2 years and 2 months...in peace

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Chastity is joyful, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Alyosha

    Alyosha Fapstronaut

    I really relate to your story. I am a Catholic too, and your story is eerily similar to mine. I'm a college student, 22, with one year of school left until I graduate. My hope (as it has been every summer) is to go at least 90 days free of PMO BEFORE I go back to school, so I'll be off to a good start.

    There's a couple girls I would like to ask out (never had a girlfriend), but I just keep thinking "PMO will sabotage me." Whether it's various scientific studies cited by NoFap, even if I'm not ACTUALLY experiencing the detriments of PMO (brain-fog, social anxiety, etc.) I'm ANTICIPATING that I'll suffer them, so I'm feeling them anyway, as a self-fulfilling prophecy. So I feel I cannot ask a girl out or really have a deep relationship as long as I'm addicted to PMO.

    So I would like to ask you, if you could go back and talk to yourself the summer before your last year of college, what would you tell him? Because I am essentially at that point and I wish I could be where you're at.
    renowned fighter likes this.
  2. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Hey fellow brother in Christ,

    I will send you a private message, so we can talk more on these matters. I can relate very well to the self-fulfilling prophecy which you talk about.

    Just hold on some minutes so I can write you.
  3. Strivefwd

    Strivefwd Fapstronaut

    I remember in college I met a holy attractive catholic girl that told me she didnt like it that guys lusted over her. that conversation changed my life for that year and I didnt MO for about 18 months. i always kept in touch with her and was fighting for her in my mind to be chaste. she was my motivation. after graduation, she and I stopped talking with each other and she became interested in other holy catholic men. That led to me asking my question in stressful times "why be pure?" for the past 3 years I have MOed every week. I cant break free. do you still keep in touch with the girl that you were talking to who motivated you to be pure? if not, where have you found your motivation to be pure in stressful, tempting occasions/moments? (ps love your jp2 qoute, jason evert mentions that all the time in his chastity talks)
  4. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Hey there my fellow Brother;

    I perfectly understand your question. The thing was that although the girl who embrace me that day was very beautiful, I never felt in Love with her. Actually she is my Godmother, we met in highschool and we kept in touch ever since. We talk on a weekly basis and it is good to help her when she needs me, or being helped when I need her. The question "Why to be pure?" is very good and the answer to that is in the Bible, more concretely in the Beatitudes: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God." Mathew 5:8. In a more concrete way I have to say that if you are not pure, it will be very difficult to you to be an apostle and to reflect Christ. Christ is pure Love, so that is the answer to why to be pure. If you focus too much on a person and base your abstaining in one person you will likely fail because people "disappoint" us. Sure that feeling embraced that moment felt good, because I was needy, but I had never second intentions. From there I just start to go for Christ and making my faith more real.
    Strivefwd likes this.
  5. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    I would like to add something to that if I may.
    How we think and believe creates our internal reality and that in turn gets reflected in our outside world. This is the faith concept. We attract what we are or how we think.
    So let's illustrate it on an example.

    You see a girl so clean and pure and beutiful so you stop PMOing for her or in order to get her. This can never make you get that girl because your believe in yourself has not changed. Even though you stoped PMO, inside of yourself you do not believe you are pure and PMO free for ever. You are just pretending for a while so u can get that girl. But true purity attracts true purity.

    So let's say you then decide to stop PMO for yourself.... In this instance you stop PMO and you start believing you are now PMO free and pure for ever and you do infact become clean and pure for ever. When that happens you will attract somebody clean and pure into your life becaues you are it yourself. We have to become ourself what we want in life.

    If you want love, you have to become loving, if you want clean and trustworthly spouse you have to become clean and trustworthy yourself.

    Now imagine u want a clean and pure and beutiful girl but u yourself are PMO img like crazy and sleeping around and not respecting your body and thinking that you are worth shit and that nobody loves you....then even if by some miracle way that girl came to your life .... She would leave you even faster.....But most likely you will attract another self masturbating, self hating individual in your life. You see that happening all around us. People end up with people who reflects their internal world. Drugs users hang up with drug users, Prostitutrs with prostitutes, poor with poor, criminals with criminals.

    So if you truly become yourself what you wish other people were, then like attracts like.

    And one more think, it is important to also evaluate and correct your self believes here. Do you believe you are worthly of that girl or deeply inside you see yourself as a looser, less of a human, scared of failure, scared to ask her for a date incase she rejects you.
    Those beliefs also manifest themselves in our reality. So if you do become PMO free waking purity but at the same time you believe that nobody can love you ... ... do u get the idea?

    You have to do the whole lot. Become yourself who you want to attract, and believe you are worthly of love and hapiness and that girl and it will happen. This is what true faith is all about. It is believing things in your heart, mind, soul and body and behaving as we already have what we want and are who we want to become.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  6. This is beautiful. literally brought chills to my spine. thanks and a congratulations. Your story is inspiring.

    Whenever I went into bad cycles of masturbation/porn.I literally stop praying (normally the first thing I do in the morning) and I realized I was literally turning away from God. Very simply when I pray, attend church, read scripture and really engage spiritually the desires for porn are not there. Its like having a clean suit on you don't want to roll around in filth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2016
  7. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Yes, it is true. When you feel a strong spiritual connection with Jesus you start not caring for the bad stuff. When you get more distant you will feel more prone to make mistakes, but we have all to be strong to remain in the right path. We have to truly commit ourselves to not let God. We have to be resilient and carry on our path.
    ivanhoe and HopeFaith like this.
  8. @Chastity is joyful

    Hello Mate,

    Last things first. Thank you for that awesome quote from John Paul II.

    I just want to say. When you close your laptop and start to spend more time offline, things definitely start to change...

    I am trying now to be more offline than online and it works miracles with the anxiety.

    Good Luck and God Bless!
    HopeFaith likes this.
  9. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your comment...it is true, sometimes it is very good to abstract from your Computer to clean up your head. In the first times is difficult, but as you got some time wihout going to the internet it actually becomes easier. You got to be brave to not go to the internet in the first week but in the end it pays off. So don't be discouraged...it is hard for everyone, but we are here to help one anothers.
    HopeFaith likes this.
  10. Hello friend and thank you for sharing your story, it is very inspiring and helping, I will copy this part to my journal because you just got the point of my situation. Goodluck!
    HopeFaith likes this.
  11. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    It is actually good to feel that we can inspire other people, thank you so much for all the good messages I have been receiving. I am grateful for that, but I need to keep focused. To not take anything as granted, we all can fail and fall. We need to learn to be humble too and akcnowledge our weaknesses as S.Paul says "For when I am weak, then I am strong" Corinthians 12:10
    ivanhoe and HopeFaith like this.
  12. Junaidi83

    Junaidi83 Fapstronaut

    Been there done that, good luck bro you need all the luck for that long journey ^^
  13. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Thank you...we all need luck...but more than luck we need to deeply compromise to our path. We must guard our eyes, this is what I found from my experience. If we start indulging ourselves with little things we will not be able to go through the great temptations that may come.
    ivanhoe and HopeFaith like this.
  14. Yes. and re-enforce your reasons for quitting when you feel strong even if you feel you 'dont have to' - then you'll have the strength to fight when you're 'weak'
    Chastity is joyful likes this.
  15. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    It is not about fighting our desires. Our desires are us so we can never win. Imagine hating your leg and desperately trying to get rid of if to the point of cutting it off.... This can never succed in making us happy but all it does it makes us suffer, be in constant misery because we are stuck with that leg. We spend years fighting with it and feeling exhausted .... and it never goes away. Eventualty we take a desperate attemp and decide to cut it off.....only to learn we are now .....disabled.

    This is what happens to people on the emotional lever too. When you get a desire to PMO you need to understand that it is there to protect you from feeling your feelings. You are wounded inside and those shadow desires: MOing, PMOing or drinking .... are our coping mechanisms stoping us from feeling our emotions. People do not know it as long as they engage in those acts. It is only by removing our distruction that we learn this.

    But then we also learn that we can not win a war against our leg or against our own feelings and desires as all those things are us! All we can do is to accept them as ours without acting out on them. All we can do is show them love and understanding. This is what is called integration. This is how we heal and learn to be self loving. When we accept and love who we are right now, paradox will happen... those things would disappear and stop causing us trouble. And we become wholesome and complete and integrated. The internal turmoil we created inside of us... the internal war .... will be no more there. All we will be left with is peace, and tranquility.

    So it is not about fighting any part of us, those who do that continue to struggle with their addictions for years and are still fighting their desires while they are abstaining. It is all about learning self acceptance and self love. Those who learn how to love all parts of who they are... recover.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  16. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    I understand what you are saying HopeFaith. But sometimes even when we are at peace with ourselves, we never know how long that peace will last. So what I think ivanhoe is saying is that we need to be ready to fight, even if we feel at peace, because temptations can be just around the corner. I feel at peace right now and I feel I have a sound heart. But I don't know the future, so to remain pure I should guard my eyes and don't let any kind of bad thought to corrupt my purity. If I do not guard my eyes I will be much more prone to fall in PMO. We should defend our Castle from the outside. We don't want to reach a state that we are only defending the main tower, and everything around is teared apart and burning. In this situation it will be much more difficult to resist the temptations.
  17. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Yes, guarding your eyes is a must. Your eyes are the window to your soul and without guarding what goes in to your soul one can not succed. We are what we eat and we become what we see and engage in.
    Chastity is joyful likes this.
  18. GeoffUK

    GeoffUK Guest

    The whole post spoke to me actually, but the example you gave here really spoke to me. Being at ease with myself and my thoughts, realising that whilst I have them I don't have to act on them and knowing that one can handle temptations as they come along is the key to this IMO.
    Deleted Account and HopeFaith like this.
  19. Chastity is joyful

    Chastity is joyful Fapstronaut

    Hey there,

    I don't know why but NoFap has deleted my counter. I am more than 500 days now without PMO, and I feel great! My goal is to keep living smoothly without urges as I have been living since almost 6 months now. The summer was not very hard to pass, even if now and then I would have some bad thoughts about girls in the beach. Pray would help me a lot and talking about the problem with older persons gave me strenght to keep going. I can't say it was all calm waters, but I am now much more balanced. The other day I was seeing a Documentary about the business of Porn Industry and all of a sudden, it appeared a sex scene...and it didn't triggered me at all. I just fast forward the documentary and that's it...I felt normal not to watch two persons doing those obscenities, it was degrading. I feel much more free now, to love other people. The idea of counting the days is not good when we focus on packing days instead of changing our hearts and minds. I guess in the first days it can be good to get some extra boost in our confidence, but we will get to a point that it turns out to be very dull to come here day by day and we feel that we are stuck in the 100's or 200's days. So don't live by counting days, live to understand your triggers, help others on your daily life and put true Love in everything you do.

    God Bless you!!
  20. This is a beautiful journey! Reading it spoke and resonated volumes with me.

    I have been obsessed about abstaining and regressing my thoughts and feelings and trying to suppress my urges for the past 3 years to defeat this addiction. Every time i reach some sort of level of success that i measure by day count i just end up falling backwards into pmo. I relapse and start all over again.

    Every time i feel like its going to be the last time, 'this is it' and in the back of my mind i tell myself 'no, this isn't it... lets fall back to my vices'..

    I have been stuck on a loop all this time because I've been avoiding making any real significant changes to my life to address my problems, concerns, fears and desires. For years i felt unworthy, unattractive, uninteresting, useless as an introvert person that's filled with anxiety, no real friends, and no real people that consider me their friend. Each time i set out on beating out specific habits that have negative impact on my life, i end up relapsing.. I feel like i am losing my time here on this planet and prolonging this journey more than i need to.. i lie to myself all the time..