A Quest for Freedom

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by SkyGazer18, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. SkyGazer18

    SkyGazer18 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    I've been tangled with masturbation and pornography since I was 12. In fact, during my high school years I masturbated every day, or even twice or thrice a day. Yeah I know, I'm a certified record-breaking maniac. ;)I tolerated this daily ritual which I know most men do. I gratified myself with it whenever I am in the state of emotional wreck or when simply nature calls.
    However I cannot escape the reality that there must be something more than being like that, confining yourself inside the room, gluing your eyes on the monitor, clearing the browsing data, and with tissues at the end of the process. I think it was extremely prosaic already. So I decided to stop that kind of routine, and instead divert my attention to things that really matter in real-life situation. But it was only short-lived. It's difficult. I tried to break from it countless times, yet it seems my body is accustomed to it. And what's worse? Guilt began to emerge when I maximized my religious belief system. I feel regret and sorry for myself whenever I give in. It keeps haunting me all the way. But the more I resist, the more it persists. So, that habit continues to remain in me and become part of me (though it's not that regular as before ), and poor self-esteem ensued. 2 days ago, I did it again and hurdled my productivity the whole day and over the next day.
    But I won't give up. I'm not gonna end up my life like this, a slave.

    I admire those people who had the same experience like mine but went through all the way to FREEDOM. And then boom! I suddenly dropped here and found those victorious people. Yeah! if they can do it, so can I. HENCE, I'M NOW MORE, EVEN MORE MOTIVATED! :cool: MY QUEST FOR FREEDOM BEGINS NOW! ;)
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
  2. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

    Awesome quote, sums up why I decided to try and quit PMO all those months ago- it sounds like you're going to do well at Nofap :cool:
  3. SkyGazer18

    SkyGazer18 Fapstronaut

    :cool: Yeah! I really am.