I need someone to vent to and genuinely connect with often

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by IcyPenguin, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. IcyPenguin

    IcyPenguin Fapstronaut

    My name is Matthew, but please call me Matt. For the past 6 months or so, I've been through a spiraling circle of failure, depression, loneliness, anxiety, lack of motivation, lack of energy, ugliness, and worthlessness. I procrastinate, I'm picked on at school, I'm not social and no one bothers to start anything up with me. I've gone from being a straight A student who hands everything on to a C-B student who hands most assignments in late because he can't be bothered to actually do said assignments the day they are given. I'm addicted to pornography which has become pretty gradually more intense as the days, weeks, and months pass. I'm also addicted to video games as I believe video games, television, and music are the biggest escape from the fucked-up world in which I live. I cherish the very few friends I have, but they end up always leaving the following year if I do not have courses with them so can I even consider them friends? I want some online friends in which I can vent to or just talk to about life in general. I'm preferably looking for people around my age (16), but if you feel like you can help by all means please do. DM me any social media service that we can use to contact one another or we can simply do it through DMS.
  2. Hello friend, first If all id like to introduçe myself: im a 14 year old from Brazil,And yeah,It sounds pretty f***Ed up,just kerp a Openbox mind.so anyway, im in a 2 week streak,And i want to talk to somebody here on nofap.
    Let me tell you,i didn't had any friends ,this year Aldo, i AM having School in the morning,the other years i had afternoon,so i Was having a hard time.now,3 months later,im Full of friends And im more self confident. Girls look ar me And i look back,i talk to then And i make then laugh. It isn't perfect yet,but i will not give up so... Sorry i provably made some mistakes writing this,And i wish you good Lucky with your life :)
    Contact me If you want
    fieryelf likes this.
  3. Jae

    Jae Fapstronaut

    Feel free to message me if you need to.
    Frenchie Pukka likes this.
  4. ya-dam

    ya-dam Fapstronaut

    Bro, im here for you, we all are.
    Id like to be your friend as well if thats ok with you.
    Im yadam and im 16
    Hit me up whenever man, i love to talk just about anything.
    Skype niyren or just here, whichever.
    Talk soon :)
  5. Bransdo

    Bransdo Fapstronaut

    Hey Matt!
    I'm a little older than you, 25, but don't let that fool you. I was your age once and I have went through your same story man. I was 5''2, sheltered, no social skills, friends, hobbies and addicted to porn and video games. I was no life of any party thats for sure. I even missed school for a week straight because of mono and upon return my teacher announced it to the class and the class was asking who I was...so yes man you aren't alone.
    Life is what you make it. I hit a few breaking points and learned and matured. At 25, I have the most loyal and dynamic friend group, depression is no longer a thing for me (had it for very long time), overcame my shyness and avoiding people and life is good.

    Point is none of this came until after college for me and its never too late. Society sets these standards for people to live by and we all grow and mature at our own pace.

    You will find your footing and beat every obstacle one step at a time and get to where you want. Your so young and so much can change in just a few years. The fact your on this site, your already doing awesome!

    I'm here if you want to talk!
  6. fapnaut95

    fapnaut95 Fapstronaut

    Hey i'm 22, but I do relate to some of what you said.
    I started to feel the way you feel around your age (17 or 18) , which was the age I got hook-up in pornography and masturbation, till now, which havent ceased (5 years in total of PMO). During these years my life has been awfull because of PMO. And i'm pretty sure yours will be too if you don't get help to fight PMO.
    But help is here, help can be you seeking your family or closest friends and tell them about the PMO.
    What I feel like I'm a version of you matured, more experienced to co-op with our problems of PMO. You have 2 roads in my opinion. One is not stop PMO and you'll continue depressed, but you'll eventually grow and mature on this matter, although you will fail in many things which others who havent PMO will not.
    The second road is where you try to cut PMO as soon as possible and it will be a titanic effort, but you will need to seek help in here, but in your family too, and in your closest friend. You have to attack it in many fronts. Myself I told my brother and I have NoFap, and since then I've been feeling alot better and with more strength to fight PMO. I did a 110 days streak of no PMO recently, and I'm always trying to reach higher and indefinitely (forever).
    At your age I didnt know I had PMO, I just thought I had a problem with feeling bad about masturbation at night. Never associated it with P and then M, and never with a PMO addiction.
  7. IcyPenguin

    IcyPenguin Fapstronaut

    Holy shit. I can't believe it's been 20 days since I've posted. I've hit rock bottom. My grades suck. My family is pissed. I have little friends. I still fucking jerk off the intense porn 3+ times a day, I do little homework and studying, my peers are passing me, I'm not athletic, I'm not fit, I'm ugly, I have nowhere to run anymore. I'm beyond grateful that everyone here is willing to help me out in recovery, but please save your efforts. I think it's safe to say I'm fucked.
  8. Don't think like that. Do you want to do this for the rest of your life where you'll just waste away and watch everyone else be successful?
  9. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    Man i have been there, sitting on the floor not knowing what to do. It seems to me that you've got a jolly old case of depression. Ive been there and let me tell you what you've to do. Something. Every day, make a list of things you NEED(not want) to do and do them. Excercise every. Single. Day. Eat every. Single. Meal. Even if you arent hungry. Stay clean and most all, before you participate in an activity. Ask yourself one question: will this fulfill me or will it give me pleasure? If the answer is pleasure, walk away. When youre looking for pleasure (video games, tv, sleep, porn) youre looking for an escape and that will get you nowhere. To get out of this slump you are going to have to rely on more than just motivation, because that is going to be very rare. You are going to need rock hard self discpline. Good luck man! You can do it!
    IcyPenguin and Deleted Account like this.
  10. IcyPenguin

    IcyPenguin Fapstronaut

    All my life I've been told I lack discipline. I think today I took a step in the right direction. I was behind in some homework, and instead of going to the theme park with my family which I would have loved to do, I stayed home cranking out nearly 10 assignments. I felt like a dick for blowing them off, but I think I made the right move to improve my grades. As far as urges go, I haven't had any yet whoch I guess is notmal considering I haven't left my office.
  11. meanbean70

    meanbean70 Fapstronaut

    cool cool. Just remember what your priorities are. Your going in the right direction
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. I feel like you are where I was at your age, I'm 33 now and I wish someone told me what to do back then.

    #1: Stop porn and masturbation, it's hard but you can do it with a bit of effort.
    #2: Exercise, go to the gym and start working out. It's great for your self esteem once you see yourself changing on the outside. Nobody is fit at first but you gotta start somewhere.
    #3: Quit video games, you'll get a lot more sociable once you start getting out of the house instead of looking at a screen all day. I did and it was a change for the best trust me.
    #4: Start talking to girls. Again, it's great for your self esteem once you start having even just a little bit of success.
    #5: Stop paying attention to that little voice in your head that's telling you you're worthless. I know those thoughts come into your mind automatically but you need to be aware of it when it happens and you need to make them stop. It's hard at first but you'll get used to it. You just say "Oh, negative thoughts! Gotta think about something else"

    Wish I could take care of your bullies for you. I used to get bullied A LOT in high school and I know how it feels. If you're anything like I was you're hanging out with other nerdy kids who like video games and such. Not gonna lie, they might be really nice to you but if you want to better yourself you're gonna have to start hanging out with the people who are what you want to become. You're still in high school, join a club or something where you can meet new people.
    meanbean70 likes this.
  13. Feel free to contact me , i'am willing to chat with anyone who needs an online friend :)