30 days, quite awesome.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by MuslimNoPorn, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. MuslimNoPorn

    MuslimNoPorn Fapstronaut

    Hello my dearest friends

    Firstly I want to apologize for my absence, I had some things going on so the only place where I got help last 30 days is my NF group, I'll talk about the things and my NF group now.

    I don't think if sharing this would be helpfull, but all bits help, not true? I got to 30 days for the second time in my months and months of NoFap and I can say it is awesome to be able to post here again. I don't know whether it would help you guys but I know it is helping me at least to stand still and think. Why not post it here anyway then? ;)

    It hasn't been a fun journey, I got a lot of personal problems going on (but I live under a roof, got food, am alive, so I don't have the right to complain that much), it is just that some very personal things were holding me back, massively, for years (5 years addiction, now already 9 months recovery), causing me wanting to fap. I would fap because of it to forget and I would fap to forget everything, fapping - for me - is/was more for relieving myself on bad days or just forgetting myself instead, but there were obviously always times I got triggered from a certain temptation - just like everyone -. ;) How did I solve this first problem that caused me to feel unhappy and to fap? I just decided to let it not play a big role in my life, fighting against nature is a lost fight anyway (tell me what), nature gives what it gives and I've come to terms with it. Don't ever feel bad about your identity, whether it is a certain religion you follow, or whether you're an atheist, whether it is your skin colour, whether it is your personality, whether it is your sexual orientation, your race, your gender,..., whether it is I don't know which thing that makes you: you. Don't feel bad about it, just take what nature gave you and be awesome, nature may give you things you never wanted but you are the one to choose what you're going to do with it.

    How did I do the rest? It was obviously not one lonely problem that made me to get through the first 30 days. For me to succeed I acknowledged I'm not the only one in this boat, I got a very good AP group on WhatsApp who helped me through some quite bad times and who helped me a lot, I can't stress a lot enough. They're really the best. Here I want to get to the importance of being with people who are in the same boat as you, it helped me really to get instant help from those guys (we are with 18 now, there's always a good chance someone is there) and it helped also to have a whole community behind me (you guys, thank you guys). To talk with people about this (NF) and other things that bother you is just really the best solution for everything. Talking, helps. Having a (good) group, helps, I'm already a part of it for 9 months and not planning on leaving it for definitely, soon.

    There was also ofcourse the part that came from myself, my AP group can give me all help in the world but a part has to come from me, they can't come from America/Asia/Africa/... to Belgium to make sure I won't fap, a part has to come from yourself and everyone knows that. It is just you have to realise fapping (and porn) is not an option, you were addicted to it, you know from yourself you cannot do it moderate, you know from yourself you are trying to abstain from it, then, abstain. So don't do it, don't fap, you probably have some work to work on (I'm still in school, I always have some work to do), you have some tasks, you can go sport, go to the gym, read a book,..., there are tons of things you can do instead of fapping so just do another thing when you are triggered and go from there. ;)

    So, benefits? Yes, there are benefits, even throughout the months (because I fapped occasionally in my 9 months NF, or else this wouldn't be a 1 month success story... But luckily got a lot of decent streaks), my grades went up a lot, especially for French [in Belgium French is an obligated subject (we're not for nothing a country with three languages), I hated it first because I was bad at it, but I was bad at it because I fapped instead of learning, since I started NoFap I actually started learning and trying in a lot of ways to improve my French, it worked a lot, thanks NF for giving me free time and my willpower], my French teacher still can't believe my progress in the language. I started two evening classes, German and Arabic (I have no life and way too much free time, I just like learning I guess, I actually like learning because it makes me forget my problems when I'm unhappy, like that one problem I described in paragraph 1, knowledge is power, knowledge is the best medicine to all problems in my case), I recently started going to the gym again (we'll see if that'll work out, I'll post about this when I get 60 days), I started eating healthier (eating unhealthy was a huge trigger, I would eat a piece of cake and go fap lmao, I decided to only eat cakes or waffles or ... in public or when we are with family so that I cannot go fap). I saw lots of benefits, it comes down to I'm more productive if we summarise it, but you guys heard that from everyone (me too guys, me too, heard that from lots of NF'ers). I'm trying to spend more time with my family also but life has always been like this, everyone in my family, including me, has a busy life. What I appreciate though is that my parents still obligate everyone to eat dinner togheter because it are the 20 minutes a day we are all 5 togheter and tell each other about how our days were, they try to get everyone togheter also for tea time [around 7PM every day, Monday and Tuesday would have to miss tea to go to eveningclass lmao :/], which I also appreciate (normally I said no to the tea, but family is something that should be appreciated according to me, so I go there and drink the tea to be under my family), I am grateful to be grown up in a lovely family, to live in a house, to have food, to have education, to have the things that are necessary to live and to have (in some way) caring parents (they think I'm doing ok, but I just hold my problems inside because don't want to bother them). I want to thank God (yeah guys I believe in God, in case that you didn't read my username yet), for all of that, thank Him for letting me find this forum and a great AP group. That's the only part I'm going to give to God because I honestly also have personal problems with God (being religious is not so fun sometimes, maybe God will get more credit in my 60 day success story).

    Thank you guys, for reading this, I wish you guys all the best and I hope you guys are going to succeed also, if I, a 15 year old Muslim Moroccan Belgian with lots and lots of personal things going on (you don't want to know), can do this, you guys can also! I believe in every single member of this forum, you can do it! Believe in yourself, don't fight against yourself, succeed in NF, have an awesome life, be awesome. Love you guys (because every single guy or girl in this forum is the end, you guys are the end, don't forget that).

    Sincerely, MuslimNoPorn
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
    goodboy1, Rhys0, Tesslynne and 9 others like this.
  2. MuslimNoPorn

    MuslimNoPorn Fapstronaut

    Next success story: 60 days.

    See you guys then. ;)
    goodboy1, Tesslynne, tkdguy and 4 others like this.
  3. Dominik1987

    Dominik1987 Fapstronaut

  4. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    1. Joins Nofap.
    2. Becomes a Poliglot
    3. ...
    4. Success.
    Tesslynne and PotentLife like this.
  5. MuslimNoPorn

    MuslimNoPorn Fapstronaut

    1. Joins NoFap
    2. Personal problems
    3. AP group
    4. Willpower
    5. Benefits
    5A. Productivity
    5A1. Takes extra classes
    5A2. Started gym recently
    5A3. Spends more time with family
    5B. Thanks God
    6. Wishes success to everyone

    That is a more accurate scheme.
  6. DarkKnightFights

    DarkKnightFights Fapstronaut

    I'll say only one word and one phrase: "effort" and "I can do it".
    Bryaan likes this.
  7. Aiyoshi

    Aiyoshi Fapstronaut

    It's a good scheme.

    Good luck in reaching 60 days ^^
    PotentLife likes this.
  8. PotentLife

    PotentLife Fapstronaut

    My heart seemed to smile with innocent delight when I read your kindhearted success post. I wish you all the best, MuslimNoPorn, in growing into a shining example of a man.
  9. DarkKnightFights

    DarkKnightFights Fapstronaut

    Today is my 85th day of PMO-free. On the 90th day I'll post my complete success story
    goodboy1 and Assad like this.
  10. lyess11

    lyess11 Fapstronaut

  11. Kehkelunga

    Kehkelunga Fapstronaut

  12. Assad

    Assad Fapstronaut

    I am too a muslim.And i am with u in this struggle muslim no porn.
  13. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    Hey man, your writing is awesome, and it can motivate many persons, like me, to fight and try, try and nuver give up. Thanks for share your experience with us and please, keep in this way, go for more, stay hungry.
    Knowledge is the best medicine to all problems in my case - A awesome phrase, hopefully everybody think in that form.
    goodboy1 likes this.