First time not trying alone...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Kingphisher, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. Kingphisher

    Kingphisher Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody, as the title suggests this is the first time I wil be trying to quit PM not totally solo. I have tried several times but unfortunately always relapsed. I also just realized that video games are a co-addiction for me and need to go just as bad as porn. Trying these in combination will be very difficult for me because I work full time in a stressful job where I have peoples lives in my hands (EMT) and I'm also a full time student. The added stress will be my biggest factor for relapse I think.

    Anyways its nice to meet you all :)
    Keb likes this.
  2. Keb

    Keb Fapstronaut

    Welcome. Nice to meet you as well. I wish you luck in your journey. We're here for you.
  3. Kingphisher

    Kingphisher Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I will need it. I wish I coukd reach out to somebody else in my life but I know that they would not take it seriously and I would be embarrased. I really wish that I had the bravery to tell my girl about it...
  4. Keb

    Keb Fapstronaut

    I know it might be difficult, but maybe you should just take a leap of faith and try to reach out to someone in your life. Perhaps you should sit your girlfriend down and put everything out on the table. You might be surprised by her reaction. If it turns out she reacts poorly, if she judges you and fails to offer you compassion, then you may want to reconsider if this is the person you wish to spend your life with. Your addiction is a part of you, whether you want it to be or not. I don't know about you, but I need the woman I love to accept me for who I am. I need to know that I can bare my soul to her and that at the end of the day she will still love me. I could never hide something like this from my significant other, for I feel I would be living a lie. It would be too heavy a burden for me to bear. But that's just me. You need to do what is right for you.
  5. John Nixon

    John Nixon Fapstronaut

    Greetings King :) You say you have a full time job and you are also a full time student. Quitting porn and masturbation will eventually give you more energy to do those things which are stressful. Just hopefully you have a healthy outlet for all of that stress because stopping P&M will be more stressful before it gets better. Quitting games could actually help too but give yourself something enjoyable to do maybe watch a movie or a favourite TV episode everyday for boredom and enjoyment. Good luck, hope everything goes well for you.
  6. Kingphisher

    Kingphisher Fapstronaut

    @Keb I have thought about doing just that with her its just hard. She's not by nature a very good comforter and I honestly don't know how she will react. Maybe I will "test the waters" with video games and based on how she reacts go from there?
    @Nixon Tbh I recently realized that I switch off between the two, and apparently cravings for one trigger the other. So I don'r know how I would be able to rewire without them both. Video games might sound more harmless but it has gotten pretty bad at times IE thinking about a game while I'm having sex with my girlfriend, wishing I was doing that instead of being with her. I might allow myself some games that have low addictability like chess, sodoku, lumosity ect...
  7. Mert

    Mert New Fapstronaut

    Welcome. ;)
    We should get rid of every kinds of addictions. For me, NoFap is getting free of not just pmo but the concept of being addicted.
  8. Kingphisher

    Kingphisher Fapstronaut

    I agree with that completely. Amen
  9. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    One thing that may help is identifying what triggers you to porn use. So you mentioned the stress of your job and being a full time student. You may also want to try substituting constructive habits from old destructive ones. I'm trying that approach of knowing what my triggers are and then being aware of them. Then substituting a bad habit (wasting time browsing on internet) with a good habit (cleaning the house, looking for work, school, etc.). Also what can help you is carrying a journal wherever you go and writing everything that comes to your mind, so that you can read how you feel later and question it. Hope that helps.
  10. Kingphisher

    Kingphisher Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of a "insight journal" I often get struck with great insight randomly but can never mentally bring it up when I'm in a weak place. Definitely something that I will try.
  11. Keb

    Keb Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I completely understand your hesitancy. Spilling the beans to your girl is not going to be easy. It may just end up being one of the most difficult things you've ever had to do. I feel for you. But I believe you will be glad you did once it's over--whatever the outcome. "Testing the waters" isn't a bad idea. It definitely couldn't hurt. It may give you a better idea of how to broach the topic with her.
  12. Keb

    Keb Fapstronaut

    I absolutely love this. I'm going to begin doing this myself. Thank you so much.
  13. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    No problem. If I receive help then, I need to help others as well.