I did it once, can I do it again Introduction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by nononanisteren, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. nononanisteren

    nononanisteren Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. First of all I would like to tip my hat to all of you for moving this NoFap forward—keeping it alive. It gives me hope. I once stopped PMO for 2 months a few years back but then relapsed and right now I am in a pretty bad slump. I am trying to use meditation to help focus my thoughts and get out of it. I did this meditation by Yogi Kanna on youtube today and it helped a lot.

    I really want to break it this time, if I could only make it for say a month I think it would be so much easier to keep going after that. I also feel that my addiction to PMO affects all aspects of my life. It controls me. Now I want to be in control again.

    Anyway my thanks to all of you guys showing me that it can be done.
  2. Invisible_Detective

    Invisible_Detective Fapstronaut

    Welcome back to the right path, my friend! I'd really suggest looking up cold showers. They're healthy for you and they help with NoFap ;)
  3. nononanisteren

    nononanisteren Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I have tried those in the past without much success. I think they are great, just not for everybody. Thanks for the support though. Really appreciated it.
  4. TimeForChange

    TimeForChange Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I started NoFap around February time and found the support on here very useful. Unfortunately my university work got the better of me and I have slumped majorly in the last few months. Now that I am free from university I am to make a fresh start and follow it through this time. All the best!
  5. nononanisteren

    nononanisteren Fapstronaut

    I am sure you can do it TimeForChange.