy like this.
  19. Kyoya

    Kyoya Fapstronaut

    Well done
    well done , you really did a great job, I relapsed on my 25th day previously the regret was overwhelming. But you people on this website motivates me to go for it once again. And I am feeling pretty confident that I won't relapse anymore. The fact is we have to be conscious about it & find a way to uplift our spirit in some meaningful work. And I believe all of us will fall in love. Yeah, true love irrespective of desires.
    FURPY and iHappy like this.
  20. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    30 days is simply not enough for many of us. Go on, aim for 60, 90 or more.

    By the way, a relapse after a long period of recovery doesn't mean that someone is back to zero again. When someone has only one night of PMO in ~ half a year - where is the problem? But of course every porn session rewires your brain back to porn, so to speak, therefor it means you have to do some work again.
    iHappy likes this.