Binge Relapse

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by nae danger mouse, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. nae danger mouse

    nae danger mouse New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I was doing nofap for about a month and well into a flatline before having a one night stand (It does work but I found I had to lick her out first), anyway after which my sex drive went through the roof (I was suffering from porn induced ED so this was my desired effect), however, to prevent another flatline I thought I could masturbate every 2-4 days (no porn, also a lot less regularly than I was before nofap) which worked at first except now Iv found my ED is almost back to where I started, have I lost all my progress? (wasnt 100% sure whether this fell under Rebooting or PIED)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. DBug

    DBug Fapstronaut

    You are of the generation that grew up with high speed internet porn when your brain was (and maybe still is) on the height of its plasticity. Also we are all different and our symptoms and withdrawals differ. It may take more than a month to "heal" you.
    Several others have also reported, that sex and masturbation set them back. Maybe you still have a deathgrip? Just keep off porn and it will get better, although there can be more ups and downs.

    Stay on course!
    Deleted Account and ComeAgain? like this.
  3. ComeAgain?

    ComeAgain? Fapstronaut

    Healing the damage takes time. I know it took me a little over a year to make any real progress. Stay the course! You will win!
    DBug likes this.
  4. Checkpoint

    Checkpoint Fapstronaut

    In my past attempt at nofap, I reached 37 days of no PMO (maybe some p-subs watching for a very quick time interval) and I actually found that I was able to M and O without P.

    I thought I was healed and binge relapsed, I was euphoric. I felt I could just touch my dick and reach orgams as I wanted without P, and that I was going to be able to do that with girls.

    But then a week later I found out that I wasn't able to get it up and O with just touch alone, as if I had lost all my progress. And out of sadness I relapsed with P for 3-4 months...

    What I want to say is that my experience is similar to yours and that it's not that easy to cure PIED, probably.

    Even if you find out that you can M and O without P or with girls don't ever lower your guard.

    Keep doing nofap and just slowly reintroduce yourself to normal sex, without binge relapsing, even if you feel the sexual drive skyrocketing.
    Deleted Account likes this.