Only the smart survive. Well not anymore.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by PsychicCharlie, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. PsychicCharlie

    PsychicCharlie Fapstronaut

    So this thought has been on my mind for ages. So let me just start it off. I'm really interested in evolution even though I believe in god. I'm not catholic I have very unique things that I believe. In the old times, millions and billions of years ago. Caveman had to be smart, strong and protective to survive in the world. Dinosaurs and shit were lurking around every corner so you have to survive like that right? They had to be prepared for anything and everything. Now lets look at the present. 7-8 billion on planet earth and a very large percent of that are just borderline stupid so stupid people can't tell if they are actually challenged mentally or just plain out lazy and have no thoughts what so ever. So nofappers I'm going to talk about dumb people today haha.

    I'm constantly thinking do people know about nofap and how much it helps you or do they just pretend not to know? I mean people use wanker as a insult so shouldn't they know not masturbating makes you just better? Also, people are very very silly it might just be England which is may be but every time someone laughs its not funny its just plain out stupid. These days randomness=laughter. So what the fuck? This is a rant by the way just making that clear. So many people just pretend and if you think about it the Earth hardly has any smart people any more. In my area of England people also known as chavs (british slang) are completely utter dumb shits. They find it insulting if you just look at them, like we aren't supposed to use our eyes. Not looking at them in a dirty way just plain out looking around like your supposed to look at the floor when your near them.

    I know this quite difficult to understand but these are the people where I live I'm not saying I'm a genius or anything but if you put these people next to me you will think I'm Einstien.
    So I would like to ask why do people not to want to be smart or are they just born that way? I just wanted to keep my mind off pornography so I wrote this. Bye guys.
  2. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Hi, PC,

    Evolution does not work that way. Those who leave the most grandchildren behind pass their genes on into the future. Doesn't matter if it's by luck, trickery, or brute force. Look at cuckoos and cowbirds. They don't even raise their own young, just drop the eggs off with some other industrious birds and let instinct take care of the rest. Or sea turtles. Maybe 99.9% of the babies get eaten, but enough squeak by with luck that it doesn't matter (reminds me of a few families in my town).

    If smarts were needed to survive in caveman times, don't you think more animals would be smart? Yeah, some animals have sharp teeth and claws and thick skins, but pit the average caveman against the average rabbit or duck or wounded sheep, and the guy's not exactly going to get his ass kicked. Caveman guy's got brains enough to bring home dinner, with a few extra neurons left to make a few fart jokes along the way.

    Ever seen the movie Idiocracy? It's a stupid movie, but I like it. There's a nice dig at social evolution there in the beginning, not exactly subtle, not exactly scientific, but memorable. Heh.
  3. Mrea99

    Mrea99 Fapstronaut

    Idiocracy is one of those movies thats so bad, its a classic and its turning out to be true!
    If they made that movie to be exactly the way it came out then thats brilliant.
    I wonder?
  4. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    The feeling that "everyone here is an idiot except for me" is part of the egoism of adolescence.
    Those who grow out of that stage start to notice that they're pretty stupid too, sometimes (and others have hidden expertise).
  5. Morrow

    Morrow Fapstronaut

    First of all: Men were not actually living along dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were extinct long before men evolved :)

    Second: Yes, evolution made people smart. But it gave them other traits too. Smartnes is not the only way to pass on your genes. It could also be aggressivity, strenght or baseness. Everyone had his own ways to get through. People you meet could just have adapted another evolutionary strategy.

    Thirdly: It could be true that people were smarter in the past. Because human societies always try to limit natural selection to a minimum, there is an undirected genetic drift. Genetic drift always happens, wether there is selection of any form or not. But selection gives this drift a direction. If the selection is deactivated, the drift goes on randomly. And random genetic drift could lead to deterioration, because mutations with a negative effect are far more probable than mutations with positive effects. Just imagine you have a computer and you tinker with it randomly. What effect would you expect? The computer getting smarter or dumber?
  6. Tschoo

    Tschoo Fapstronaut

    I 100% agree with you here.
  7. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    I've read somewhere that humans are the only species who have stopped depending on evolution to survive. Other creatures depend on their own genes which is a result of evolution in order to survive, for example: an animal's thick fur enables it to survive in cold environments. A tiger's claws allow it to catch prey. A bird's can fly because its weight is so low, and the reason it's so low is because it doesn't need that much water to survive.

    In the case of humans, we don't have thick fur. We don't have claws. Yet we are present as the exact same species in every corners of the planet, and soon we might even leave the planet to go to other planets. The difference is that instead of waiting for evolution to do its course (For example, evolving thick fur when moving to colder climates) we simply use tools (like wearing a coat)
  8. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Speaking from a biologist's point of view, that's the wrong way to think about it.

    It is impossible to subvert the process of evolution using man-made technology and ideas. Why? Because the intelligence and social impulses that make these advances possible are themselves a product of evolution. Seemingly weak animals world over use social organization to survive. It's an evolutionary adaptation. Many animals engage in simple tool use and even the build structures that are absolutely essential to their survival. These are not all automatic behaviors. Many wild animals have to learn them, using the brain power they inherited and the skills passed on from their parents. Interrupt that process, and the animals returned to the wild die.

    The difference between a heated skyscraper and a beaver's dam is one of degree and complexity, not type. The phenomenon of a human women preferring to marry a wimpy accountant instead of a virile street thug is not so different from sexual selection in some nesting birds. The fact that we as a society pull together and treat diseases with medicine is one of the most adaptive traits the human race has. Protecting our weaker members so that they can grow strong and reproduce later is not unique in the animal kingdom. All animals that care for their young through extended childhoods are essentially doing the same thing. We just do it better.

    One might argue back saying, "If you take away all that technology and medicine, the genes we're left with are weak! The strength of the human race is diminished with every generation because of our conveniences!" Nonsense. Take any animal out of the environment it evolved in, and it will likely be less adapted to the new environment, perhaps to the point of extinction. That's how evolution works in any case. Working together within a complex system to manufacture clothes, homes and antibiotics has become our environment. We are not weaker for perpetuating these skills, we are more successful. More human, too.

    A common misconception needs to be addressed. Evolution does not drive any creature to achieve its "strongest" form, nor does it care about nobility, grace, beauty, nor (importantly) the comfort and happiness of the animals that comprise each generation. Rather, it drives species as a whole toward a "good enough" form to keep going. That's it. Some are specialists, some are generalists. Most species that ever lived are gone. We find some of them beautiful and impressive, but that's nothing more than our subjective opinion, which we enjoy as a byproduct of having such ridiculously fancy brains.