2 Years Sober

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by NoneForMeThanks, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. NoneForMeThanks

    NoneForMeThanks Fapstronaut

    Fapstronauts I will be honest...

    I thought this moment would be a lot more sentimental for me. Admittedly my sobriety has been the bedrock that I have been able to build all my other success on top of. The problem is, pornography is just not a part of my life anymore.

    Yes. I do keep the date on my calendar, and in giant florescent letters in my signature, as a constant reminder of the dark years. But for me (and for you) the page will eventually get turned. This monster that has dominated so much of your life will soon be dust in the wind. I promise.

    My only hope is that everyone's 2 year post will be as equally boring as this one. Because if so, porn is dead to you. And that is what we're all here for, am I right? Keep your eyes on the prize boys.

    Many say "you CAN do this". We need to start saying, "you WILL do this". There is no option anymore guys. Now is the time.

  2. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Awesome, I WILL be there!
  3. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

  4. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  5. Bran Cao

    Bran Cao Fapstronaut

    Great brother! Still I hope to know the life changes Nofap have brought to you.
    The Master Rebooter and I Free I like this.
  6. Wow, Such an inspiration, I know i will be there one day.
  7. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    We'll all be there!
    Oskar kantor and I Free I like this.
  8. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    BuddyLee, Sanc-Hos, Inn and 6 others like this.
  9. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut

    Man … thank you soo much for sharing this!!!

    I’ve been fighting PMO for a long time and only recently found this site…. I got to Day 9 relapsed, then got to DAY 19 but relapsed on Friday…

    Your words have inspired my soo much, I’m holding back the tears… I want that life you have , I want to be happy , have a life full of joy , passion and love of life…

    I need to but PMO finally once and for all in my past …. Building again from Day 1 and I look forward to when I post my 2-year free of PMO post …

    Thank you.
  10. sir fappanot

    sir fappanot Fapstronaut

    what a post. good on ya man! hell yea
    The Master Rebooter likes this.
  11. The Prince of Persia

    The Prince of Persia Fapstronaut

    You are a champion.
  12. Awesome man. You are a beacon of hope and inspiration for all of us. And, yes I am sincerely considering to write a success story as boring as it can be. May be that could become my new success story.;):D
  13. Border_

    Border_ Fapstronaut

    Insightful post. I think just by the nature of the addiction, our levels of awareness will fluctuate through recovery. We see a lot of rebooters here and people stuck in the cycle of intermittent relapse of a few days or a few weeks. I have been one of them myself for the last 10 months. Necessarily we will have need to have more awareness of the urges, our triggers, our emotions, etc. early on since we are still very close to the addiction and the pathways are still strong.

    Then, as time goes on it does fade in large part as it should. If we are successful abstaining long enough we build lives and coping mechanisms that don't have anything to do with PMO. It just becomes something you don't do and loses a lot of it's presence in day to day living. That's a great success! However, there is a note of caution always required! If we become too unaware we can fall prey to the same causes that got us to the initial PMO addiction in the first place.

    I can't remember the exact length of my longest streak, but I think I blew it just before hitting the two year mark. I got a little too comfortable and didn't respect the fact that I could relapse as a serious possibility anymore. I was happy to think I was behind the issue, hopefully forever. The overconfidence was a large part of my downfall I think. It didn't take a single thought, or a single week to end up relapsing. But eventually the hold of sexual urges and thoughts felt so weak on me that I began to make small compromises.. and developed a lack of concern being exposed to mildly triggering content on a regular basis. Long story short this eroded me over time and I think was a large part of my eventual relapse.

    So I don't really know what to make of the experience. It's a blurry line between getting your mind and your life focused off PMO in large part over time, which is good. But not taking that too far and completely ignoring the danger there and becoming overconfident. Hard to stay in the sweet spot.
  14. control_your_impulses

    control_your_impulses Fapstronaut

    Day 25 here and I WILL be at your place after 23 months :)
  15. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    Day 5, there's much work to do.

    RKBASERA Fapstronaut

    Day 33 here........will be completing ma 2 years after 23 months..........☺️
    The Master Rebooter likes this.
  17. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Agree with that.
    The Master Rebooter likes this.
  18. Beautifully said. Comrade .
  19. Monk Man

    Monk Man Fapstronaut

    you make it seem Easy.
  20. Alyson Silva

    Alyson Silva New Fapstronaut

    Do you want to leave some tips of what helped and worked out for you?
    The Master Rebooter likes this.