Experiencing ED today made me want to change myself for good

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by incredulity, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. incredulity

    incredulity New Fapstronaut

    I've been PMOing for probably four years now, but I'm only 16.

    I've been slowly trying to quit for maybe five months now, I certainly PMO less frequently, maybe once a week, but it varies.

    Today, me and my girlfriend (we've been going out three months) spent the day together, which almost led to sex for the first time, it would have led to sex had it not been for me not being able to achieve an erection. I'd also had some trouble with DE, but didn't think it would amount to anything serious. She was very patient, but it took about an hour to realise we would not be doing it today.

    I'm sure this kind of thing is quite common, but it's not until it actually happens to you do you realise the severity of your habits. I've been aware of NoFap for a while, but I guess I didn't really believe all the warnings.

    I'm ashamed and disgusted at myself, but I think today's incident has really sent a message, that I've got to change and I've got to change now. I'll most likely be doing PM-mode so I can continue my relationship, even if it will take longer, maybe for 90 days at first. Bring it on, NoFap!
    DBug likes this.
  2. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    Hi incredulity!

    I can very much relate to your story. I experienced the same thing with my first girlfriend when I was your age and I read many similar stories so it really is quite common.

    If you haven't already done that head over to yourbrainonporn.com and educate yourself on the effects that porn has on you. It is as much interesting as it is helpful in strenghening your resolve and it is a good starting point.
    Talk to your girlfriend about it if you haven't done so already. I'm sure she will be understanding and supportive.

    Also there's no reason to be ashamed or disgusted. Nobody told our generations that porn is a drug and it was either not talked about or normalized because nobody knew it's dangerous. The word is still getting out but still not fast enough because affected people like you and me are ashamed and won't talked about it.
    Be proud of yourself for discovering/acknowleging the problem so early! I wasted 2 more years not knowing what was going on / ignoring it when I was in your situation.
    You have the opportunity to change now! Use it well!

    Also stay active on the forum! It helps yourself and others.

    Best of luck mate!
  3. incredulity

    incredulity New Fapstronaut

    Thank you so so much for your support and reassuring words! That's really helped put things in perspective. And yeah I have told my girlfriend about it, luckily she's been amazing and supportive.

    You make a really good point about the shame, I really do feel like telling my friends about the dangers of porn, and even more so now. And thanks for showing me that website, it looks fascinating and hopefully really helpful!

    If there's more incredible people like you offering support and advice, which I'm sure there are, then I'm definitely staying active! Cheers again :)
    DBug likes this.
  4. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    You're very welcome!
    I'm glad to hear that you gf took it in a positive way!

    Good to have you onboard :)