Can porn cause chronophobia?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by sdfsdfsfdsdf, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. sdfsdfsfdsdf

    sdfsdfsfdsdf Fapstronaut

    Chronophobia is the irrational fear of the passing of time. I haven't seen any threads about porn causing it but since all phobias come under anxiety disorders and we can all agree that porn causes anxiety, is this a possibility?
  2. outedskeleton

    outedskeleton Fapstronaut

    For me, old age causes the fear of passing time, lol. I think we should be careful linking porn to every anxiety and disorder that afflicts us. I believe the relationships are more likely correlated as opposed to causal.
  3. Max L.

    Max L. Guest

    I think addictions disturbs our natural bound with reality. Our faculty to take reality at it is. To accept that nothing is perfect. So, when you don't feel connected you can have difficulties with the passage of time. I think this is the motor of addictions 'to always try to escape reality'. For that, I practice to 'let things go'. I recommend you the book of Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now.
  4. MasSingo

    MasSingo Fapstronaut

    Maybe because we don't have enough worthy achievements or suffered long dissapointing years, because we too busy PMO-ing. So, yes, maybe it is. Thanks for making me alert.