28 and need to grow more as a person

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by adriatik28, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Im new here. I decided to give up fapping for 7 days already. I was looking for an online support group the past couple days and this showed up. Now i know i am not alone in this. I look forward to advise from anyone, especially for those like me who are starting and made a choice to do so.

    Im 28 and i just want to see how far i can last. Im on hard core mode and no pmo. I just want to prove to myself that i can do this and increase the range of my self control skills. I can only do this a day at a time, so i don't really want to promise anything but to go through this challenge with the fellows here.
  2. Shep

    Shep Fapstronaut

    Hello and good luck on your nofap journey.
  3. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Hello there. Feels good to have a reply. Thanks so much and same to you too! Let's take this challenge one day at a time.
  4. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    The best way to approach this challenge is one foot in front of the other or one day at a time, good luck!
  5. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend. By proving yourself that you can do it, you'll also find out a lot of great things about no fapping. I whish you the best of luck. If you'd like to you could write a journal. Where you can track your progress and let people know how you're doing. The signatures trackers are also very useful and you could get one yourself.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2014
  6. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    hi there! thanks for posting. yeah, i realized that i had to take it one day at a time. i have a tendency to overthink about things. i like the last quote on your post. its similar to what i say to myself every night, the time when i feel most vulnerable. i tell myself that i reached this day not to relapse or reset. just starting on the 30 days, then will evaluate from there.

    hope to hear more from you. more power to you too! its about time we conquer ourselves on another level.
  7. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    hi there! yeah, i'm starting to feel the benefits somehow. i feel more confident in a certain way. there have been times before that i felt that i was "inadequate" but it was just all in my head. i actually have a journal where i write my thoughts and feelings about everything, not just about this one, and it feels like i am not starting to deal with my issues and battle my demons that i run from for the longest time.

    just like what i've said on my messages to those who sent me, i'm taking this one day at a time and that its time we conquer ourselves on a whole new level.

    congratulations on your progress and you counter inspires me not to go back but move forward. i'll get to read your journal thread in the next few hours. maybe i'll get to hear from you soon and share my thoughts online also. :)
  8. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you're taking it one step at a time. At least that's the way I like to take on this things. I've recently found true self commitment on being a better person, no fapping is just a part of this all (but an important one!). I'll keep an eye on your thread for more news about your challenge.
    Keep it up!